Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 118: The Timeline Is More Lively

Not only did I know, but I also participated in it.

"Well, there is something wrong with that organization, you should know about them too, right?"

"Well, claiming to be the Time Variation Administration, maintaining the timeline."

As the Asgardian of Eye of Agamotto, Ancient One magician naturally knows the existence of this organization.

Although she knew it, she would never touch it.

"You did it?" Ancient One stared at him with deep eyes full of infinite wisdom, and guessed in an instant.

Qin Yun: "I just played an assist, yes, an assist."

Kang was not killed by me, so I can only be regarded as a support.

"Regardless of who did it, the timeline is completely messed up now."

A stream of golden light extended from nowhere and flowed before their eyes.

"This is the original timeline, but the current timeline..." After Ancient One gently waved his hand, this golden stream of light branched out into countless branches: "It has become like this, countless parallel time and space Appeared and evolved into a multi-universe.

"The authority can't stop it anymore, and it will only become more chaotic in the future."

Qin Yun had a slightly helpless expression, and scratched his cheek with his fingers: "Ancient One magician, do you think this is a mistake?"

Shouldn't you be angry?

By the way, has Ancient One ever been angry? No?

"Existence is both reasonable, even if it is wrong, it is also a reasonable existence.

"Everything in the universe has a reason for its existence.

"As a magician, one should understand the truth of the universe, not deny it."

Qin Yun: "Even Dormammu?"

The scene suddenly fell silent, Ancient One watched him silently, then nodded slowly.

"Even it is rational [it has its own reason k..

"Then do you want to destroy it?" A small transparent container was placed on the table, inside which was Elios cruising: "I don't think even Dormammu can fight against a monster that can swallow everything."

"Just put it in the dark dimension, and Dormammu will be eaten."

Ancient One stared at Elrios silently. She felt unprecedented fear from this strange misty creature.

The kind of threat Dormammu brings is completely incomparable.

"what is this?"

After so many years, Ancient One's calm state of mind, like stagnant water, has ripples again.

How could such creatures exist in the universe?

"Everything is reasonable, it is the prop used by the universe to correct mistakes, Elrios, from the void at the end of time."

Indeed, if it is used, Dormammu will surely be solved.

Staring at the fog for a long time, Gu San finally gave up.

Destroy a Dormammu, and there will be another Dormammu.

There will always be greedy beings peering into the mystical energies of the dark dimension, and lust is a never-ending thing.

Next time, Qin Yunduo said, put the container back into the bag, and then introduced the person beside him.

"This is Wugeng Liuli, the apprentice I am leading. This time I am here mainly for her."

"Is it to let her see the mysteries of the universe?"

"Haha~ Master still understands."

You don't even need to say it yourself, you will understand.

This kind of trivial matter is very simple for Ancient One.

She reached out and patted Wu Geng Liuli on the shoulder, and Liuli's tense body immediately softened.

Qin Yun stretched out her left hand and took over before her head hit the table.

A few seconds later, Wugeng Liuli shuddered and sat up straight.

Looking around in panic, he found that he had already returned to the hall, so he was relieved.

Ancient One: "She is still relatively immature psychologically, and cannot accept more."

"It's also expected. In fact, I want to ask for a magic weapon stick for her."

There are a wide variety of magician weapons here, not just wands.

The most commonly used one is a magic weapon similar to a stick, which is more suitable for apprentices.

Because apprentices can't build weapons well, it is more convenient to use real objects for combat training.

"You just go to the Warehouse and pick it up."

Later, Ancient One magician was surprised to hear that she could create sparks in just a few days.

After testing, draw conclusions.

"." This child has an excellent ability in spells. If he is taught well, he will surely achieve extraordinary things in the future.

This result is not unexpected, Qin Yun has long been mentally prepared.

After he bid farewell with Wugeng Liuli, Ancient One magician looked at the emerging golden stream of light again in a daze.

Time no longer flows in a single direction.

The immutable time has finally become full of infinite possibilities.

However, the timeline is also more lively.


Qin Yun also successfully obtained the magic wand and Sling Ring from the warehouse.

It would be troublesome to go back again, so I might as well take it together.

When he returned to the square outside the shop, Wugeng Liuli was still distracted, not recovering from the universe he had just seen.

(Li Hao) "You take this first, and use it later for training."

Wu Geng Liuli took the stick subconsciously, with a confused look on her face: "Manager, what is the universe?"

"The universe is the universe, and the so-called mystery is the law of the universe."

"You still can't understand it now. This time, you actually want to elevate your worldview and see a wider world."

Qin Yun stretched out his hand to touch her little head, and said with a smile: "Actually, magicians are a group of scholars who study the universe, isn't it better to say that?

"So now grab your stick and train hard to pay off your debts."

"The first step is to be beaten, get ready, I'm going strong."

Wugeng Liuli held up the stick, feeling bitter in her heart: I want to be a decent magician...."

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