Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 119: Seriously Injured Hill

"Different weapons have different usages, but there are only three main points of most weapons, that is, fast, precise and ruthless.

The scabbard hit Wugeng Liuli's shoulder, causing her to tilt, subconsciously wanting to shrink back.

"Don't retreat because of pain, that's an act of courting death, you have to learn to fight back."

Wugeng Liuli's eyes flickered, her expression was a little strange, she seemed very uncomfortable: "Manager, can you change the place?"

"You pay too much attention to your surroundings. Concentrate."

There were many people watching around, which was why Wugeng Liuli was nervous.

The place where the two used to train was a park.

"The most taboo is to be distracted during the battle, because it will kill you." Just as she shifted her attention away, the scabbard tapped her throat again.

"You have to know that the T virus can not only develop the body, but also the brain." Qin Yun withdrew his hand and removed the scabbard from his throat.

He could see the other party's nervousness and distraction, resulting in a far slower reaction speed than usual.

"Your state is much lower than usual. Leave them alone and focus on what's in front of you."

"I chose here specially to help you overcome your psychological barriers."

It has been more than a week since the T-virus injection.

Wugeng Liuli's physique improved rapidly, but problems also came up.

Her personality is her weakness, that is, she tends to be nervous during battles, but she can't perform to her normal level.

It's just that there are a few acquaintances who are fine, but if there are strangers watching, she will be even more nervous.

Hearing this, Wu Geng Liuli had no choice but to forcibly concentrate and focus on the front. Observe Qin Yun's movements.

She can predict the next attack when she sees body movements.

This is a skill acquired after being beaten for more than a week, although it is not very proficient.

The training is not over until near noon.

In the afternoon, it was time for spell training, so Qin Yun didn't get involved.


"Well~ I feel like that's it for today, the door will be closed in half an hour.

After explaining, Qin Yun went back to the room.

It is a daily course to meditate again before going to bed every day.


"The store manager! Something happened to Miss Hill!"

Qin Yun, who was meditating, opened his eyes, got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.

I saw Hill was lying on the ground of the square, with several blood holes in his abdomen, and he looked seriously injured.

"Being beaten so badly."

"Store manager, wait a while longer, she should die." Bentiao Erya reminded at the side, with this amount of bleeding, a normal person should go into shock.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Qin Yun immediately used the four bullets to turn her back in time and recover from her injuries.

After recovering from the injury, Hill regained consciousness.

"Didn't you distribute the potion? Just drink a bottle for such a serious injury."

Hill shook his head hastily, and explained: "No, my bag was thrown out, and I couldn't get the potion, Ma Yin! The enemy is chasing Ma Yin!"

Halfway through the conversation, Hill remembered that his task had not been completed.

She originally wanted to cover the evacuation of her teammates, but she failed to hold back the enemy, and she was in danger instead.

"Then let's go together, just in time for some pre-dinner dessert for Beibei."

The world of beheading sisters.

"Call! Run away?"

Seeing that the enemy bitten by Xiao Bi disappeared without a trace, Seliu smacked (bfea) his lips unwillingly.

She is a member of the Imperial Guard, and Bi is her Teigu.

Its name is "hundred-armed titan", which is a monster variation. It looks like an ordinary puppy in normal state, but it will become huge when it fights.

It is enough to bite half of an adult's body in one bite, with huge strength and extremely strong regenerative ability.

Because it is a biological Teigu, strictly speaking, it is not a living thing, and it can only be defeated by smashing the core.

Oka, the captain of the guard, was her master, but he was assassinated by a night-raid assassin some time ago.

So she searched everywhere for the whereabouts of the night attack, and finally found it today.

It's a pity that one escaped, and the other had been bitten by Xiao Bi and was seriously injured, but suddenly disappeared.

Because Teigu's effects are very peculiar, although Seliu is not reconciled, he is not very surprised.

If this one escapes, go after the one in front.

Xiaobi has a keen sense of smell and can track it.

"Xiaobi, let's go and chase the one who ran away just now."

She won't give up, she hasn't run for long just now, she should still have time to catch up.

Just a moment after she left, two people suddenly appeared on the scene.

"It looks like he's gone."

There were bloodstains on the ground at the scene, and it spread in one direction.

Qin Yun looked at it, pointed to the direction where the blood was spreading and asked, "Did Ma Yin run this way?"

"Yeah!" Hill nodded hastily. When blocking the enemy, she did see Ma Yin running this way.

The blood on the ground must not be dripping from Hill, so it could only be the dog that bit her.

"Then hurry up and catch up. If it's too late, we'll have to collect the corpse."


In the sky not far away, a red Firework exploded.

"It's the guard's flare."

As a night assassin, Hill immediately recognized the role of this Firework.

Because the Guard is the biggest resistance to their mission, they know this well.

It would be bad if they were surrounded.

Tegushi is only stronger than ordinary people, but in the end he is still human, and he will die if he is seriously injured.

The members of the guard team who were patrolling around also all moved closer to the signal position. .

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