Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 159 Labor And Management Are Not Civet Cats!

The purple-black sphere looks ordinary, but it contains terrifying chakra inside.

Even the weakest one tail, the chakra content in the body is particularly terrifying.

Or how to say it is a ninja nuclear bomb.

Seeing this purple-black sphere, the faces of a small number of ninjas changed.

They can perceive the massive amount of chakra contained in this sphere.

If this thing exploded, more than half of the ninjas on the scene would be killed or injured.

"Master! This is the ninjutsu Flying Thor's Jutsu! We need to deal with that purple-black sphere!"

In this critical situation, none of the ninjas on the scene could handle Tailed Beast Jade.

Kakashi appeared in front of Qin Yun without any hesitation, and he had already noticed it when the other party first arrived.

As a ninja, listening to the six directions and seeing all directions is the foundation.

Pay attention to the surrounding situation at any time, even in battle, you can't relax your vigilance.

The scroll of Flying Thor is not only carried by him, but also by several ninjas and three generations.

Just in case, if there is an emergency, it is better to find foreign aid.

The only foreign aid is the mysterious Qin Yun, but only in crisis situations.

After all, it is an S-level ninjutsu. Even if the learning conditions are harsh, it is better not to give it out.

"make a deal!"

Without further ado, Qin Yun immediately summoned Emperor Keke, and his left eye 407 turned into a golden clock.

"Second Bomb!"

The time value is injected into the short gun, and the muzzle is aimed at the mouth of a crane.


The bullet was fired at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and then he pointed the muzzle at himself and blessed himself with one bullet.

Although the release of the Tailed Beast Jade is fast, it takes time to condense the chakra.

Although it was only a few seconds, it was enough.

And this time, the way of releasing the crane is to shrink the tailed beast jade and swallow it into the mouth, and release it in the form of Shockwave, which adds another two seconds to the release time.

The moment it opened its mouth to release the Shockwave, the bullet entered its body.

Time seemed to be stopped, and the terrifying energy star fluctuations in his mouth were also frozen.

Izuzuru slowly opened his mouth at an extremely slow speed, and if he didn't pay attention, he really thought he was fixed.

The ninjas at the scene stopped to watch the slow-motion release.

It's not clear what the situation is, but it's a good time to attack.

On Sharen's side, he feels that something is wrong, Ichio Shukaku, why don't you play this game!

Just as he wanted to check what was going on, he saw someone appearing in front of Shuhe.

This scene is incredible, even among ninjas, very few can fly.

Moreover, it cannot float out of thin air, and must use a medium or vehicle to achieve the purpose of Flight.

But this person really flew up out of thin air!

'Body, I can't move!

Ichio Shukaku's body is affected by time, but his thinking is not affected very much.

"If you don't understand time, you won't know how terrible time is. It's something that no means can get rid of.

The entrance to the mirror space opened behind Qin Yun.

This time the opening was larger than usual.

The other ninjas didn't know whether they should go up to help.

Many people on Konoha's side have already recognized that this guy floating in front of Shukaku is the mysterious person who caused the commotion in the village back then.

For his identity, only a handful of ninjas know.

Most of them don't know the origin of the other party, they only know that the third Hokage gave the other party the right to move freely in the village.

So, speaking of it, it should be regarded as our own...probably?

The effect of the second bomb will not last for too long, when the effect disappears, a terrifying tailed beast cannon that seems to shatter the space is shot from the mouth of the guard crane.

The strong recoil made its limbs sink into the mud. The aftermath even uprooted nearby trees.

Facing the Tailed Beast Cannon that was coming straight towards him, Qin Yun laughed and disappeared instantly.

The tailed beast cannons capable of destroying a mountain hit the surface of the irregular rhombus, and all of them fell into it until they were completely swallowed.

After the release, Ichio Shukaku's entire head was full of question marks.

What about labor and capital with such a big tail beast (bffh) cannon!? It’s gone!

Not far away, Qin Yun was smiling and said to Kakashi: "The transaction is completed, and the Tailed Beast Jade is settled for you. I look forward to the next cooperation."

It's actually very simple to just get the Tailed Beast Jade.

If it can't explode here, then send it elsewhere.

You can destroy the mirror world as you like, but it won't affect reality anyway.

Kakashi, who witnessed the whole process, suddenly felt that he was at a loss.

If he had known earlier, he should have asked to get rid of the tailed beast as well.

"Impossible! How could my Tailed Beast Jade be blocked!"

Ichio Morokuru, who originally wanted to have a good time, was hit hard by this situation.

Tailed Beast Jade is the strongest offensive ninjutsu of Tailed Beasts, it was easily blocked without causing any waves.

How can this be accepted!

Even if it is the weakest among tailed beasts, it is still a tailed beast!

Emotions became agitated, and it became more violent.

Based on the Konoha ninjas present, I am afraid there is no way to stop the rampant Ichio Shukaku.

There were sand ninjas interfering around, and the third Hokage was also stopped by Orochimaru.

'This is really troublesome. "

"Shop manager, I use Lei Qie to make a deal, please deal with Ichio Shukaku.

Now, the best way is to ask Qin Yun to help again, and Kakashi also came up with his own trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

Solving a tailed beast jade and solving a tailed beast are two different things, the difficulty is not at the same level at all.

"Not enough." Qin Yun is not the kind of person who takes advantage of the fire, but after weighing the difficulty and the reward, he feels that it is not enough: "Leiqie plus the complete eight-door Dunjia.

"it is good!"

Kakashi didn't think about agreeing immediately. The situation is critical now. Every time wasted, there will be casualties of his companions.

In fact, even if Lei Qie added Bamen Dunjia, it would still be a bit of a loss.

But it’s fine if you feel satisfied. By the way, take a Shukaku to test.

Izuzuru was frantically attacking the surrounding ninjas, when suddenly a loud shout came from behind.

"Yellow fat tanuki over there! Your shoelaces are loose!"

One tailed crane turned around angrily and roared: "Laozi is not a civet cat!"

After seeing the speaker clearly, it became even more angry.

He was the one who blocked the Tailed Beast Jade just now, causing him to lose face.

With a strange smile on his face, Qin Yun hooked his fingers at it: "Come on, fat civet cat, hit me if you can."

After finishing speaking, he disappeared into the mirror space behind him.

And the provocative Ichio Shokaku was even more furious, Rage shouted: "I told you it's not a civet cat!"

Under Rage, it doesn't even want to rush into mirror space right after it.

At the same time, a figure also entered behind Shuhe. .

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