Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 160 Don't Mess With Your Script Book

After entering the mirror world, Ichio Shukaku did not act rashly.

It is very angry now, but after coming in, it became careful.

The impulse just now was just a moment to vent his emotions, after all, he has been imprisoned for too long.

At the moment, if I turn around and leave, I will lose face.

The majestic tailed beast is actually afraid of a person, if this is passed-out, it will be messed up.

When I meet other tailed beasts in the future, I will definitely be laughed at.

In addition, there seems to be nothing strange here, it is a normal environment, and those ninjas are also there.

On the top of a certain tree, stood the guy who made me hate it.

After confirming that there is no danger around, Shukaku One Tail rushed over at a speed that didn't fit his obese body.


Qin Yun raised his right hand and fiddled with the air, with that weird smile still on his face.

After running for a while, Shuhe found that he hadn't shortened the distance with the opponent at all.

He lowered his head in doubt, only to find that the soil on the ground seemed to be flowing in a river, sliding backwards as he ran.

As for the control of the mirror world, the current Qin Yun is already very proficient.

Seemingly aware of something abnormal, Shukaku raised his paw and patted the nearest ninja.

However, when it raised its paw again, it found that the ninja Fufa was standing there without injury.

"what is this?"

Confused, he stretched out his claws to touch the ninja, but found that it directly penetrated the other's body.

It is like a phantom, which can only be seen but not touched.

If there is no problem, its head can also be donated.


The first thing Shouhe thought of was illusion, only illusion can achieve this effect.

Immediately afterwards, it was rejected again, because apart from people, everything else is real.

"What did you do?" It didn't know the situation, so it could only ask the perpetrator.

But Qin Yun just smiled, jumped off the tree, and disappeared into the forest.

"Don't run!" Yiwei Shouhe was about to catch up in a hurry, and it always gave him a sense of foreboding.


After walking a few steps, the ground under its feet suddenly split open, and its heavy body fell into the crack of the ground without any precautions.


After falling for more than ten seconds, a guardian crane landed heavily in a forest.

It stood up and looked around, and not far away was Muye Village.


This blinded it, and I fell into the ground, back into the forest?

Is it space-time ninjutsu?

But as the eyes shifted to other places, they saw even more incredible pictures.

Countless lands float in all directions, with forests and leaf villages all over the front.

"Illusion! It must be illusion!"

It's not like tailed beasts can't get illusions, so the idea eventually came back.

Shouhe held his head, thinking about how to break the illusion.

But I didn't notice that there was a person hanging upside down on the bottom of the floating continent just above his head.

"The Great Flood of Noah." "Qin Yun recited the incantation, activated two kinds of magic at the same time, and raised his hands above his head: Blizzard."

Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and a cold wind blew.

When Shouhe noticed the situation, a turbulent water column fell from the sky and hit his body.

"come out!!"

After being attacked, it became emotionally unstable, and released Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough towards the top.

But there was no one there, and after launching the attack, Qin Yun left.

Knowing that you will definitely be attacked if you expose your position, how can you stand still and be beaten.

Staring at the smoky rock formation above his head, Shuhe wondered if he had hit anyone.

"The Emerald Boulder.

Just when it focused all its attention there, a gemstone pillar about 20 meters cut through the air, pierced Shuhe's body and nailed it to the ground.


After being attacked, Shouhe immediately planned to pull out the gemstone pillar.

Qin Yun was suspended in the air, with the outstretched right palm unfolding a magic circle with a diameter of four meters: ""Emerald boulder bursts". "


Continuous gem pillars shot out from the magic circle, piercing Shuzuru's body and limbs with tearing air sounds.

"Ow!!! These are useless to me!"

These attacks can't bring much damage, and for other tailed beasts, it may be really limited.

But for Shuhe, it is very easy to break free, don't forget that it can turn into sand.

But if it can think of it, Qin Yun can naturally think of it too.

The previous water magic and blizzard were just a foreshadowing, and the "emerald boulder" was a restrictive means.

Next, the regiment is the killer move.

"「Ice Crystal Rainstorm」!"

A huge magic circle with a diameter of hundreds of meters formed above Qin Yun's head, and countless ice cones fell like rain.

Shouhe below seemed to feel the crisis, and struggled harder to break free.

But because the body was wet before, and the low temperature of the blizzard made the water show signs of freezing, which made it more cumbersome to control itself, and it couldn't be deserted immediately.

...asking for flowers...

The icicle rain fell on the sand, and the place where it landed was immediately frozen.

Although he also resisted with the Tailed Beast Jade, Qin Yun immediately made up for it.

Not long after, Shouhe's body turned into a lump of ice, and the condensed tailed beast jade also rushed into the sky and hit a piece of floating land.

The head was not frozen because it was deliberately avoided.


Shouhe's all-out struggle was almost useless, the thick layer of ice remained motionless.

"Don't waste your time, in order to trap you, I deliberately stacked it three times. With this thickness, even if Nine-Tails comes, it will not be able to break free for a while.

Qin Yun landed on its nose, smiled and looked straight into Shuhe's eyes.


"Fat civet cat, now you have two choices, either go back obediently, or I will make you disappear from the world.

"Tail beasts don't die!"

Shouhe scoffed at the threat.

"Really?" Qin Yun reached into his shoulder bag, took out a container from it, and put it on Shouhe's nose: "It will definitely be very interested in you."

A pair of red eyes stared at Shouhe, and his dark cloud-like body surged.

Just the moment they looked at each other, Shuhe felt deep fear.

Compared with facing Nine Tails, there is even heavier fear.

Elios noticed the creature in front of him and instinctively wanted to devour him, but was blocked by the container wall.

So just stick to it and stare at your prey.

"It will eat all matter and energy, and Chakra is no exception." With one hand on the container, Qin Yun squatted and said: "In its eyes, you are a big meal, a delicious meal."

Shuhe didn't answer anymore, and after a few seconds, his body began to shrink, and he returned to Gaara's body handle.

It doesn't believe the words of this human being, but it firmly believes in intuition.

Facing the strange creatures in front of him, he would really die.

It is an excellent tailed beast that can bend and stretch, and it can't be coaxed before definitely leaving.

“I will definitely be back!”

Qin Yun picked up the container, jumped back and suspended in the air, and said with a smile: "You take the script book indiscriminately, and be careful not to be troubled by Big Big Wolf.

Soon, Gaara was left in a coma on the ice.

"Have you seen enough?"

For Gaara who fell on the ground, Qin Yun didn't take care of it immediately, but looked somewhere.

From just now, I felt that someone was peeping at Hachi. .

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