"It was just an accident!"

Tokisaki Kurumi hid his feet angrily, with an annoyed expression on his face.

This swept away the negative emotions in Qin Yun's heart. He walked over and squatted down, gloating on his face: "Hahahaha! You have today too! Retribution!"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was originally full of charm, has now turned into a cute little loli.

He couldn't help pinching that slightly fleshy little face twice, but he was almost bitten by an angry Kuang San.

After molesting for a while, the group calmed down.

Everyone sat on the sofa, curiously watching Tokisaki Kurumi who had turned into a child.

As she told the story, the others understood.

It turned out that he was hit by Angel's Ability, which turned him into a child.


Hearing this voice, Kuang's face turned black: "You're still laughing!"

"Ahem! You heard me wrong, I have been trained strictly, no matter how funny it is, I will not laugh." Qin Yun coughed twice, spoke with a serious face, and finally added a sentence.

"And I'm definitely not laughing at you."



The two looked at each other deeply for a long time, Qin Yun slowly pursed his lips, his cheeks twitched slightly, and finally he couldn't help it, and turned his head to the side.


Kuang San suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and rushed over: "I will fight with you!"

"Hahahaha! Unless you can't help it!"

Tohka and Origami quickly pulled Kurumi away, and it took a while to persuade him to come down.

Origami's mind became active, and she asked a question to divert her attention: How do I get rid of this? Is there a time limit?"

"I don't know, that guy didn't say anything."

Thinking of what happened before, Kurumi was also very depressed.

She actually had a day of being cheated by someone, and when she realized it, she wanted to use four bullets to recover, but it was already too late.

In the name of playing games with him, that guy tricked himself into being infantilized.

In the end, he sneaked away.

If you don't find that guy, will this state continue forever?

Thinking of this, Kuang San's entire face turned green, regretting why he didn't just beat him up before forcibly abducting him back.

Qin Yun suppressed his smile and asked her: "Then you should go to her? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"It's not that Erya sent me a message saying that you were being stalked by Mio, so I hurried back.

If it weren't for that message, this wouldn't be tracking the other party.

"By the way, how is she? Are you okay?"

"It should be fine. I'll use magic to treat her." Meijiu's physical condition has already been checked, and there is no abnormality except lethargy.

To be on the safe side, Qin Yun put his hands on her head and released the "wood" magic for healing.

The emerald green light sprinkled and merged into the body.

After a while, Miku's eyelids moved slightly, and then slowly opened.

"Huh? The store manager? Where is this?" She just woke up, her head was still a little confused, and she sat up on the sofa.

Qin Yun withdrew his hand and replied: "In the store, you were fainted by Mio."


Mijiu patted her head, but still couldn't think of anything, so she gave up.

Looking around, I found that everyone was there, and there was an extra child.

"Huh? Who is this?"

"That's Kuang San's daughter, Mad Dog."

Hearing this, Kuang San grinned and showed his canine teeth, turned his head and bit down hard.


"I think I need to go to the hospital for a rabies vaccine."

"Shop manager, please stop making trouble, let's think about how to help Kuang Sanjiang recover." Seeing that Kuang Sanjiang was about to lose his temper again, Shixiang had no choice but to remind her.

Qin Yun touched his chin and narrowed his eyes: "Actually, recovery is not difficult, just find that naughty guy.

"It's easy to pinpoint her location with "Spoilers". "

Upon hearing this, Kuang San immediately jumped off the sofa, pulling him to leave: "Then hurry up, I don't want to maintain this state at all.

This is not pretending, she is really anxious.

The originally charming figure turned into a stir-fried bean sprouts, which no woman could stand.

………seeking flowers… 0

But with her current strength, how can she pull an adult.

Qin Yun sat on the sofa without moving, extremely calm, and took out his mobile phone.

"Erya, Meijiu, I think this beautiful moment should be recorded."

Kuang San sensed that something was wrong, stopped, tugged and let go of his hands and was about to run, but was hugged by the smirking Er Ya.

"let me go!"

"Hee hee! Manager, I caught her."

Meijiu took it immediately, pressed Kuangsan's face in the middle of her chest, and rubbed her face against her head with ten faces in enjoyment: "Kangzhuchan was so cute when I was young!

After more than 20 photos were taken, Kuang San was out of control.

Just when she was about to get mad, Qin Yun suddenly said: "Why don't you use the transformation technique?"


It was as if a thunderbolt exploded in his mind, turning him into petrification in an instant.

Yes, why don't I use the transformation technique?

When she came back to her senses, she was so out of breath that she almost vomited blood. The blow was so great that she forgot it for a while.

He has the ability to transform himself!

So he immediately used the transformation technique to restore his original appearance.

"I must take revenge! Hurry up!"

"It's fine if you take Erya there, I want to rest."

After returning to the counter, Erya didn't even look back, and just said: "No time! I have to finish all the dungeons before twelve o'clock! You just work harder, and I will send you the fourth series later. Warm the bed.

The four lines are: "Ah?!"

Shixiang got up and walked over silently, holding Chen Shagong in his hand.

After Qin Yun was pulled out of the shop, he could still hear panic shouts and a loud "bang dang" from inside.

A busy street.

Two people suddenly appeared in a secluded corner.

"Let's do it, when I find that guy, I will rub her on the ground hard!" Kuang San's eyes were full of anger, and his fists were clenched.

In a dim sum shop, the green-haired woman who was wandering around suddenly felt an inexplicable chill. .

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