Huge amounts of black books were spread out, and two people stood in front of them, reading the words that emerged on it.

"嗫话章帕" will display all the relevant information.

Clearly label where the target is and what it does.

"Ha ha~"

With a sneer on Kuangsan's face, this time he will directly start chasing you to see where you are going.

"Let's go.

"Hello Pianzhi" is not small in size, but this place is full of neon lights, full of two-dimensional culture everywhere.

Outlandish clothes are trivial matters, and it is not too unusual to bring a larger book.

Passers-by looked at it curiously, but they didn't care.

According to the instructions of "嗫话章帙", I went around east and west, and came to a dim sum shop.

"That's the guy."

"Then I'll go and lure her out from Five Three Seven.

The two guys looked out the window for a while, and locked on a woman with long green hair.

The other party was unaware and was still tasting the cake.

Putting back the "Whispering Pianzhi", Qin Yun opened the store door and walked in, coming to the side of the green-haired woman.


He clenched his right fist and tapped on the table to attract the other party's attention: "Beauty, your child is looking for you, right there. w

The green-haired woman looked in the direction of her finger, and saw Tokisaki Kurumi standing at the door through the glass door.

He immediately recognized that this was the guy who had been turned into a child by himself before.

"Okay, I know."

The other party was able to find him unexpectedly, Qi Zui thought about it, and decided to play with her again.

So he ate the cake quickly and walked towards the door.

Seeing her coming out, Tokisaki Kurumi changed back to the appearance of a child and said with a black face: "Transform me back immediately, or I will beat you!"

"Okay, let's find a place where no one is around."

After Qizui finished speaking, he walked towards the nearby alley, and Kuangsan followed behind.

She knew that the situation would definitely not go well, but going to a secluded place was just in her favor.

No one is good at it.

So obediently followed, and came to the dark alley behind the building.

"I didn't expect you to find me." Feeling that this place is okay, Seven Sin turned around with a weird smile on his face: "But even if you find me, I won't let you go, hehe

Originally thought that the other party would be angry, but Kuang San's face was calm, and there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

As if guessing that this might happen.

Perfect didn't look angry.

"I knew you would, but it's okay."

When Seven Sins was puzzled by this, a hand was placed on her shoulder suddenly, making her turn her head subconsciously.

Qin Yun greeted him with a smile: "Hi, now you are officially informed that you have been arrested."

How come! When did he come here!

Some people approached him, but he didn't notice anything.

It made Seven Sins feel unbelievable that her keen hearing didn't hear any sound, just as silent as Ghost.

But I won't just get caught like this!

Suppressing her surprise, she slammed the opponent's hand on her shoulder, turned around and flew away.

‘Hahaha! Can’t catch up with me!”

During the period when she quietly appeared in the world, she disguised herself as a human being and wandered in the society, learning a lot.

First of all, you must not reveal your identity as an elf, otherwise you will be attacked by some special human forces.

This is a very bad thing for myself.

So it's better not to fight if you can not fight, so as not to attract attention.

When she met Kuang San before, she already knew that the other party was also an elf.

The battle between the elves is not a fight. If there is a real fight, the movement will be relatively loud.

In the case of the above reasons, she avoided it as much as she could, and tried not to do anything.

"What's the situation with that human being? Could it be a legendary ninja? Or an assassin?" Being able to approach him quietly means that he is not an ordinary person.

In a blink of an eye, she laughed triumphantly again. Anyway, she has already run away now, and it doesn't matter what the other party's identity is.

I looked back at the ground [and found that the two guys were still standing in place and did not catch up.

"It's so easy~"

The two people on the ground saw the target flying higher and higher, but they were very calm.

"Catch up now?"

"No, wait a minute, even if she returns to the neighborhood, she won't be able to jump out of the palm.

At this time, he moved a few steps to the side, and a few seconds later, a metal soda can fell from the sky and hit the original position.

The unfinished beer poured out and wet the ground.

Kuang San looked down at the can, and the corner of his mouth raised: "You are still so unlucky."

"You're not much better, kid Kuang San, do you need a big brother to hug you?" Qin Yun replied without giving in, making Kuang San's teeth itch.

But now is not the time to fight each other. With the help of the ability of "Speaking of the Book", you can grasp the movements of the seven dragons.

When the other party stopped, Qin Yun took Kuang San's hand and disappeared in place in an instant.


"It should be okay here, right?"

After escaping, Seven Sins found a park and sat on a bench to rest.

By the way, why don't they chase? Don't they want to change back?

It seemed a bit strange, but she couldn't figure it out, so she just didn't think about it.

As long as you don't get caught up.

"Don't move! Otherwise, I'll shoot." Suddenly, something pressed against his head, making Seven Sins, who had relaxed the 5.0 pull-down, tighten his body instantly.

how is this possible!

It is also true to see people who walk around from the chair to the front.

"You can't run away, no one can escape the pursuit of "Rumble", even if you go back to the neighborhood, you can still be found.

Qin Yun tapped the black books floating beside him, and explained to her with a smile.

"I won't just..."


Before she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes and fell forward, being supported by Qin Yun.

Kuang San, who hit someone, suddenly felt too relieved.

Karma! Let you lie to me!

At the same time, the originally mature appearance quickly turned into a petite loli. Because she was unconscious and did not control her spiritual power, she changed back to her original appearance. .

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