"Stop whoever comes! There is a mountain of monsters ahead! No one is allowed to enter!"

A white-haired girl wearing a white top and black skirt and holding a sword and shield stopped the entrance of the Monster Mountain.

From the language and demeanor, it can be seen that she is a serious guy, even if she is facing the notorious Hakurei Miko, her legs are only trembling slightly.

Even if you know you can't fight, you don't lose the battle, and you can't be weak in momentum.

"Step aside!"

Reimu charged straight ahead without slowing down, which made Inuzohana even more flustered, and raised her shield to block it.


The wooden imperial coin hit the metal shield, making a golden sound.

In the next second, Inuzouhua and his shield were sent flying and hit a tree.

Regarding Hakurei Miko's act of intruding into the Youkai Mountain, I can only watch helplessly.

With the opponent's strength, he couldn't resist it at all.

It is estimated that the guards behind are useless, but why did Hakurei Miko come suddenly? Could it be because of the new shrine?

That shrine appeared on the mountainside three days ago.

Originally, this kind of unknown outsider was going to be expelled, but Ootengu-sama ordered that they should not be taken care of.

This undoubtedly shows the particularity of the other party.

But suddenly an outsider entered the monster mountain, and the original residents of 19 were not used to it.

After all, since coming to Gensokyo, very few new residents have moved into Yokai Mountain.

And it's still a god. In a sense, gods and monsters are opposing camps.

One side protects, one side hurts.

"Sure enough, I lost, so it's time for me to appear."

A word passed into Gou Zuohua's ears, and when she looked for the reputation, she only saw a few red maple leaves falling.

"It's her, alas, I can't stop it." She didn't need to see the person, but Quan Zuohua knew who just spoke.

She is not good at dealing with this guy, and the relationship can't be said to be good or bad, it's a bit stiff.

Patting the dust off her skirt, Inushihana picked up the dropped sword and prepared to continue patrolling.

At this time, another figure flew by in the sky, attracting her attention.

"It's this guy again, tsk! Let's forget about it for today, I guess it's the trouble of finding that shrine." Seeing Marisa flying by on a broomstick, Inuzashika frowned, and still treated it as if she hadn't seen it.

It wasn't once or twice that the other party broke in. Even if they acted covertly, they still couldn't escape her nose and eyes.

Although the white wolf tengu does not have the speed of the crow tengu, his eyesight and sense of smell are excellent.

When she broke in before, she pretended she didn't know many times, mainly because this guy seemed to have a good relationship with Sheming Maruwen.

And the relationship between her and Wenwen was like that, so she just turned a blind eye.

Otherwise, no matter how well it is hidden, it will be found and driven out of the mountain of monsters.

"Where did Reimu go?" In the air, Marisa looked around, but couldn't find Reimu.

Monster Mountain is not a hill, it's a big place.

If you lose it, it is difficult to find it again.

Moreover, there are tengu patrolling the mountain, and if they are found running around, they will be expelled.

She can only search carefully to avoid being kicked out.

Then, a strange guy with a big backpack was found.

"That guy, isn't he a tengu?" Marisa decided to ask for directions after noticing that the other party didn't have the characteristics of a crow tengu and a white wolf tengu.



There are a lot of melon seed shells scattered on the stairs.

Calculating the time, it should be about the same time, Qin Yun put the melon seed bag back into the shoulder bag.

After he and Patchouli's experiments, this shoulder bag is already a space magic prop.

Although the interior space only expands to the size of a conventional suitcase.

This is just the first generation of trial works, and there will be a second and third generation in the future.

But for now, it is convenient for him to carry more things.

Using fire magic to incinerate the scattered melon seed husks into ashes, he launched the flying Thor technique and teleported to the location of the technique.

As soon as he reached the target, a person crashed into his arms.


Marisa looked at Qin Yun who suddenly appeared in astonishment, and before she could speak, there was a sudden violent shock.

"What's going on!?" In the shock [Qin Wei was almost stunned.

I just feel bumped and bumped, but I can't see exactly what it hit.


Amidst the chaotic screams, the ground drilling machine ran out of control and rushed forward frantically.


"Aren't those two guys here?"

Reimu, who arrived at the destination first, found that her teammates were all missing.

You are really good, this is going to be a group, but none of them came.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." In a blink of an eye, she put the problem behind her, and it was easier to fight alone.

In the front, above the Moriya Shrine, a god wearing a red costume, with a shimenawa rope on his back, and a huge pillar floating beside him stays in the air.

"My name is Yasaka Kanako, and I am the god of Moriya Shrine." As she announced her name, the battle also began.

In the gap, Yakumo Zi's master and servant were secretly watching the battle.

"Master Zi, is this a little risky? Moriya Shrine's hole card" Yakumo Lan was a little worried, after all, Moriya Shrine is not as simple as it seems.

Yakumo Zi chuckled, and said slowly: "It's okay, Reimu can solve it, even if that guy makes a move, it won't change the result."

"The loss of faith will weaken the gods. In the modern environment, how much strength can they have left? 650"

"Since you want to test it, let them see the background of Gensokyo."

This battle is not just as simple as Moriya Shrine wanting to make a name for itself.

Their real purpose is to test Gensokyo's highest combat power.

The two sides have their own calculations, depending on the outcome of this battle.


Not long after the battle started, there was a sudden loud noise, and many trees fell in the forest not far away.

"what happened?"

The attention of the three people on the scene was attracted, and they saw a metal machine with an auger head rampaging in the forest.

It finally stopped when it hit a big tree and turned over.


The cover of the ground drilling machine was opened, and three people came out one after another, staggering and falling to the ground.

"I...I will never use...you as a coordinate again."

Qin Yun felt dizzy and nauseous for a while, fell to the ground and couldn't get up,

How could I put the spell on Marisa? I knew it would be safer to put it on Reimu!

Before recovering, an explosion appeared along with the violent light.


Qin Yun, Marisa, can't do it again.


Why don't you just play me here? The group stopped before the fight?!.

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