This level of explosion is quite threatening to ordinary people.

Fortunately, the three guys within the explosion range are not ordinary.

Hecheng Hequ fell to the ground and raised his thumb tremblingly: "He...Kappa Heavy Industry, the order our...products.

great hammer!

Qin Yun, who was blown away by the explosion, was lying on a fallen tree trunk, unable to complain.

Did you make this thing to facilitate work, or to facilitate suicide?

The bones of the body were almost broken apart by the shock.

However, thanks to the explosion, his head became clearer.

Looking up to the front, through the gap between the trees, you can see three people flying in the air.

Reimu, Sanae, and a woman in a red dress.

'Kanako Yasaka? I'm finally here!

This is to be lazy, but it can torture yourself enough.

It's better to fly over honestly!

"Reimu! I'll help you!"

With a loud cry, Marisa, who recovered from the dizzy state, rushed over on a broom.

Because of eating magic mushrooms all the year round, this kind of dizziness is also often encountered.

There is a certain degree of resistance to this, and the recovery is faster.

Qin Yun lay on the tree trunk, and waited for Marisa to fly over before teleporting there with the Flying Thor technique.

"Wow! Be careful!"

Marisa almost lost control of the sudden weight of many people on the broom, but fortunately, he reacted quickly.

"Sorry, I ran into some trouble on the way and didn't catch up in time." Qin Yun sat sideways on the broom, resting his forehead with one hand, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

Lingmeng didn't care much, and waved his hand: "It's okay, actually I don't care."

One person is enough to beat the opponent.

"A helper? It doesn't matter."

Kanako didn't care when she saw that the other party had two more.

Having more people doesn't mean you can win. If you have poor strength, it doesn't matter if you have one or two more.

After all, one's own side still has a hole card to play.

"Is this the prisoner who attacked the shrine?" Marisa fixed her eyes on Sanae.

The white maiden costume, it seems that she is right.

"The battle is now officially started!"

Confirming the target, Marisa grinned, and reached out to take out the mini gossip stove from the witch hat.

Dongfenggu Sanae was not afraid, and the magic circle emerged behind him, releasing a large number of barrages.

in the gap.

Yakumo Lan looked at Marisa with a disgusted face, the famous black and white thief in Gensokyo.

She had heard about it a long time ago, and this guy often went to Lingmeng, which made Lan even more displeased with her.

You must know that Reimu was the one who watched her grow up since she was a child, but luckily she wasn't led astray.

"Hehe~ It's more interesting now." Yakumo Zi watched the battle with great interest with a charming smile.

. . . . . .

In the gap of the bullet screen, Marisa rode a broom to avoid it, and shouted to the guy behind him with some dissatisfaction: "Don't be lazy! Help!"

"Understood, you can directly fire the magic cannon, and I will carry out the transfer."

After the dizziness subsided, Qin Yun's face looked much better.

Hearing this, Marisa raised the gossip furnace and pointed it forward without saying a word: ""MasterSpark (extreme spark)"!"

The thick magic cannon was released from the core of the gossip furnace.

Sitting behind the broom, Qin Yun swiped his right hand in the air, and a portal was instantly formed in front of him.

At the same time, another portal appeared behind Sanae.

He was the first to notice the change in Kanako's face, and quickly shouted: Sanae! Be careful!"

But it was too late to shout, Sanae just turned around and was hit by the magic cannon head-on.

This sudden attack made her defenseless.

When the magic cannon dispersed, Sanae fell to the ground in ragged clothes, trying to get up with difficulty, but her arms trembled slightly due to weakness.

"I...I can still fight!"

When she tried her best to get up again, a petite figure suddenly appeared on her body with one hand on Sanae's shoulder.

"Alright, Sanae, leave the rest to me."

Sanae looked up at this person with a look of surprise: "Master Suwako!?"

"Well, my family Sanae has worked so hard. As a god of the shrine, you can't be lazy." Suwako Shiya, who is like a little lolita, speaks very maturely.


"Is this another god hidden in the Moriya Shrine? It doesn't seem so strange." Yakumo Lan couldn't see Suwako's strength, but her calm attitude proved that she was not simple.

Yakumo opened his eyes and stared at the little loli: "The powerful gods left over from the ancient times are said to have disappeared after Kanako."

"In fact, the Moriya Shrine is managed behind the scenes, and it is also a god that really needs faith to maintain its existence."

Gods and gods sound similar, but they are actually not the same.

Gods are transformed from other creatures, and they can exist even without belief.

And the gods are the product of pure faith, once the faith is completely exhausted, it will die.

Therefore, the one who is really troubled by the lack of belief is not Kanako, whose race is a god, but Suwako who hides behind the scenes.

Suwako flew to Kanako's side, pulled down the brim of her hat, and said with a smile, "." Then, I will entertain everyone next. "

Needless to say, a magic circle appeared behind her instantly, releasing countless barrages.

Not only is the amount released by Sanmiao more, but the power is also stronger.

The overwhelming barrage covered, and Marisa hurriedly controlled the broom to avoid it.

"The Philosopher's Stone." "

Five gemstones of different colors emerged around him, and the elements in the air became more active.

After releasing this trick, Qin Yun didn't stop, and continued to use auxiliary magic: ""Photosynthesis".

With him as the center, the magic created a (Noma's) energy-condensing field, and Marisa noticed that the recovery speed of the consumed magic power in the body was in vain.

"I like this trick!" For Marisa, who is good at bombing opponents with powerful magic cannons, the faster recovery of magic power means that more magic cannons can be released.

She injected a large amount of magic power into the mini gossip furnace, and the core shone with dazzling light.

"[FinalSpark (Ultimate Spark)!!!""

A magic cannon two or three times thicker than the limit spark shot out, but it was noticed that Suwako was already ready to evade.

Qin Yun smiled slightly, and swiped his right hand in the air: "Hehe~ You can't escape, transfer."

The portal instantly formed in front of the magic cannon, opened in the direction Suwako dodged, and the dazzling white light illuminated her whole body.


A violent explosion appeared in the air, and a figure was blown away with black smoke. .

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