Lost Bamboo Forest.

At the entrance, two people were standing, waiting for the rabbit demon who came to lead the way.

On weekdays, Emperor Inaba and Reisen didn't wander around the entrance very often.

So if someone wants to go to the eternal pavilion, under normal circumstances, the rabbit monster clan under the emperor will lead the way.

As residents of the bamboo forest, they will not get lost here.

Moreover, the IQ of monsters is higher than that of goblins, so the job of leading the way is not difficult for them.

Paqiuli looked at the surrounding environment, and suddenly asked: "Is this the bamboo forest where it's easy to get lost?"

"Do you know the Lost Bamboo Forest?"

The current Eternal Pavilion has not been fully disclosed in Gensokyo, so it is not well known.

Because this bamboo forest is located in the south of the animal path, opposite to the Hakurei Shrine.

Humans will not come to such remote places.

That's why Lingxian went to the world to sell medicine.

Even Shemei Marufumi, who wandered around Gensokyo all day long and was the most well-informed, only knew that there was something abnormal in the bamboo forest.

But what is inside is not clear.

Several times I sneaked in, but was trapped by the maze of the bamboo forest, and I couldn't find out the secrets of the bamboo forest at all.

"I heard from Marisa once that she went in before, and then she got lost and couldn't find her way.

"This is not just an ordinary bamboo forest, there is a maze inside."

When Qin Yun was talking, he noticed a pair of rabbit ears appearing behind a certain dirt bag, and then a rabbit monster jumped over.

It wasn't the first time he came, so many rabbit monsters knew each other, so he didn't ask why he came.

Passing through the bamboo forest is the eternal pavilion.

Standing in front of this building, Paqiuli vaguely felt that something was wrong.

The space here seems a bit peculiar.

"It should be in the workshop in the backyard, let's go."

After her thoughts were interrupted, Paqiuli remembered that she had come to see a doctor, and suddenly became uneasy.

But now I can't run away even if I want to, so I can only be more honest.

In the backyard, many rabbit demons were playing and playing, and Emperor Inaba was lying on the edge of the corridor, enjoying the sunlight.

Suddenly, a figure covered the sunlight, causing Di to open his eyes a little uncomfortably: "Who is it? They are basking in the sun~"."

After seeing the person who came, she spoke more and more slowly, and her voice became lighter.

"It's you!"

"That's right, didn't you play with Lingxian today?" Qin Yun had a weird expression on his face while speaking.

Thinking of the picture I saw last time, I sighed in my heart, as expected of a moon rabbit, I really know how to play.

Emperor Inaba's face gradually turned red when he heard this, and he stood up and fled in shame and indignation.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Shame on me!

The last time I drank a small amount, and after venting again, my consciousness is also a little clearer.

For that kind of scene to be seen, Di Ke didn't show up for several days.

Seeing the little bunny-eared loli running away, Paqiuli looked at him suspiciously: "What did you do? Why does she have that expression?"

"It's nothing, I saw her playing some weird games last time."

"Don't talk about her, come here."

Qin Yun walked to the door of the workshop and gently opened the door.

In front of the workbench, a familiar figure was busy.

"Yonglin, I have a patient here."

Bayi Yonglin stopped what she was doing and said, "Wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

After making the medicine in hand, she looked at the person who came, and her eyes stayed on Paqiuli's face for a moment.

"This is the patient with asthma and anemia?"

With her eyesight, she could tell something just by looking at her face.

"Let me check it out for you first."

A few minutes passed and the inspection was over.

Patchouli waited nervously for the test results, just hoping it wasn't too bad.

"The situation is very bad, I need further research." This kind of natural asthma is quite troublesome, although Yonglin is a doctor, she has never been exposed to this disease before.

The previous medicaments are also given for relief according to the symptoms, and cannot be completely cured.

After all, Paqiuli is very repulsed to see a doctor, and the proposal to come here was rejected last time.

"Anemia is not a big problem."

Hearing this, Paqiuli finally felt relieved, and her expression became relaxed.

"Get an injection, go back and eat some nutritional supplements, which can alleviate this condition." Yonglin picked up a syringe from the glass box on the shelf, and loaded the needle.

Paqiuli's expression froze:

She quietly took two steps back, and while the two were not paying attention, she turned around and ran away.

Qin Yun, who noticed this situation, was not in a hurry to catch up, so he chatted with Yonglin first.

When she was ready, she dodged and left the room, and reappeared a moment later, grabbing the guy who had escaped just now.

Paqiuli who was caught was stunned. She had already run to the gate of Yongchang Pavilion, but she came back in a blink of an eye.

"Then I will trouble you."

"Well, soon.

It is not difficult to suppress Paqiuli, and Yonglin can do it alone.

So Qin Yun left the room temporarily.

'."No! I don't want an injection!"


After a burst of panicked shouts, there was a scream.

After waiting for a while, Yonglin's voice came from inside.


When Qin Yun opened the door and went in, he saw Mu Q lying on the bed with one hand on his buttocks and tears in his eyes.

"Let her have a good rest when I go back, and don't stay up late." After speaking, Yonglin handed a few bottles of medicine to Qin Yun: "These can't cure asthma, but they can regulate the body, and the effect is better than those medicines taken before."

"I see."

He put away the medicine and went to the bed, and helped Paqiuli up: "Look, just get an injection, how simple it is.

"Then I really thank you!" Paqiuli gritted her teeth and thanked her with a dark face.

It hurts me!

When they returned to the big library, Xiao Hei and Lisa were at Ji Liao Zhao's desk.

One was reading a book, and the other was staring viciously at the 'borrowing' book thief who was reading a book.

Seeing the two coming back, Trask hurriedly looked away and stepped forward to greet them.

"Master Patchouli! What's the matter Xun?"

"It's okay, I got an injection." Qin Yun handed the Mu Q he was supporting to Trask, and then picked up his staff.

"Where did you go to see a doctor?"

Marisa also put down the magic book and asked curiously.

Qin Yun: "Lost Bamboo Forest."

"That bamboo forest that makes people get lost?" Now she became interested, put down the magic book, and said, "Take me to see it too."

"You're not sick, what are you going to see?"

"Um, but Paqi is sick." Marisa turned her eyes to the side and asked tentatively, "How about giving another injection? Will the effect be better?"

Paqiuli: "If I beat you to death, I won't go...".

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