Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 184 Try It If You Don’T Believe Me

"Anyway, that's how it is.

After talking about the process of seeing a doctor, Trask and Marisa understood what was going on.

"It turns out that Paqi is afraid of pain, hahahaha!" Marisa burst into laughter as she spoke.

Do you know that you will be beaten like this?

Qin Yun raised his hand, and slashed her witch hat with a knife: "Don't be silly, you will get an injection later, just to get rid of the poison."

"Huh?! I don't!"

Marisa has seen the word injection in some outside books, and it is a way of curing diseases.

It seems that the medicinal liquid used for curing diseases is inserted into the flesh with a needle-like thing and injected.

Just thinking about it hurts.

Especially looking at Paqiuli's appearance, it seems that it is really painful.

"Then I'll go first, come back."

After everything was done, Qin Yun planned to go back, just in time for lunch.

"Wait! Come and pick up the second-generation space bag in a few days, and it's almost finished." When Qin Yun was about to leave, Paqiuli said suddenly.

Qin Yun: "So fast?"

"It's not difficult to expand the space, but I haven't expanded on such a small thing before, so it's a bit slow."

With her strength, expanding the space is just a trivial matter.

But it is more difficult to describe the spell on the smaller things.

And she is not in good health, so she can only come a little bit without tiring herself.

That's why the progress is slow. If it's a box, it can be done in two days.

"That's fine, I'll come back when the time comes." Making this thing requires technology and knowledge, and Paqiuli knows this well, so she is the most suitable candidate.

Now that I have said that, I will soon be able to use the second-generation space pack.

Back on the square, Qin Yun happily hummed a tune and walked into the shop.

Seeing the situation inside, I was immediately fascinated.

"What are you doing? Having a toddler party?"

I saw a group of little loli sitting on the sofa inside, turning their heads to look at Qin Yun who came in.

Origami, Black Cat, Yoshikino, Tohka, Miku, and Niya, except for Kurumi, all have changed into their childhood appearances.

Erya got up and walked over, raised her head and complained to Qin Yun: "It's not the new one who lied to us to play games. He originally wanted to be friendly to the newcomers, but that's how it turned out."

"Hehe~ Sure enough, from another angle, the feeling is different."

Tokisaki Kurumi, who has experienced this, is quite happy, and the joy of being alone is not as good as the joy of all (bffh).

Everyone experience it, I will knock the balance mouth craftsman in my heart!!!

It can only be said that fortunately she slept late, so she escaped unharmed.

"Well, what about the Seven Sins? Where did they go?"

It turned out to be just a prank, and I thought something was wrong.

"After making us all smaller, we ran out and got into the red portal." Erya pointed to a certain portal on the square, because the body was shrunk, so everyone did not act without authorization.

Qin Yun looked in the indicated direction, and clicked his tongue: "Go to the world of Zhanmei? This guy is quite noisy.

"Ten Xiang, you prepare lunch, I'll go and catch him back."

The World of Killing Girls is not a good place to visit, and the exit is in the city.


"This guy is pretty good at fighting, even this Teigu's effect is amazing."

Daidas is attacking a green-haired woman in a strange costume with two big axes "Bell Wacker" from Teigu.

There are many children around, and these were originally adults.

After being irradiated by the light from the woman in front of her with a broom, she turned into a child.

Because of the night raids, the current patrols and investigations in the imperial capital are very strict.

Suddenly a guy in a strange costume appeared sneaking in the street, and immediately attracted the attention of the patrolling guards.

As a result, as soon as I went to ask, the other party turned around and ran away.

Liwa, one of the three beast warriors, reminded his companions: "Don't be careless, it seems that after being reduced, the physique will become the level of a child.

In terms of experience, Seven Sins is not as good as them, but in terms of strength, she is even better.

Estes, who stood on the roof overlooking the battlefield, saw that the three beast warriors had not taken down the enemy for a long time, so he planned to do it himself.

She jumped down from the roof and waved back the three beast warriors: "Get out of the way, I will come in person.

The three beast warriors backed away immediately, and the seven sins held on to the broom tightly, wary of the blue long-haired woman who came in.

She just wanted to wander around this strange city! Why did she suddenly fight!

"I like to fight with the strong." An ice sword was condensed in his hand, and the fighting spirit rose in Esdeth's heart.

Although the green-haired woman in front of her didn't seem to have much actual combat experience, her strength surpassed that of the three beast warriors.

That was enough to get her hands on it.

Seeing an enemy sprinting towards you, point the broom tail forward and shoot light from the opened tail.

But how could Esdeth, who had been observing carefully for a long time, be easily tricked.

Take off suddenly to avoid the light, step on the ice formed in the air to borrow strength, and continue to sprint.

The Seven Sins, who had never experienced such a thing, stared blankly at the approaching Estes, and did not respond for a while.

"Look! Air!"

Esdesh's pupils contracted suddenly, without any hesitation, he raised his left hand to cover his head, then changed his posture, stepped on the freshly condensed ice, and fell to the ground.

"Come out! Where are you!"

This voice, even if you are asleep, will appear in your nightmares!

That nasty guy!

"I'm everywhere, and I'm not here at all." The portal opened beside Seven Sins, and Qin Yun came out with a smile: "I'm not here to fight with you today, I'm here to pick her up when she's naughty.

Seven Sins was about to slip away when he was grabbed.

"Several, see you next time."

Pulling the reluctant Seven Sins, the two retreated into the portal.

Estes was about to catch up, and the portal had turned into sparks all over the place.

inside the shop.

Seven Sins, who was surrounded by a group of little lolitas, knelt down silently and put his hands on his head: "That, be gentle.

Qin Yun raised his hand expressionlessly, stretched it out in front of her, and flicked his forehead.


Seven Sins exclaimed and covered his forehead.

"To be honest, I'm kind of annoyed right now."

Qin Yun, who withdrew his hand, still had a straight face, and none of the others spoke.

They have never seen the store manager so serious.

"Why didn't you come back when you were in danger?"

Qi Zui pursed his lips tightly, and after a while he said weakly: "I'm afraid..."

If you offend so many people at once, you will be surrounded and beaten when you come back.

"Do you think what you did will make everyone angry?" Qin Yun understood the meaning and immediately found it funny.

He pulled Seven Sins up and said: "It's just a joke, we won't be angry, if you don't believe me, try it."

"Come on~eggplant!"

Next to him, Tokisaki Kurumi took a mobile phone and frantically took pictures of the scene, wanting to record this beautiful moment.

'Hahaha! A group of bean sprouts!' She looked at the little girls on the phone and secretly laughed.

Suddenly, a light shone on the body, and then the whole body shrank.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked down at his flat chest, his face darkened: "@#%......".

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