‘Can’t you try him if you try!!

Tokisaki Kurumi looked over depressedly, but then he was happy.

A little boy about his own age was standing in front of him, wearing oversized clothes.

The Zhengtai version of Qin Yun looked distressed, and raised his hand to touch his head through his sleeve: "You can try to get crazy and try it three times, and you don't need to include me.

What he is wearing is not a spiritual outfit, it will change with his body shape.

"It's fun for everyone to change together, store manager, Eggplant!"

Qin Yun compared his hands with scissors, and when Kuang San finished filming, he said to Qi Zui: "Okay, let's transform everyone back first, and wait for Shi Xiang to cook.

Because of the smaller body size and the higher kitchen stove, it is very inconvenient for Shixiang to cook.

Everyone's body shape quickly returned to its original shape, and Qizui also changed back to its original appearance under the request.

Tobiichi Origami patted her chest and said happily: "Fortunately, if my mother sees it, she will definitely be shocked.-"

"I think your mother would be very happy."

The grown-up daughter suddenly looked like a child again, and Mrs. Yuanyi would only be surprised and amused.

"By the way, this is a present that my mother asked me to bring." Origami pointed to the gift box on the coffee table and said to Qin Yun.

Her family now mainly runs a cake shop, and Mrs. Yuanyi is the manager of the shop.

So on weekdays, I eat in the store. I either make origami by myself, or I buy it to eat.

Sometimes I go to the bakery to have lunch with my mother.

"It's a cake that was just made in the morning, and my mother said to open it when I eat it, so as not to be stale."

"Then make it dessert after dinner." Qin Yun looked at the gift box expectantly, not knowing what flavor it was.

Sweets are the best! Cream is even better!

When Shixiang was cooking, people even sat on the sofa and chatted.

Except that Erya went to continue playing on the computer, this guy is now addicted to playing games.

After lunch, it's dessert time.

"Let me see what kind of cake it is.

As a sweet tooth lover, Qin Yun also likes the unknown feeling when unpacking the box.

The strap was undone, he lifted the lid and looked at the cake.

Then the air was quiet for an instant, and everyone looked at the cake and then at the origami, with a hint of weirdness in their eyes.

what do you mean?

Origami was also stunned, she thought it was just an ordinary cake.

‘What the hell is this pink heart cake!? Don’t fuck me mom!!!!

Facing everyone's weird eyes, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in directly.

No wonder my mother encouraged me strangely when I was leaving.

"Ahem! Tohka, share the cake.

Qin Yun put down the lid of the box as if nothing had happened, and handed the attached plastic knife and plate to Shixiang.

He knew that this was absolutely impossible for Origami to do, only Mrs. Tobiichi was the only one.

Madame, sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy, it's perfect!

"Okay, share the cake."

Shixiang smiled and took the plastic knife, quickly divided the cake and handed it to everyone.

But her movements were a bit heavy, and the bottom of the box was scratched.

Kuang San ate the cake in small bites, with a smile on his lips, observing the situation with great interest.

The atmosphere became a little strange, Tohka held the cake but didn't move, but silently stared at Origami.

Origami was also looking at her, and the eyes of the two collided in the air, and there seemed to be electric sparks flickering vaguely.

Kuang San secretly shouted in his heart: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Shop manager, do you like cakes? I'll give you mine. Being an idol requires you to maintain your body shape, so you can't eat too many sweets."

Meijiu suddenly handed the uneaten cake to Qin Yun.

The two people who were looking at each other instantly shifted their targets to her.

Liar! Elves don't get fat like humans!

"Really? Then give it to me." Qin Yun transferred the cake over without noticing.

One of his beliefs is that wasting food is shameful.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Erya, who was playing games, quietly turned her attention here, feeling that this place is less interesting than games.

"The manager!"

"The manager!"

The two spoke at the same time, but before they could finish speaking, Si Xi Nai suddenly stood up, and then sat sideways on Qin Yun's lap.

'Beautiful job!' Kuang San really wanted to applaud, he didn't teach for nothing!

"Kuang Sanchan said that this should be done at this time." The hand puppet Sisenna immediately sold the mastermind behind the scenes.

Kuang San's excited expression froze, facing the three gazes, he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

‘Are you mistaken! This sells me! I am your teacher!’


Shixiang stared at the silent Kuang San, and said calmly: "Seven crimes, change Kuang San's look."

"Received!" After receiving the instruction, Seven Sins immediately summoned Angel "Fake Witch" and aimed at the target with its tail.

"Nani! Again!?"

A few seconds later, Loli Kuangsan collapsed on the sofa with a hopeless expression on her face.

Why is it always me who gets hurt?

Qin Yun looked at her with pity: "Kuang San, thank you for your hard work, let's keep working hard in the future."

Kuang San narrowed his eyes and grinned, revealing sharp canine teeth.

"Ouch! I'll go! If this happens again, I'll really have to get vaccinated." Touching the tooth marks on his arm, Qin Yun sighed helplessly.

He was walking on a certain street right now, and when he was bitten just now, he took advantage of the situation and escaped.

The main vibe felt so weird and uncomfortable being there.

"Huh? What is that person doing?" Inadvertently, he noticed a female voice in a student uniform posing strangely in front of a certain vending machine.


Immediately afterwards, the man kicked the side of the vending machine violently.


The two bottles of drinks fell immediately, and the girl picked up one can calmly.

Qin Yun stared dumbfounded: "It's okay too...nine".

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