Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 187 Misfortune Is Contagious

After leaving the building, Qin Yun returned to the original place.

While getting the drink, he conveniently left the Flying Thor spell on the vending machine.

Space movement is such a dangerous thing, it's safer to do it yourself.

If you are not careful, it will be fatal.

It's like Jiebiao Danxi, who once made a mistake and caused his limbs to get stuck in the wall.

Although his life was saved, the psychological trauma left behind has not healed yet.

After taking a sip of soda, he looked in the direction of Kamijou Touma.

He has the authority to determine the location of the guests, and definitely did not tell anyone about it.

After all, more is worse than less.

If it is known, it will definitely cause some guests to feel uncomfortable.


Lying at the mouth of a drainage channel, Kamijou Touma wailed bitterly.

Just now, he accidentally dropped his wallet into it.

But the width of this drain is only more than ten centimeters, and the inside of 15 is so dark that it is impossible to see where the wallet is dropped.

Although Spider Telepathy allows him to avoid many dangers.

Such mishaps, however, are outside the scope of Spider Telepathy.

After all, losing your wallet is not a dangerous thing.

Therefore, daily misfortune or misfortune is better than before.

At least you don't have to suffer some skin trauma frequently.

In this way, the money for buying medicine can be saved, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"I said boy, are you so poor that you want to fish canned food in the sewer?" Just when he was distressed, a person quietly walked behind him.

Kamijou Touma turned around and looked a little surprised: "The store manager? Why are you here?"

"Didn't I send you a letter last time? I'm free today, so I just stopped by to attend the appointment." Qin Yun squatted down beside him and looked at the drain.

"What are you doing here? Something fell in?"

Kamijou Touma: "Um, how do you know.

"Nonsense, you are No. 1 in the world of misfortune, and I'm not surprised at all."

These words hit Touma directly, I am too difficult!

"Without water, what fell in should still be below."

Taking Beibei off his shoulders, and exhorting it a few words, Qin Yun stretched out his hand to the drain outlet.

Snack Witch Beibei's body shape fits better.

After a while, it flew back with a wet wallet.

"It's my wallet!" Kamijou Touma was very surprised to see that the wallet was lost and recovered.

According to previous managers, as long as something falls into it, it is basically impossible to get it back.

The drain outlet cannot be removed, and it is out of reach.

Wait for the water to rush, and you will know where things will be washed.

After taking the wallet, he quickly took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped off the sewage on the surface.

Occasionally, you will be injured by falls, scrapes, bruises, scratches, etc., so bring some paper towels with you to wipe clean the wounds in time.

Taking back the wallet, Touma was happy to treat the guests to drink again.

"Speaking of which, who did the store manager go to see?" Kamijou Touma was quite impressed with the strange girl last time.

It should be said that that kind of image is better if you don't think deeply about it.

Just put some bandages on, hang around in a coat, and a miniskirt, isn't that inviting crime?

Although the academy city is technologically advanced, cameras are installed in many places.

But there are many places where the cameras can't take pictures. These dark corners are areas with a high incidence of criminal incidents.

"Meet the chairman of Academy City, let's talk about something... well, I seem to have forgotten to talk about you.

He said it so easily that he completely forgot about Kamijou Touma.

Forget it, it's the same to make up now.

"Don't embarrass this guy, he's unfortunate enough."

Kamijou Touma looked strangely at Qin Yun talking into the air, could there be someone in front?

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't find anyone there.

Maybe some kind of special Ability?

So he gave up looking for it.

The technology of Academy City is the top of the planet, so from time to time you can see things full of science fiction.

Qin Yun is here for the first time, so there is a sense of freshness, walking around and watching.

As the host, it is impossible for Kamijou Touma to walk away, and besides, he has nothing to do.

When I'm idle, I just go shopping with me, and sometimes I introduce them.

"Is that also a feature?"

Suddenly, Qin Yun pointed to an alley that almost no one paid attention to, and there were a few young people who seemed to be sloppy inside, their backs were facing the direction of the street.

Through the gap between them, a female student in school uniform can be seen being surrounded.

Looking in the direction of the finger, Kamijou Touma twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's really not special, it seems to be blackmail or robbery."

This kind of remote alley is generally not monitored, so it is the most suitable place to commit crimes.

"Shop manager, wait for me to get off, and I will be right back."

Before changing, Kamijou Touma will observe first, hesitate again and again, and then decide whether to help.

217 Because of the price of helping, there is a high chance that he will be beaten by fat.

But now it's different.

He took off the bamboo knife behind his back, and threw it at regular intervals due to meteors.

Qin Yun stood still, he recognized the girl, wasn't she the guy who kicked the vending machine.

With short brown hair and a school uniform, she is basically Miss Pao.

Before Kamijou Touma walked over, the electric current suddenly appeared from Paojie.

One of the electric currents happened to pass through the gap between the thugs and shot straight at Touma.

"Hey! I'll hide!" With the blessing of Spider Telepathy, Kamijou Touma escaped without any risk.


Qin Yun's body trembled slightly, the stimulation of the electric current hadn't passed yet.

It happened so suddenly that I was hit by the electric current before I could react.

Because he was standing at the back, and he was almost in a straight line front and rear position with Touma, if the one in front avoided, the one behind would suffer.

"Unfortunately, it's contagious."

A lightning spiral pill formed in Qin Yun's palm, and was thrown into the portal that appeared.

Afterwards, the alley was filled with lightning, accompanied by panicked screams with trills.

I feel so balanced now. ’ Qin Yun now feels that the saying is true, other people’s misfortune is the source of my happiness. .

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