Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 188 I'm Really Abilityless!

Misaka Mikoto never thought that, as an electric shocker, she would be shocked one day.

The sudden electric ball released a strong electric current.

Although it was not fatal, the moment he was hit, his body lost control.

How come! This electric current can affect me!?

You must know that she is a super-ability user who can manipulate billion-volt high-voltage electric current, electromagnetic waves, and magnetism at will.

Although there are careless reasons, it is still too strange.

Immediately, she erupted with a more intense electric current, blocking the electric current released by the electric ball.

She can resist, but those gangsters are different.

They are all without abilities, which means ordinary people.

Received a shock of electricity, rolled his eyes and twitched and fell to the ground.

One even got wet pants.

After these gangsters fell to the ground, standing at the entrance of the alley, Kamijou Touma with a bamboo knife in his hand was very conspicuous.

"You did this?" Therefore, Misaka Mikoto naturally thought that he released the electric ball, and frowned: "Didn't you say that you are incapable last time? You really are fooling me!"

I'm not! I don't!

Kamijou Touma hastily shook his head in denial, and at the moment he also recognized it, isn't this guy the bilibili girl.

The enemy's road is narrow!

Since I accidentally eliminated the other party's electric shock before, I would be troubled every time I met.

That's right! The store manager can prove my innocence!

Kamijou Touma hurriedly said to Qin Yun who was coming: "Manager! I don't have super abilities, right! Please help me prove it!"

"Didn't you release the attack just now?" Qin Yun had a 'surprised' expression on his face, as if he also thought it was him.

"definitely not!"

"It really is you!" Misaka Mikoto seemed to be sure of the target, and raised her hand to give two shocks.

According to the situation last time, the opponent can nullify his own electric shock.

Then release two paths this time to see if you can eliminate them.

"Listen to my explanation!" Kamijou Touma hastily dodged a shot, and then eliminated it with his right hand: "I really don't have super abilities!"

Do you think I'm blind?

That's how I blocked my electric shock, and said that I don't have a super ability, who would believe it!


A more violent electric current emerged, and two beam-like electric shock guns shot out from the palms of the left and right hands.

Kamijou Touma wailed habitually: "Unfortunate!!!"

""lightning rod". "

A thick black metal rod suddenly appeared in front of him, and a section was inserted into the ground.

The electric shock gun fell on the metal rod, and all the electric current was guided into the ground.

"Well, the joke ends here.

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto started to get serious, Qin Yun also stopped playing around.

So he used magic to create a metal lightning rod to block the electric shock gun.

It's just that the electric current is introduced into the ground, but the impact it causes is not small.

All surrounding electronics appear chaotic and unstable.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Misaka Mikoto reacted immediately: "Are you also a super-ability person? Metal super-ability?"

She can also use electromagnetic force to influence and control metals such as iron, but compared to a real metal super-ability user, there is definitely still a gap.

The premise is that the opponent must reach at least Level 4.

"It's actually magic. I belong to the profession of magician."

"Magic? Isn't that a fairy tale?" Misaka Mikoto's first reaction was disbelief. This is an Academy City where science is talked about.

You're talking magic to me? That's bullshit.

Qin Yun didn't intend to explain in detail, and shrugged indifferently: "Then treat it as a metal super-ability user. It's the first time we meet, my name is Qin Yun."

Qin Yun? What a strange name.

The other party introduced themselves, and Misaka Mikoto responded politely.

"My name is Misaka Mikoto, a student of Tokiwadai Middle School, code-named "Railgun". "

"Um, I'm Kamijou Touma, a high school student with no abilities."

After Kamijou Touma introduced himself, Misaka Mikoto looked at him like a fool.

I just completely canceled out my electric shock, so what about the incapacitated?

There were constant sirens around, and the three of them left without stopping.

"It is indeed magic, but it is different from the magic I know."

"An alien world, a sea of ​​void, an existence above the law..." In the container, the sub-reiss tower is still monitoring Qin Yun through the air loop.

Beside the container, a figure shining with golden light was floating in Kong Chen.

"."Do you believe what he said?" Angel Aiwas always had a kind of noise when he spoke, which sounded a little weird.

"I can feel that he didn't lie, but it's impossible to judge whether there is any concealment in it."

Edwards: "If it's true, then it's funny."

"I really want to see if the god he said is really as powerful as that."

"I'm more interested in existence above the law."

Afterwards, the building fell into silence again.



The ubiquitous sense of voyeurism came again.

After Misaka Mikoto uses the Super Ability, the electronic equipment will be out of control for a period of time.

Although the stagnant loop was too small to be seen, Qin Yun was a little annoyed by that feeling, so he went back after shopping around. (King's)

Before leaving, he told Kamijou Touma that there are bundles of goods suitable for him in the shop.

"Price-wise, it's still kind of weird, but you can sell another thing."

"Is there anything else I can sell?" Kamijou Touma is very familiar with his own situation, and probably has nothing of value except Fantasy Killer.

So I'm surprised to hear there are still available for sale.

"You'll know when you come next time." Qin Yun didn't say anything clearly because the conversation here would be overheard.

At the moment he disappeared, the air loops of the entire Academy City were running at full power, but nothing was found.

Ya Reiss Tower: "Without spatial fluctuations, that seems like an incomprehensible means of teleportation.

Now, he has believed 70% to 80%.

I still need to continue to work hard to dig out the secrets of the universe.

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