'Wait, this system organizes the Creator Manual, the full version has a lot of content.

Qin Yun also waited after hearing this, but it turned out that he waited for several hours.

"Lord, it's time for lunch." Lingmeng came over while eating a bag of melon seeds.

She looked up at the incomparably huge amounts of sphere, and asked casually: "You have been looking here for several hours, do you see that the flowers are coming?"

"Not only flowers, I will create a complete universe later."

"That's a good idea, can you go to dinner now?"

"You go first." Staring at the sphere in front of him, Qin Yun At the moment was not in the mood to eat: "I'll come right over, it's too slow to sort out the manual."

Lingmeng didn't understand what he was saying, anyway, she had already brought the words, so she walked back.

However, the waiting time seems to be a bit long.

'How long will it take for the system to be sorted out?"

'Soon, it will be half a month.

Qin Yun raised his brows, and his face twitched: "Half a month, you said soon? I'll fuck...057"

This is normal, and it is estimated that these materials are enough for the host to look at for decades. "

‘Are you sorting out manuals or building a library! It takes decades to finish reading it! As for the big library of Mu Q, I can finish reading it in ten years!’

'So this system has already reminded me that the full version has a lot of content. "

'Then I don't want the full version! You give me a simple installation version.

It's fine to talk about it for half a month, but how can I bear to watch it for decades?

System: 'I expected the host to say that, stretch out your hand, palm up.

"Is that so?"

Qin Yun stretched out his hand as the system said, and was about to ask what he was doing when something suddenly appeared and fell into his hand.

From the appearance, it seems to be a blue crystal plate, but it is different from ordinary ones, with strange lines and protrusions on the corners, and a square depression in the middle.

The whole is made of a nearly transparent blue crystal, and the hand on the back can be seen directly through the crystal.

Taking a closer look, it looked more and more like something. Out of caution, Qin Yun asked again: "What is this? A blue crystal plate? Could it be that all the information is stored in it, and I need to use my mind to read it?"

'This is not a magician creation, what kind of idea is used, there is a raised button in the upper left corner, the host should press it first.

Qin Yun looked at it from the side, and there was indeed a raised button, but it was the same color, which was very inconspicuous.

He pressed lightly, and then the square groove in the middle of the crystal plate appeared on the screen, why does this thing look so...


'It is the creation design controller, through which the host can issue instructions to complete the creation process.

Qin Yun's face became weird, and he shook the tablet in his hand: "So, you are not going to sort out the creation manual, but are making this thing?"

'Yes, even with this system, there will be helpless things, the host is too scumbag, and the system is also very tired. "

'Even if all the knowledge is neatly sorted out, the host will definitely not read it. It's better to get a fool-like controller, which is easier and less troublesome. "

You're attacking again! I'm sure I'm not stupid...probably?

Doesn't he remember that the system has a more convenient function?

"Wouldn't it be faster for you to transfer the (bgah) knowledge directly to me?"

‘This system cannot expand the brain capacity of the host out of thin air. If the host wants to experience the thrill of an instant headshot, then all the information can be poured into it. '

"So much knowledge?" He was really surprised to hear that his head would be burst by information.

You must know that Index has a hundred and three thousand volumes of yellow books in her head, and her brain volume must be bigger than hers.

It can't even fit, it's really a bit scary.

‘Does the host think that controlling the universe is as simple as drawing a picture with a pen? You must know that this is an extremely delicate job. "

‘Any mistake will lead to huge amounts of disasters, such as the destruction of created galaxies and the destruction of civilization.

It involves a huge amount of information, and just a small amount of information flow can directly destroy the host's brain.

At this point, he was no longer interested, and quickly refused: "Forget it, let's talk about this information after I have enough brain capacity."

Although he also wants to create things by himself, but he doesn't have that ability right now, so don't force it.

"How does this thing work? Voice control? Or do I modulate the design myself?"

'It's all right, the intelligence will assist the host to create things, try to make the process as simple as possible, and the host of other functions can explore by himself, and ask the intelligence if you have anything, this system needs a quiet meeting. "

"You are not too tired to build this thing, you need to rest?"

System: 'This system is not a living thing, there is no concept of tiredness, it just needs to calculate certain information.

"Then you do the math." Qin Yun wisely didn't ask it what it was calculating, because if it asked, it might be poisoned again.

Then the system was really silent. Qin Yun was going to ask what kind of energy this awesome tablet uses, but there was no response.

As he ate, he wondered absently what kind of universe would be better to make.

‘Why don’t we just develop it casually and intervene according to the situation. '

When there are no good ideas, random is a very good choice.

"A map of the creation plan of the universe? What is this?"

Erya stood behind Qin Yun, bent down and looked at the tablet with curious eyes.

The few words on the screen that looked tall and tall aroused her interest. .

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