"A blueprint for the creation of the universe."

"It feels like your plan is too crude."

Erya's complaints are not unreasonable, because there is too little information on this plan.

"Isn't this just the beginning? You're interested in coming together." Qin Yun doesn't mind being involved. Creation requires imagination. His imagination is limited by himself, and it's better if there are more people.

As for the actual operation, isn't there a flat-panel smart contract?

"Then I'll try too."

Erya picked up the tablet and started poking a little bit on it. After Qin Yun finished her lunch, her -design was completed.

"What did you design?"

"Since it is necessary to design, then definitely I will be the protagonist."

...There is no civilization yet, you are the protagonist of wool. "Qin Yun rolled his eyes, saved and closed the design without even looking at it: "Smart, let's start creating things, mainly based on the template of human civilization, and let other aspects develop naturally. "

"Receive instructions, start natural evolution, and the two-dimensional world is being generated...."

At the edge of the square, the free energy matter inside the cosmic embryo, which was originally motionless, began to shrink.

Unlimited compression into an infinitely small and non-existent point, that is, singularity.

When Qin Yun walked out, he saw that the cosmic embryo, which was originally a mixed color, became pitch black.

He was startled, and walked over quickly: "Smart, what's going on? Is there something wrong?"

Zhizhi's mechanical voice sounded immediately, and answered him: "The singularity of the universe is forming, please wait a moment, the big bang of the treasure universe is about to appear.

As if to verify its words, in the dark cosmic embryo, a light spot gradually brightened.

Qin Yun concentrated his attention and observed its changes.

When the brightness reached its peak, a magnificent explosion appeared, scattering matter to every corner of the universe.

These originally scattered and free substances began to gather together to form celestial bodies.

Qin Yun stared blankly at the scene, what he saw was not just an explosion.

Also, the mysteries of the universe.

The original universe was chaotic and disorderly, because the law of the universe has not yet fully formed, so the development in the universe is relatively chaotic.

"Time is speeding up, the universe is developing freely, and no intervention has been made..." Intelligence is still reporting the situation in the universe, but it only picks some major events to explain.

For example, on which planet was the first life born, or the first civilization appeared.

Because of the intervention of the system, human civilization was the first to be born.

At this time, only a few hours have passed outside the universe, but a very long time has passed in the universe, and the flow of time has also slowed down.

Qin Yun sat on the bench, watching the development of civilization with great interest.

Because it is a two-dimensional world, it is like watching an anime.

I don't know where to go, and there is no plot animation.

But it is because of the unknown that people are curious.

"Smart, can we intervene now?"

"Anytime, what kind of intervention is needed?"

"Hmm...": Some pictures flashed in the sea, but this is the first time, he thinks it's better not to change too much: "This world is a magical civilization in the Middle Ages

Then get a demon king out. "

"Alright, the World Destroyer Demon King is being conceived, and it will take on the mission of destroying the universe and returning everything to its original state.

Qin Yun: "???"

"No! I'll just let you become a demon king. It's too much to destroy the world directly?" He wiped his forehead, feeling a little ashamed.

What he wants is the type that falls in love with the brave, not destroys the universe.

"Every rebirth of the universe will make the law of the universe more perfect."

"So when a certain critical point is reached, the universe will give birth to a tool with the mission of destroying everything, so that everything can return to the original point, and then enter the next reincarnation.

"From another point of view, this is also a kind of suppression measure. Now it's just pregnant in advance, so it doesn't matter."

The more I listen to Qin Yun, the more I feel that something is wrong. It seems that some secrets of the universe are involved.

"Wait! What are the containment measures you're talking about?" He quickly focused on the key point in the last paragraph, and hurriedly asked.

Zhinao: "Explain in a way that the owner can understand, just like a game. When the character reaches the upper limit of the level and tries to break the limit by himself, the official will intervene."

……ask for flowers……

"Comparing a character to a civilization, the official is the universe. When a certain civilization develops to a certain level, the consciousness of the universe will destroy it, or even reset the entire universe.

"This is a way of self-preservation, allowing civilization to develop without limit, and it will be easy to destroy your own universe in the end."

"And foreign creatures will cause unexpected situations and lead to loss of control, so as long as they detect life forms from other universes, the cosmic consciousness will respond to varying degrees and eliminate foreign creatures.

Qin Yun carefully wrote down these words, because the system had never explained it to himself in such detail.

Although there are also reasons why I didn't ask carefully, as long as there is a mistake, just push it to the system.

"Master, a large number of civilizations have begun to appear in the universe, do you need to turn the camera to the earth?"

The intelligent inquiry awakened Qin Yun who was in deep thought, and he nodded slightly: "Well, turn around, civilization should be born on the earth, right?"

"Yes, because of the acceleration of time, the earth is currently in the stage of low-level technological civilization."

But when Qin Yun saw the girls on the screen who were casting magic indiscriminately, question marks were all over their heads.

"Didn't you talk about technological civilization? How come there are a few magic players here? Moreover, one of them looks like Er Yazi.

On the At the moment screen, five beautiful girls in gorgeous and peculiar costumes are holding magic wands of different shapes in their hands, and they are using magic to fight against some strange creatures.

"This is a script designed by Ms. Erya, the story of the dance team's battle against the tentacle monster king, and the final defeat."

After Zhizhi finished speaking, the air suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Qin Yun understood the sinister intentions of the script, and immediately gave the order with a dark face: "Kill this tentacle monster monster, and certain restricted scenes are not allowed to appear in the script.

After speaking, he threw the tablet away casually, rolled up his sleeves and walked to the store to lose it.

The tablet didn't fall, but was suspended in the air, executing instructions.

Soon, screams with trills came from the shop, accompanied by flashing electric lights. .

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