Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 308 You Seem To Need Help

A curse can turn a person into a skeleton that is neither human nor ghost. As for the upper limit of endurance, you have to try it to know.

The mouths of the two skulls are constantly opening and closing, but there is no flesh and blood, and even the tenth level of lip language cannot be understood.

"It's a terrible curse. Fortunately, I didn't take the treasure." Seeing this scene, Jack instantly knew why they were madly attacking the port.

After being cursed, they have turned into inhuman monsters, with bodies without blood.

It's completely a skeleton in human skin, that kind of thing probably can't be done.

As a pirate who indulges his desires, this is more unbearable than death.

Although Jack likes to take risks, he definitely stays away from this kind of thing.

At the beginning, he didn't agree to search for this cursed treasure, but unfortunately no one listened to him.

Everyone was fascinated by the treasure, and followed the first mate to the island of death.

Qin Yun projected a black umbrella and placed it above the two to block the moonlight.

The two skeletons immediately regained their flesh and blood. On the surface, they were actually just empty shells.

But at last he was able to speak.

"I surrender! Captain Sparrow! Don't let him use witchcraft against us! I'll tell you anything you want!" The fat pirate surrendered as soon as he opened his mouth.

He may not be afraid of swords and firearms, but he dare not have the slightest arrogance in the face of mysterious witchcraft.

He is a thief when using the trick of making the rudder according to the wind.

Although the skinny pirate was a bit slow, he immediately expressed his attitude.

As for these two intelligent life treasures, Qin Yun did not experiment with them.

"Where did you take Elizabeth!" Will asked anxiously about the whereabouts of his sweetheart. The ship seemed to be guarded only by these two pirates.

The fat pirate didn't dare to hide anything, so he said everything: "They took the traitor's daughter to the treasure cave and used her blood to break the curse. If you rush there now, you should be able to save her. ". "

He didn't intend to lie, if he was found out, he wouldn't even be a skeleton.

Without further ado, Will put away his knives and guns and rushed to the treasure cave.

Jack walked behind without rushing and Qin Yun, the key person to break the curse was on his side, no matter how fast Barbossa was, it was useless.

Moreover, this kid runs so fast, does he know where the entrance is?

"Jack! Hurry up! I don't know where the entrance is!"

Although I was very anxious, it seemed that at least my brain was still online.

Hearing the urging, Jack had no choice but to speed up his pace. He also wanted to settle accounts with Barbossa after the curse was lifted.

"It's been so many years! We can finally get back to normal! Splurge the treasures that have been saved all these years!"



Barbossa stands on a hill where gold and silver treasures are piled up, holding an Aztec gold coin in his left hand, and holding the girl Elizabeth's wrist with his right hand.

The curse was about to be lifted, and he had an excited smile on his face.

The pirates below were ecstatic and shouted hoarsely.

Being a lifeless monster almost made them almost collapse, and they couldn't even commit suicide.

You can only try your best to find those gold and silver treasures.

It took nearly ten years to finally find all the treasures scattered all over the place.

They have also suffered nearly ten years of torture, both physically and psychologically.


As Barbossa yelled, all the pirates shut up one after another, watching the captain cut Elizabeth's palm with a knife, and then put the gold coin into her hand.

"Let go, put it back."

Hearing Barbossa's words, Elizabeth panicked because she knew that she was not the one the other party was looking for.

Then his own blood would definitely not be able to help them.

If he is discovered, he will be killed by these savage pirates, right?

Barbossa became a little impatient, and broke her palm off with his own hands: "You just need to be obedient, for your father's sake, after we break the curse, you will naturally save your life."

As a nobleman, how could Elizabeth be stronger than pirates, so her palms were undoubtedly broken.

The blood-stained gold coins also slipped from their hands and fell on the treasure pile.

All the pirates looked at each other, not sure if the curse was lifted or not.

Because they didn't feel anything, one of the black men raised his hand and shot the others.



The pirate who was shot let out a miserable howl, but soon he found that he felt no pain.

Looking down, there was no blood flowing out of the shot.

"The curse hasn't been lifted yet?" Barbossa's face changed, and he drew his gun and shot another pirate in the heart.

Likewise, the pirate is not dead.

He put away his gun, turned around angrily, and grabbed Elizabeth by the collar: "Who the hell are you! You are not Bill Turner's daughter!"

Seeing that the curse was about to be broken, how could Barcelona not be angry even though there was an accident at the door.

There is absolutely no problem with gold coins, so the problem can only be with people.

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, Elizabeth had no choice but to confess: "I am the governor's daughter, Elizabeth Swan."

"The governor's daughter?" Barbossa, who was extremely angry, pushed her down from the pile of treasures, watched her fall into the pool, pulled out a gun and pointed at her, and said in a cold voice: "I guess

You're smart enough to know what I want to do now. "

He was actually cheated by such a little girl (Wang Zhaozhao), and he didn't suspect it from the beginning to the end, it's a shame!

The pirates found that the curse had not been lifted, and they began to get confused. This psychological gap could easily lighten their negative emotions.

Complain to Barbossa, who is the captain, and complain about his greed at the beginning, which resulted in this disaster for everyone.

Barbossa looked on coldly, listening to them say that pirates never acted on their lips.

But no one will die this time, and he is not afraid of betrayal at all.

blah blah.

While they were whining and complaining, a burst of footsteps echoed in the cave.

The pirates stopped complaining and looked at the entrance channel suspiciously.

"You seem to need some help?" The man in a black and red windbreaker and a hood walked out of the dark passage first.

Two people followed, one of them attracted the attention of the pirates to Yu. .

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