"Jack Sparrow?" Seeing Jack among the three, Barbossa immediately laughed: "I didn't expect you to be so lucky that you didn't die on that desert island.

After the original mutiny, they did not kill the former captain.

Instead, he was given some wine and food, and then discarded on a desert island in the sea.

This was the last mercy for the former captain.

For an ordinary pirate, just tie the cannonball with both feet, throw it into the sea and it's over.

"Well, actually, the scenery on that island is not bad." Facing the hidden irony, Jack didn't seem to hear it, and instead responded cheerfully: "I really recommend you to spend the night there, it's definitely much more comfortable than on a boat ."

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, our Captain Sparrow is still very elegant. Looking at you like this, are you being someone else's subordinate?"

When he came in just now, he noticed that Jack was behind the man in black.

Generally speaking, this means that the status is lower than that of the other party.

Jack didn't explain, but echoed: "It's not bad to be someone else's subordinate, it's better than being a monster with neither human nor ghost, isn't it?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dignified.

This is not just the heart of Zabarbosa alone, but the group of pirates present.

After all, they are all monsters that are neither human nor ghost in Jack's mouth.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Barbossa also knew that it could not continue, otherwise there would be chaos.

"What the hell are you here for? Just to see our jokes?"

"Of course I came to settle accounts with you. Regarding you taking my ship, this account must be settled properly."

Even so, there was no anger on his face.

Jack raised his hand and pushed Will Turner behind his back, letting him stand in front, explaining: "That girl is not Bill's descendant, this one is, tell them, what's your name

Through the free time among the pirates, Will saw Elizabeth sitting in the pool. He was relieved to see that she was fine, then looked at the pirates, and said his name loudly.

"My name is Will Turner!"

After he announced his name, the pirates immediately started talking, and this time they were sure they were right.

Because this guy is so similar to Shoelace Bill, except younger.

"You need my blood to break the curse, I only have one condition, let that girl come over."

Barbosa looked Will's face seriously, and nodded slightly after a while: "Yes, we will let this girl go, now you come over to exchange."

This time I should be right, in fact, that face is almost exactly the same as Shoelace Bill.

"Take this lady there."

Two pirates heard the captain's words, walked over and each grabbed Elizabeth's arm and dragged her out of the water.

Qin Yun saw Will walking over, so he leaned into Jack's ear and whispered, "Do you think they will abide by the rules?"

"Definitely not, because they're pirates."

Just when Will walked into the crowd of pirates, several pirates suddenly jumped up and caught Will who was caught off guard.

"Look, that's the fate of trusting pirates." Jack's expression was indifferent, and he didn't dare to be surprised.

Pirates will only be honest when their lives are threatened or they are absolutely weak.

Now in terms of numbers, one's own side is absolutely weak, and it would be strange if the other party had no idea.

"I said it earlier, let us deal with it if there is something, impulsive."

Qin Yun could only feel helpless about this. He had agreed to leave everything to him and Jack after he came in. (bgec)

Finally, he made sure that his sweetheart was okay, but the boy forgot all those words when he saw Elizabeth.

Seeing Bill being escorted over, Barbossa bent down to pick up the blood-stained gold coin from the pile of treasures: "You came just in time, if you were later, I'm afraid you would have to go to the underworld to meet your lover."

In order to appease his irascible subordinates, he will really kill Elizabeth, which is not a talk.

Repeat the trick again and repeat the process just now.

When the blood-stained gold coins fell on the pile of treasures, a burst of invisible fluctuations swept over the bodies of the pirates, taking away some invisible and intangible things.

Feeling the beating heart in his chest, Barbosa closed his eyes and indulged in the rhythm of life.

The pirates also tested each other's recovered flesh and blood. For example, they punched the person next to them directly, causing the mouth and nose to bleed.

But they didn't care at all, they were all immersed in the joy of rebirth.

"The curse has been lifted, you should let Elizabeth go!"

Will's words woke Barbossa up. He opened his eyes and took out an apple from his pocket: "Let that lady go."

But the pirates did not follow the captain's words after hesitation for a while.

"Captain, it would be a pity to let her go."

Their eyes shone with desire, like a hungry Beast.

When Barbossa saw this, he didn't say much. The desires in the hearts of these pirates had accumulated for nearly ten years, and he couldn't dispel them with a single word.

"I'm sorry to disturb your interest, but I want to settle the matter between us, what do you think?" Jack drew out his knife and walked towards Barbossa, and the pirates who were in the way got out of the way.

This is the grievance between the former captain and the current captain, and it is not their turn to intervene.

Compared to this, the desire they have suppressed for nearly ten years can be regarded as venting.

The pirates' nasty eyes fell on a drenched Elizabeth, which was a great one to blow off steam.

Qin Yun sensed the purpose of these pirates, and asked Jack: "Do these people need to save their lives?"

"... If you do it, you don't need it."

When answering, Jack hesitated a little, because these crew members originally followed him, and they were all old acquaintances after all.

"That's it." Qin Yun took Beibei off his shoulder and held it in his palm, and gave it instructions: "Beibei, if something moves, you eat him."

At this time, Elizabeth also heard her screams of panic, and these pirates could no longer control their surging desires. .

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