Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 310: The Goddess Of Water Who Strikes Out Wisdom

The pirates stretched out their hands uncontrollably and tore Elizabeth's skirt.

But soon, a sudden change occurred.

A pirate suddenly flattened and fell to the ground like a mummified corpse.

It's like turning on a certain switch, and one after another pirates~ turned into mummies and died.

This strange situation frightened the other pirates to let go and stay away from Elizabeth.

They don't know what's going on, but it should have something to do with this woman.

The death didn't stop, one after another the pirates turned into mummies and died.

Beibei carried out the instructions very honestly, and all pirates who moved were prey.

It devours each other's vitality one by one.

And because the pirates couldn't see it, it became a scene of inexplicable death.

They wanted to escape in panic, but Qin Yun guarded the entrance.

Those who want to break through by force will all be frozen into a lump of ice.

This made the pirates realize that the man wearing the hat was not an ordinary person, but possessed mysterious means.

As the companions died one after another, some pirates finally couldn't bear the pressure and had a nervous breakdown, slashing wildly with their knives.

After the other pirates were attacked, they also started to fight back.

As a result, their killing speed was faster than Beibei's speed of taking life force.

On the other hand, even if Barbosa discovered this situation, he couldn't help.

He is fighting fiercely with Jack. Although he is more experienced in terms of experience, youth is the capital.

Jack Sparrow is better than him in terms of physique, which is enough to make up for the gap in this aspect.

The two fought from the treasure pile into the pool, and then from the pool to the shore.

"Jack! You can't drive the Black Pearl away even if you kill me!"

"You don't have to worry about it, I have a solution."

Ding! Ding Ding! Dang!

"You can't kill me!" Barbosa was very confident. Even if he couldn't beat Jack, at least the other party couldn't do anything to him.


With a gunshot, Barbossa froze, and Jack's knife pierced him.

Barbossa turned his head and looked at the person sitting on the ground with a flintlock gun in both hands: "You..."


He never expected that someone would actually intervene in the battle between the captains.

Elizabeth was panting nervously, her hand holding the gun was still shaking. This was her first time killing people.

Because of what happened just now, her nerves were tense, and she picked up a gun on the ground and shot without thinking much.

Barbossa opened his mouth and fell to the ground. An apple fell out of his arms and rolled on the ground. He stretched out his hand to pick up the apple, but in the end he was unable to drop it.

Next to his dead body, Jack looked down for a moment, then at Elizabeth.

Although the enemy is dead, he still feels that something has happened, that... how should I put it, the pleasure of revenge?

That's probably the case, even though I won, my heart is still a little empty.

The pirates are dead.

Most of them died in the civil war, and Qin Yun was dumbfounded by the fact that this development was true.

Now that the matter was settled, Qin Yun went over to get the reward: "According to the agreement, give me this treasure as a gift, do you agree?"

"I agree."

This kind of cursed treasure would not be given to Jack for free, so there was nothing to give up.

In a blink of an eye, the gold and silver treasures that had been piled up disappeared instantly, leaving only an empty stone platform.

Will and Jack had already seen his supernatural means when they arrived, so they weren't a bit surprised.

"Let's go."

Although he was an opponent, Jack still took Barbossa's body and held a sea burial for him in the way of pirates.

A raging fire was also ignited in the cave, burning the corpses.


The Black Pearl set sail again, but with only four crew members, plus a captain.

The fat and skinny pirates were really lucky. If they hadn't been left on the ship, then the corpses in the cave would also have their share.

"Before sending you back, I want to recruit a group of crew."

In the case of a shortage of manpower, Jack would not let people go, so Elizabeth and Will who wanted to go home were both requisitioned.

Although the two of them didn't seem to mind [sprinkling dog food over there.

It made the fat and thin pirates cry.

"You finish here, then I'll go back."

Before leaving, Qin Yun reminded again: "If you get those mysterious things, you can come to the store if you want to sell them. The price is absolutely fair."

…… Ask for flowers…………

"Including cursed ones?"

"Well, as long as it has value, whether there is a curse or not."

The last word fell, and the person had disappeared.

Jack controlled the rudder with one hand, recalling some strange items in his mind.

He knows a lot about mysterious things, but it's extremely difficult to get them.

Back in the shop, Qin Yun saw a large amount of gold and silver treasures piled up on the ground.

Speaking of which, many of them are still antiques.

Shixiang and the others were picking and picking around the side, picking one up to admire from time to time.

"Where did you get this?" Meijiu put on a small tiara inlaid with rubies, which seemed to be a lady's style, because the overall size was small, it should be worn by the queen.

Qin Yun stretched out his right hand, and a circular container appeared, inside which was surging black aura.

This is the curse attached to the treasure.

"If you like it, you can pick it first, and then put it in the Warehouse, and whoever wants it can get it."

Although gold is a good material, he can't use so much at once.

Beep! Welcome~

"Gold! A lot of gold! My nose smelled right!" Lingmeng stood at the door with bright eyes, no wonder she always felt that she smelled money.

After searching all the way, there is indeed a lot of money!

A black line appeared on Qin Yun's forehead, and he said speechlessly: "Can your nose be tracked across the universe? Also, get out of the way quickly, you are blocking other guests."

Lingmeng heard the words and approached the treasure pile step by step, stretching out his hands like a zombie.

After she got out of the way, the girl behind her was revealed.

The new guest just raised his hand and smiled to say hello.

Qin Yun suddenly caught his breath and opened his eyes wide, as if seeing something terrible, then rushed over and grabbed the guest by the back collar with lightning speed.

He sprinted to the newly opened portal with her, and threw the bewildered girl into it forcefully.

"Close it! Close it quickly! System! Close the door! Why did your second uncle let Akua in!!!"

"Are you going to give us a mental blow? Fan!".

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