Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 311: The High Iq Of The Goddess Of Water


Akuya, who was thrown out of the portal, fell on all fours, with her head covered in circles.

I obviously just wanted to say hello, why did I show a frightened expression?

The most excessive thing is that he threw himself back!

I am a goddess! How can anyone treat a noble goddess like this!

"I'm so mad!" After getting up from the ground, Akuya patted the hem of her skirt, angrily preparing to go to the theory again.

"I don't mind if you find more customers, but you have to find normal ones!"

"The other party is a goddess of water with young roots, isn't that normal?"

In terms of identity, he is indeed innocent and normal, and his strength is not bad, but this is not the key at all!

With a painful expression on his face, Qin Yun complained about "Baqiqi" and said: "Do you know Akuya's true identity? The goddess of water is just her cover to the outside world. Her true identity should be the goddess of wisdom, also known as the goddess of wisdom. Goddess of mental retardation."

"With her here, it is very likely that we will be demoted collectively, and you can't even imagine the horror of the Axis Cult!"

Compared with the followers of Axis, the mentally ill can be called normal people.

'Host, don't talk nonsense there, please treat customers seriously, the shameful behavior just now will greatly reduce customers' impression of the store. "

"Big discount? Heh~ You underestimate her too much."

As soon as the words fell, Akuya came out of the portal right here [glaring at him! "It's too much! How to treat a goddess like this! After you die, I will definitely hack your Ability and


Qin Yun covered his face speechlessly, my goddess, did you not pay attention to the information in your head at all?

After other customers enter the store, they should notice the information transmitted in their heads immediately.

'System, do you think she is normal now?'

System: "It should be normal. After all, some people are careless, and it is reasonable to not notice the extra information in their heads."

However, let's fool the goddess of wisdom first.

"I'm sorry, it's actually because I missed the disinfection process just now." Qin Yun put down his hands, with a formulaic smile on his face: "Because from other worlds, there may be bacteria and viruses on the body, so the disinfection process must be carried out."

"I forgot to disinfect just now, so I threw you back and did it all over again."

After listening to the explanation, Akuya's anger subsided a little, but she still had some doubts: "Really?"

"Definitely, as compensation, this bottle of the world's number one fine wine is given to you as a gift."

World's best wine?

Akuya's heart moved, and she showed a gratified smile: "In this case, as the benevolent goddess of water, I forgive your rudeness."

She did not move slowly at all, she took the wine and disappeared with a flick of her hand, and she didn't know where she received it.

Qin Yun nodded with a smile, and said in his heart: "See, Goddess of Wisdom, she is so easy to fool." "

'She is the goddess of water, this is just a simple mind. ’ The system still insists on its own point of view, isn’t it normal for a goddess to have a pure heart?

Moreover, water is a representative of purity, so it is purer than other goddesses, and there is nothing wrong with it.

'Do you dare to bet. '

'Just bet on whether she is innocent or stupid. The system chooses simplicity. If you lose, you will give the host a treasure map. If the host loses, "all the evils in this world" will belong to the shop. '

The stakes are a little high.

But Qin Yun didn't think he would lose, so he agreed without much hesitation.

Now it is enough to prove whether Aku is really right.

This treasure map is simply for nothing!

Qin Yun almost couldn't hold back his expression and laughed, this time he had the advantage of intelligence.

"Beautiful and noble goddess, please follow me."

Qin Yun smiled and raised his hand to lead, and then walked ahead to lead the way.

When Akuya in the back heard the title, she was suddenly overjoyed. In Weibei, even his subordinates never called him that.

So, she immediately puffed up her chest, bursting with confidence, and followed behind as if she were a goddess.

"By the way, Lady Goddess, have you ever heard the story of a wise man saying yes, and a fool saying no?"

Akuya didn't think about it at all, and gave an answer: "No........."

"That's right, that's good."

'System, prepare the treasure map first. '

When he came to the door of the store, Qin Yun stopped suddenly, turned around and said, "For first-time customers, please enter with continuous backhand flips to accept the blessings from the world."

"Huh? What kind of weird entry method is this?"

Qin Yun continued to swear without changing his face: "This is the highest standard of etiquette here, and only the most distinguished guests will be received like this."

"So, please enter the store with continuous backflips. The harder you flip, the more respect you will receive from us."

"Really? Cough cough! Since I am the most honored guest, I accept it." Akuya grinned at the corner of her mouth, and then turned around pretending to be indifferent.

The system At the moment has nothing to say, do you believe this? Seems silly?

Qin Yun silently raised the phone, looking forward to it.


I have to say that although being a goddess is useless, the back handspring is still very easy to do.

Then the people in the shop saw a strange scene. The customer who was thrown out just now entered the shop in a strange backhand flip posture.

As a result, I didn't stop in time because I worked too hard.


Akuya slammed her head against the shelf, making a dull sound, rolled her eyes and collapsed to the ground limply 5.7.

The air instantly became quiet, and everyone was bewildered by this scene.

Erya was so shocked that the potato chips in her mouth fell to the ground, probably she had never seen such a strange scene in her life.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!!!" After a few seconds of silence, Qin Yun couldn't help it anymore, and let out an uncontrollable laugh while clutching his stomach.

Talent! It’s just letting you in, why are you turning so far!

This video must be treasured! If you have nothing to do, take it out and be happy! Hahaha!

The system estimated that this would be very speechless, and without waiting for another test, it directly distributed the treasure map: 'The system misjudged it, here it is for you.

Because of this performance, you can know the result without trying it.

This goddess of water is too watery in terms of IQ!.

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