Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 319 Release Recruitment Information

In the adventurer's guild, Chris, who was fully dressed again, sat opposite Qin Yun, with his head lowered so deeply that no one could see the expression on his face.

Qin Yun and Akuya didn't say anything either, because they didn't know what to say.

It's obviously just a test of skills, and this should only be able to steal one item.

But in Qin Yun's hands, I feel that the "stealing" skill can be renamed "robbery".

All the worthless things on Chris were "stolen".

For example, clothes, empty purses, clothes, worthless from the inside to the outside, are not kept.

"Um, would you like something to eat?"

In the end, it was Qin Yun who spoke first to break the awkward atmosphere.

Both of them were at fault in this matter. He shouldn't have directly experimented with people after the skill was mutated.

Chris shouldn't be so careless and use himself as a test subject directly.

It's hard to say who is more responsible, it's half a catty.

"No, no need."

The reply was as thin as a mosquito, and at the moment Chris also had the idea of ​​getting into the ground, and his whole face was flushed.

The original lively appearance is gone, compared to Akuya, she is more like a normal girl as a goddess.

At least IQ is completely fine.

Because of the embarrassing scene caused by the accident, the two of them had no intention of trying other skills.

Akuya doesn't care what happened just now, she just wants to solve one thing now: "Then how will the devil solve it? Don't let the nuclear bomb be used, and when will you upgrade slowly!"

"Can you just pretend you didn't see it? Let me kill the devil first?"

As she spoke, she looked at Chris expectantly. In this matter, her IQ finally reached the normal line, and she knew how to play tricks.

As long as Eris, the manager, turns a blind eye, he can complete the task by cheating.

Then he returned to the heaven smoothly, and continued to use the boring but dignified work.

Anyway, she often left work to Eris, resulting in a backlog of work for the other party.

In the end, she helped the other party to complete the task in turn, and she could also get the other party's gratitude... It seems that something is wrong?

Chris raised his head, showing his flushed cheeks, and replied firmly: "Absolutely not! If Akuya-senpai insists on doing this, I can only report the situation to

After saying a word, he lowered his head in a flustered expression, still feeling very ashamed.

"Damn it!" Seeing that she refused to help her, Akuya suddenly became terrified, showing a malicious smile: "If you don't help me, I'll tell it about you being naked!"

call out!


Just after finishing speaking, a hand knife fell on her head precisely, causing Akuya to hold her head and let out a cry of pain.

"Don't threaten others with this kind of thing, it's too dirty.",

Akuya stared at him unconvinced: "It's not all because of your skills! So it's not my fault!"

These words made Qin Yun look like a black question mark, we are helping you, this responsibility is too clean.

You really brought the church taught by Axis to the fullest, if you make a mistake, just blame others.

However, Akuya didn't really blame them, after all, she was an idiot, her intelligence was below the level of normal people, so what bad intentions could she have?

"Then what should I do, it's so troublesome to upgrade a little bit to fight the devil." There was no shortcut, so Akua lay down on the table discouraged, frowning and very distressed.

After a while, Chris recovered a bit, but he still didn't dare to look directly at Qin Yun, and occasionally looked away, and would immediately look away.

"Senior Akuya, why don't you try to recruit some teammates first?"

Qin Yun nodded and echoed: "I also think it should be like this, at least you have to solve the problem of economic (b GBg) sources, and you can't always rely on me to help.

"Look, Kazuma has already found his teammates, and seems to be about to set off to do entrusted tasks."

He raised his finger and pointed to Sato Kazuma, who was chatting and laughing with a girl and walked out of the union gate. This guy is really good at finding a cute-looking magician as his teammate so quickly.

Sure enough, in the original fate, it was Akuya who was holding back and turned into a hell opening.

Now that there are fewer hind legs, the other party directly enters the flat road to the pinnacle of life, without suffering any more hardships.

"Teammates..." After muttering a few times in a low voice, Akuya's eyes gradually lit up, and she regained her enthusiasm: "Yes! We can find teammates! And it must be a higher-level profession!"

"That senior, the superior occupation is a rare person, and it is not easy to find."

Although this idea is very good, Chris feels that it is necessary for her to recognize the reality, otherwise she will not be able to find anyone by then, and it is estimated that she will blame herself again.

And this possibility is very high, because she is Akuya, and she can do things that have nothing to do with people.

"I am a goddess, only superior teammates are qualified to be teammates with me!"

Without waiting for the other two to say anything, she left her seat and ran towards the reception, preparing to release the recruitment information.

"Oh, it's a hard job to be a teammate with her." Qin Yun sighed, looking at Chris with pity: "It's really hard for you to keep dealing with the mess for her."

"No! Nothing!"

Chris turned his head unnaturally, his eyes fell elsewhere.

Knowing that she is still in embarrassment, Qin Yun didn't say much and began to think about another matter.

That is Explosion Magic.

My own is still the Elementary level version, it is best to upgrade it, the high level is definitely more powerful.

This registration card didn't analyze the skills I originally had, I don't think it's good.

He has to find someone to teach him now.

‘I don’t know if Huihui has arrived here, but there are very few people who are proficient in one-hit magic like explosion magic. '

Because it requires a huge amount of magic power, low-level adventurers simply don't have enough magic power, and learning skills will consume skill points.

Megumi was able to release that kind of destructive explosion magic because she used all her skills to enhance the explosion magic and magic power.

During the novice period, few magicians will learn, and it is difficult to find a team after learning.

Which team will want a magician who can only cast one spell and has limited power.

'Sure enough, I still have to take the initiative to look for it. Although there is a lot of time, it can't be wasted like this. "

He has other things to do, so he can't be too lazy. .

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