Qin Yun recalled Huihui's setting and past. In the original plot, she had joined several adventurer teams.

However, because he could only explode magic, he was ruthlessly abandoned by his companions.

Explosion magic is powerful, but this level of destructive magic is not used here.

Who would be free to use rocket launchers to shoot flies?

When hunting, even the prey will be blown into coke, the income will be halved, and if you are not careful, it will affect your companions.

She is not allowed to use explosion magic, nor can she do other magic, so she can only watch the show from the sidelines.

When it's over, you have to divide the economy. This kind of teammates is simply a drag, which is equivalent to giving money for nothing.

A normal team wouldn't want it, unless it was abnormal or had some other purpose.

According to this memory, she arrived in the novice town earlier, but Qin Yun did not see her in the union.

"Chris, you sit here first, I'll go to the reception."

Chris nodded slightly, and gave an inaudible "hmm", if it wasn't for his good hearing, he wouldn't have heard it.

"Hi, may I ask, have you ever seen a girl who can only cast explosion magic?"

Qin Yun came to the reception desk, pushed aside Akuya who was writing the recruitment information, and asked the receptionist politely.

Receptionist: "Are you speaking strangely and wearing blindfolds?"

"Yes! That's her! Do you know where she is?"

Hearing these characteristics mentioned by the receptionist, Qin Yun immediately confirmed that this is the person he was looking for!

Under normal circumstances, the receptionist will not disclose the movements of other adventurers at will.

But now is not the general situation. If the adventurers of advanced professions can grow up, they are often very strong.

She guessed that this time the girl would come back alone again.

It's not once or twice that the opponent joined the adventurer team. Every time, they come back in a state of embarrassment, and in most cases they are abandoned by their teammates.

The reason is still that she specializes in explosion magic.

Out of good intentions, the receptionist also persuaded her a few times, but the effect was almost nothing, and the other party still went her own way.

Speaking of which, the girl's Ability is very good, but it's too weird, otherwise she must be a celebrity that every adventure team wants to join.

"She will probably come back tomorrow, this time the task is to clear the scaled lizards that live on the edge of the southern swamp, I hope it goes well.

The receptionist lady didn't really have much hope for the result.

Those adventurer teams who handed in tasks sometimes complain about this new teammate, misplace skills, blow up materials, accidentally injure teammates, and so on.

"Tomorrow, I'll go directly to her. Which direction is the southern swamp?"

Qin Yun wanted to learn Explosion Magic as soon as possible, and he estimated that after seeing Hui Hui's operation, her group of companions would probably choose to give up.

If you die here, you can only use the resurrection skills of the high priest, and there is only one chance to resurrect.

However, high-level professions such as high priests are not roadside cabbage, they can be found everywhere.

Receptionist: "After going out from the gate of the city, go straight to the right, and you will see it in about six or seven hours."

Because of the previous situation, she guessed that the girl might lose her strength due to the release of magic, and was thrown in place by her teammates.

Looking at Qin Yun's appearance, he doesn't look like a bad guy, maybe he knows him?

Out of curiosity, she casually asked: "Mr. Qin Yun, do you know her?"

The name of the level adventurer will be on the registration card, so it is not surprising that she knows the name.

"Well, I want to ask her to teach me explosion magic, who knows that it's such an unfortunate coincidence."

It's not because he wanted to do bad things, so Qin Yun stated the reason very frankly, and if he concealed it, it would arouse suspicion.

"Explosion magic? This magic is pretty good, but you'd better not learn from that girl." Hearing the word explosion magic again, the receptionist kindly reminded her.

…… Ask for flowers………

Magic is good magic, but if you are too obsessed, you will collapse yourself.

"Thank you for the reminder." After thanking the kind receptionist, Qin Yun spoke to Chris and Akuya again, and left.

A few hours away, if you rely on flight, you can get there soon.

Standing at the gate of the town, determining the direction, a gust of wind carried him into the sky, heading towards the swamp.


Three adventurers in different costumes trembled when they saw the messy swamp.

Originally they were fighting monsters well, but when they saw that there were too many lizards, they asked the magician to clean them up.


As a result, explosion flames were everywhere.

Not one scale lizard survived, and even those that survived were all defective.

The more complete the material, the higher the value.

The most valuable thing about a scaly lizard is the light and hard scales on its body.

"You! You!" The captain pointed at the magician who fell on the ground, and couldn't speak in anger: "Get out! Get out!"

"Captain, it seems that she has exhausted her magic power." The priest reminded her that although she is not a magician, she has heard of explosion magic.

The captain gasped for breath, and finally turned around angrily: "Let's go! Let her stay here by herself!"

There is no need to collect those broken materials on the ground, and they can't be exchanged for much money if they are sold, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The other two adventurers also put away their weapons and followed, regardless of the magicians who lost their strength.

"I don't care for teammates who don't know how to appreciate explosions." Huihui, who was lying on the ground, muttered uncomfortably, but a trace of loneliness flashed quietly in her eyes.

A few minutes later, Hui Hui, who was resting on the ground, suddenly noticed something approaching.

Then a hard object pressed against her back, and she was instantly frightened into sweat.

"Who! Who! What?".

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