"Your name is Mio."

"It's said that on that snowy night, I went out to recharge my phone bill because my phone ran out.

"When I passed by a mobile phone store, it happened to be holding an event, and I could get a lottery by charging 250."

Qin Yun smiled and put his hand on Mio's head, and continued to talk: "So I got you out, and you are worth 250 yuan, aren't you happy?"

Tokisaki Kurumi:

Chongguan Mio: "..."

They listened to this bizarre and nonsense story, and their expressions were wonderful.

Mio, in particular, has deeply doubted whether she has entrusted the wrong person.

"Isn't it good for you to teach so nonsense?" Kuang San couldn't stand it anymore, don't teach a more troublesome question elf in the end.

But Qin Yun waved his hand casually and replied: "It's okay, she doesn't understand."

The newly born Siyuan Elf is absolutely pure, what kind of teaching will have a very significant impact on her growth.

Little Mio was eating the lollipop, her eyes were rolling to observe everything around her.

She is curious about everything, and has a kind of affection for Takamiya Mio.

But because of the aggressive behavior just now, she instinctively felt threatened and didn't want to get close.

"Leave her alone for now, and I'm going to kill those magicians next." At present, those magicians are the most troublesome.

Since they could create one Origin Spirit, it is possible to create a second one.

Leaving it alone would be big trouble.

Qin Yun summoned the Angel of the book and searched for the whereabouts of those magicians.

There are lines of words on the page of the book, and those magicians are rushing here.

They also want to find the Siyuan Elf, gain her power, and avenge humans.

"It seems that we don't have to look for it~". "

Since the other party wants to come over, there is no need to wait for others.

"Those people should have been, no one can survive this kind of explosion.

Westcott expressed his thoughts indifferently, and Eileen and Elliott did not refute, and they also had the same idea.

Now they are going to accept the fruits of the secret art, as long as they have it, the time of revenge will come.

For revenge, they have worked hard for nearly ten years, integrated into society, and developed their power, and finally they have what they are today.

"Please be careful, those people are very strange, maybe there is a way to escape the explosion." On the other side of the communicator, Karen was still very worried about the people she saw in the surveillance.

Judging from the behavior of the other party, it is obviously not like a stranger to the magic furnace.

Know how to disassemble the transfer tube without destroying the magic furnace originally.

Then they should also know what the magic furnace is used for, right?

"What Karen said makes sense. Regardless of whether those people are alive or not, they should be careful." Considering the goal this time, Elliott did not take it lightly.

But for some reason, he was still a little uneasy.

The probability of the other party surviving is almost zero. Under this kind of explosion, even he himself is dead.

The armed helicopter landed slowly, blowing up the dust on the ground.

Just as they were about to land, Elliott and Westcott felt a strong unease.

Before they could check it, a large number of light particles floated from a certain direction, instantly penetrating the helicopter.

Together with the internal personnel, they also decayed and died.

A shimmering flower bloomed in front of Mio Chonggong, and there was a little girl in the stamen.

Those light particles are released from the stamen.

The decayed and dilapidated helicopter crashed to the ground, but Hui Hao did not relax.

She noticed that not all the people on the plane died, and there was a flash of magic power just now.


Ping bell bang bang!

From the wreckage of the plane, the three climbed out in embarrassment and saw Takamiya Mio floating off the ground.

The moment Westcott and Elliot saw her [a look of amazement flashed in their eyes.

The two felt their hearts beating faster at the same time, and they were unconsciously attracted by it.

Elliott had some vague guesses: "Are you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mio released a large amount of pollen light grains again.

Seeing the light particles that destroyed the helicopter hit again, he didn't have time to speak, so he used magic to deal with it.

"Be careful! She should be the origin elf created by the secret technique!"

As magicians, they can sense the huge magical power of Mio, which is not a power that humans can possess.

". "Wait! Why are you attacking us?" Elliott tried to talk to the other party to calm down while evading.

Takamiya Mio kept a cold face and said nothing, the roots of the trees drilled out of the ground under her feet, spreading rapidly.

Where the roots are covered, the world becomes a monotonous black and white.

The Angel of Law, the Paradise of Reincarnation unfolds.

Behind her, three people are watching the battle.

Qin Yun carefully watched Mio's method of using Angel, even if he can't use it now, it doesn't matter if he learns more.

It will always be used in the future, so there is definitely nothing wrong with learning it in advance.

And the effects of using these Angels are so cool.


Xiao Mio stretched out her finger to Mio Chonggong (the one who got the money) in front of her, and grabbed Qin Yun's clothes with the other hand, making a sound that normal people couldn't understand.

"This is called "Samsara Paradise", and you can use it too. "Qin Yun casually explained, in fact, he didn't know whether he was asking about this Wei.

But, I don't understand what you say, and you don't understand what I say, it's like chicken and duck talking.

"This is!? Random field!"

After being covered by the reincarnation paradise, Elliott and the others immediately reacted.

The current situation, they already knew it was going to be bad.

Mio also puts away the Angel of Death, and the Angel of Nothing in the shape of a seed is summoned.

She raised her hand and pointed Angel forward, and a burst of invisible fluctuations spread over.

Westcott, Elliott, and Ailian, who wanted to avoid them, froze for an instant, and their expressions froze on their faces. .

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