Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 379 The Pain Will Eventually Disappear

There is no such thing as how terrifying Angel's destructive power is, just look at the situation at the scene.

After being hit by Wuzhi Angel, the magician trio whose movements were frozen demonstrated what it means to be wiped out.

Their bodies directly collapsed into nothingness, leaving no scum behind.

Although Takakan Mio has served in Fraxinus for many years, she has no affection for Speaker Eliot.

If there is, it is also a negative emotion.

So there is no soft-heartedness when you start your hands, and you are directly dead people.


Suddenly, there was a sound from behind, and Takamiya Mio turned around quickly, only to see a fallen tree.

Qin Yun calmly patted the dust on his clothes, and put down the little Mio he was carrying with his right hand.

Unfortunately, I got used to it.

There's nothing bad going on here, I don't think it's normal, maybe there's a big trouble brewing in the world.

This fell down a tree inexplicably, which is too childish.

If you have the ability, send me a meteorite from the sky! See if I can run!

Little Mio blinked her big clear eyes, looked curiously at Qin Yun, and then at the big tree in front of her, with question marks all over her head.

She didn't understand what it was doing at all, like she didn't know why she liked what she had in her mouth.

160 "Your unlucky physique seems to have strengthened.

From this incident, Kurumi saw the problem.

The danger of unlucky events has obviously increased. Before Tobiichi Origami's house, he just fell down the stairs, or stepped on a banana peel while walking.

Now the two people hugged the thick tree, and it broke and fell down without any warning. Being hit was not a minor injury.

Qin Yun looked at the broken part of the tree, there were termites crawling: "It's normal, the original history has been changed, how can it be possible not to bear the consequences."

"It's just that the big tree fell down, which is not bad.

It's great that there are no meteorites falling directly from the sky or the earth cracking.

The reason why he didn't use Elios was because he was afraid that he would be killed directly.

Changing major history, plus Ellios, the lowest level of danger is probably level 4, and there is a chance that it will directly soar to level 5 and die.

Super enhanced version of "Death God is coming", let's forget it.

As one of the best hosts (in his opinion), he didn't want to die young, which would be a great loss to the system.

"When you take her with you, I guess the situation will gradually get worse."

When Xiao Mio is taken away, the degree of being targeted may intensify even more.

He always has a bad feeling.

"There is the last one left, get rid of her, and the matter is basically over.

Through the Angel of the book, you can grasp accurate information.

In addition to these three magicians, there is another one that is observed remotely.

When several people rushed to the observatory, there was no one inside.

After Mio destroyed this place, she continued to track Karen who had escaped.

The other party didn't escape very far, and stopped her car more than ten kilometers away from the observation post.

Seeing a few people descending from the sky in front of her, Karen knew she couldn't escape.

She stopped the car, got out of the car, walked over to stand opposite, glanced at these people, and finally her eyes fell on Xiao Mio.

"Is she the origin elf?"

After asking, he immediately turned his attention to Mio (bgfa), because she was so similar to Xiao Mio.

The pure white goddess costume of the same style also has a very similar appearance.

Almost like sisters.

"Why did you kill us?" This question was asked to Mio. Before the other party could speak, Kallen asked again: "You are also a Siyuan elf, right? The future Siyuan elf?"

"Yes, I am from the future.

Takamiya Mio, who originally wanted to do it immediately, heard that her identity was recognized, so she postponed the action of killing the other party.

Karen frowned and asked: "Then why did you kill us? We brought you into this world."

"I don't thank you for allowing me to be born in this world." Mio said calmly, and in the palm of her hand, Angel appeared: "If there is only pain, then I would rather not have appeared."

Karen seemed to see something in her eyes, which was heavy emotion.

"Is it because of us?" She asked this sentence dryly, knowing that she would not survive today, at least she wanted to get an answer.

At the last moment of her life, Mio fulfilled her last wish and nodded slightly.

Angel of Nothing was activated, and Karen closed her eyes to accept the fate of death.

In an instant, she also stepped into the footsteps of her companions without leaving any traces.

The source of a series of disasters has completely disappeared in history.

Hopes are shattered, hatred is gone, leaving only a void in the heart.

"Wait! Why are you disappearing!"

Suddenly, Kurumi pointed at Takamiya Mio and exclaimed, only to see that her body was gradually becoming illusory.

Takamiya Mio raised her hand and looked at it, the transparent palm did not make her panic.

It has long been anticipated that this is the consequence of changing history.

"Looks like I'm going to disappear."

His disappearance means that history has changed.

At the last moment of her death, the only real smile from the heart appeared on her face in thirty years.

"Thank you, please take care of her."

Qin Yun put one hand on Mio's head and said: "After receiving your reward, things will be done naturally.

"If there was a way to keep you alive, would you be willing?"

Hearing this, Takamiya Mio just looked at him with a smile, without answering.

But Qin Yun saw from her eyes that the things that bound her heart in the past no longer existed.

For Takamiya Mio, disappearing into the world is a kind of relief rather than pain.

Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, Mio completely disappeared and ceased to exist. .

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