Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 383 Immortal Smoke And Princess Of The Moon

The raging flames burned the bamboo forest, and the pillars continued to crackle and crackle in the flames, just like firecrackers during the New Year.

The scorching heat distorted the air and made it extremely dry.


Enveloped in flames, Fujiwara-san, who spread a pair of fire wings behind her back, pinched her opponent's neck, and with all her strength, the veins on the back of her hands burst out.

And the person who was pinched by her was none other than the princess of Yonglai Pavilion, Penglai Shan Huiye.

At present, she has rolled her eyes in shock.

But the movement in his hands didn't stop, and he kept waving the Penglai jade branch to hit Meihong.

His skin was torn open and his blood flowed continuously.

But the two completely ignored their injuries and attacked desperately.

They knew in their hearts that these attacks were useless, anyway, if they were killed, they would be resurrected in the end.

"It's brutal."

On the edge of the battlefield, two people are watching.

Qin Yun held the binoculars in one hand and took Mio with the other.

Little Mio was also holding a telescope, and was surprised to find that this thing allowed her to see far away.

This scene of fighting each other broke the lower limit.

After watching for a while, Qin Yun couldn't take it anymore, and pulled Mio to leave.

These two guys are both from Penglai, the immortal kind, and they didn't hold back at all when they fought.

How can kill the opponent once, how to come.

The cruelty of the means directly challenged his psychological endurance limit.

Fujiwara Meihong is a pure grandpa, that's okay.

Originally, the image of Yamato Nadeko that Kaguya had always maintained in front of him completely collapsed, and now he looks more like a madwoman.

"Wow! Yay "w!"

Xiao Mio opened her mouth and made an inexplicable sound, as if she wanted to continue watching.

But this voice directly exposed his own existence, making the two people fighting in the sky look over.

"Oh~ it seems that there are guests." Taking advantage of Meihong's distraction and weakened strength in her hands, Penglai Shanhuiye punched the opponent in the abdomen.

The sudden severe pain made Fujiwara Meihong let go of her hands and backed away, sucking in air-conditioning and rubbing her abdomen.

Veins popped up on her forehead, and just as she was about to fight back, Kaguya landed first.

Seeing this, I can only give up first.

But this punch, she will definitely return it.

"Qin Jun, Gui'an." Even though the clothes on his body were torn, Kaguya still greeted him with an elegant gesture.

It simply performed the image of Yamato Nadeko to the extreme.

After Fujiwara Meihong saw it, she curled her lips in disdain, but she knew the other party's true appearance very well.

What kind of elegant princess of the moon, that was a thousand years ago.

Now she is a house girl who spends all day playing games in her room.

The so-called elegance is to deceive the uninformed.

"This guy is a dead house girl, don't be fooled by her, she is just pretending now."

"Hidden in the room playing games all day long, until he died suddenly, then resurrected and continued to play, a pure useless person, and also very black-bellied.

As a member of the barbecue stall Tucao Club, Meihong will not sit back and watch her acquaintances be cheated.

So she directly exposed Kaguya's background and revealed all those things.

Hearing that Meihong exposed herself, the smile on Kaguya's face did not change at all, as if she was not talking about herself.

"I seem to hear a turkey screaming. It's strange. Is it a hallucination?"

"Who do you call a turkey!"


The turbulent flames erupted from Fujiwara Meihong's body, but did not burn her clothes.

In order to prevent the clothes from being burned when using the ability, she specially pasted a fire talisman on them.

After the young girl became furious, Kaguya calmly pulled her slipped clothes to cover her snow-white skin.

"Let's call here first today, the concubine is going back."

"Tsk! I'm leaving too, Qin, see you later."

Although she was furious all over her body, Meihong didn't attack again.

Although she has a hot temper, she has a good ability to control herself.

After all, it is also a long-lived species that has lived for more than a thousand years, and has a strong control over emotions.

After saying goodbye, she went straight to the other direction and entered the bamboo forest.

For Meihong, the formation in the bamboo forest is so familiar that she can walk out with her eyes closed.

After all, whoever has been on the road for hundreds of years will be familiar with what they can no longer be familiar with.


At this time, Lingxian, who was sweeping the floor, ran over, still holding the clothes in her hands.

This is what she often does, after Kaguya and Meihong finish fighting, she comes to deliver clothes.

Every time the two men finished fighting, they were either ragged or simply clean.

And when the two are fighting, the rabbit demons will not approach.

If it is affected, it will become a roasted rabbit.

"Huh? Qin Jun, why are you here?"

Seeing that Qin Yun was also present, Lingxian was very surprised.

Immediately seeing (Zhao Mo's) Hui Ye's clothes were torn, and naked skin could be seen in many places, so he quickly put the clothes in his hands on her body.

The other one was originally prepared for Meihong, but no one was there.

"I'm here to find Yonglin, is she working on medicine?"

"Well, Master has been in the pharmacy recently, it seems to be quite busy."

Lingxian hadn't tried new medicine for several days, this situation not only didn't make her relax, but made her worry more and more.

This means that the master craftsman may be researching some terrible potion, which is time-consuming because of its complexity.

"Ah, Eirin doesn't have any medicines anymore, she's been busy with other things recently." Kaguya suddenly interjected, obviously knowing about Eirin's recent situation.

"If you want to find her, just go to the pharmacy, and she is waiting for you."

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