Forever Kiosk, Pharmacy.

Bayi Yonglin sat in front of the workbench and meditated, holding a test tube in her hand, playing with it unconsciously.

Recently, she was worrying about one thing. When Lingxian fled, she brought a piece of news.

That is, the moon will send people down to arrest Kaguya.

There is no need to doubt the authenticity of the news.

The people of the moon do not have the filth of the people on the ground, and they will not lie.

Now that you have said to arrest people, you will definitely act.

Unless something happens, the action is hindered.

It doesn't matter if it's just an ordinary envoy of the moon. At the end of the story of Taketori thousands of years ago, she and Kaguya wiped out all the envoys who came to welcome them.

That time they were just to pick up people, so they were all ordinary emissaries of the moon, but this time it was different, if they were to be arrested, they would definitely send high-force personnel.

The representative of the strongest force in the Moon City, one of the three main gods, Yue Ye Jian Zun, is the younger brother of Amaterasu Omigod.

However, he usually stays in the moon palace, basically never going out, and with his status, it is impossible to come and arrest people in person.

Then there are only his own students, sisters Mitsuki Yoshihime and Mitsuzuki Toyohime.

As their own students, both of them performed well in their own unique fields, and after their disappearance, they should become the leaders of the Moon Envoy.

"What a headache student."

Bayi Yonglin was not afraid, because even Yue Ye was a junior when she met her.

Although she never mentioned her identity, she can still speculate from some clues.

His identity is older than the three main gods, he has vast and profound knowledge, and his surname is Bayi.

Among the three gods of neon good fortune, Gao Huangsheng, the son of the spirit god, and the eight meanings of Qianshen, who is in charge of wisdom, are in many ways consistent.

Moreover, the Moon Capital was also established together with Yueyejian under her guidance.

"Eirin! Are you there?"

A sudden shout came from outside the door, waking up Yonglin (bgdd) who was thinking about how to respond.

She put down the test tube in her hand, turned around on the stool, and responded to the outside: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, Qin Yun walked in, followed by Xiao Mio, pulling the hem of his T-shirt with one hand.

"I heard from Kaguya that you seem to be looking for me for something?"

"Well, I need to find you for something." Yonglin waved her hand, and the two stools moved over.

The pharmacy is not covered with tatami mats, but wooden boards are used, because she likes to sit on a stool when making medicines.

In this way, in case of an accident, you can quickly escape.

Sitting on knees is very inconvenient, and my legs will become numb from sitting on knees for a long time.

After both of them sat down, Yonglin explained why she was looking for him.

"You want to see Amaterasu (God Tamamo-mae)? That's no problem, I'll talk to her later.

"But what's your business with her?"

Tamamomae is very free recently, and he and duplication Xiaoyu are trying to figure out how to become an idol.

To put it simply, I have nothing to do, and I am looking for fun to pass the time for myself.

Bayi Yonglin didn't have any scruples, and said straight out: "Do you know the civilization on the moon?"

"I know, Lunarians moved from the earth to the moon a long time ago, and built a city there, named it the City of Electricity."

Yonglin was not too surprised that he knew the origin of the Moon Capital. Although it was a long time ago, it was not a secret.

"Kaguya and I both came from the capital of the moon. Thousands of years ago, we killed the envoys of the moon that greeted us and lived in seclusion on the earth.

"However, when Lingxian fled to Gensokyo, he brought bad news. The Moon Capital planned to send people to arrest Kaguya."

"I can't block it directly, so I want to ask Amaterasu to help me a little."

Since she was looking for someone to help, Yonglin made her plan clear.

Nine out of ten people who came to arrest were their own students.

The two of them are strong and have a high status. The only one who has a higher status than them in the Moon City is Yue Ye.

But if Amaterasu, who is the head of the three main gods, comes forward, even Moon Night will have to give face.

What's more, Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji will not need her to take action at that time, and the matter will be resolved.

"Your plan is very good, but there is a small problem in it." After hearing the complete plan, Qin Yun knew that this was the best and easiest way.

But the problem is that this Amaterasu is not the Amaterasu she knows.

"Let me just say it clearly. She is Amaterasu in other worlds. It's hard to say whether she can hold back the pursuers."

"It doesn't matter, I already know about it." What happened that day, although Yonglin was in the bamboo forest, she could see what happened on the monster mountain.

This is very easy for her, so she came up with this method.

"As long as she is Amaterasu's great mistress, that's enough."

As for whether it belongs to the Otherworld or not, it doesn't matter at all.

Only gods who need faith will fix their appearance so that believers can remember them.

Like the kind of gods who don't need to believe in, it's normal to change their appearance frequently, and there's nothing strange about it.

Therefore, as long as it is Amaterasu Omisami, it is enough, and appearance is not important.

She couldn't believe that her two students dared to ask more questions.

"Okay, okay, I will tell her, as to whether to help or not, it depends on her own wishes.

Qin Yun would not agree to it without permission, he was just acting as a microphone.

After the agreement was made, he started to talk about the business, which was to order a large number of medicines.

When leaving, Eirin's meaningful eyes fell on Mio.

With her eyesight, she already noticed something was wrong at the first sight.

Pure magical power is like a god born from nature, but it is impossible to happen in this world.

Because the planet can no longer give birth to natural gods. .

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