Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 50: The End Of The Red Mist Mutation

Behind a bookshelf about a hundred meters away, Qin Yun was watching quietly.

It doesn't matter that everything here is ruined.

And he can secretly manipulate space and matter.

"By the way, I almost forgot those two guys."

Just as I was about to start, I suddenly remembered that there were two other guys there.

Qin Yun raised his right hand and waved it a few times, and the floor under Paqiuli and Marisa's feet separated and floated to a safe position.

Two crispy magicians, don't mix them in.

If this is an accidental injury, it is very dangerous.

The sudden movement of the floor under her feet caused Paqiuli to panic.

Although she knows all kinds of magic, she is most proficient in attribute magic, not including space.

But then, the floor floated not far away and didn't move anymore.

This position also happened to be able to see the situation on Flandre's side.

One by one the bookshelves flew towards Fran, but they were all burned down by Levatin.

It may be that I got tired of cutting the bookshelf.

Fran held up Levatin, and the flames on the blade surged again.

With one blow, all objects within 100 meters were burned.

By the way, she found the trace of Qin Yun, which made Fran very excited.

"Found you! Big brother!"

Qin Yun smiled and shook his head, not in a hurry to dodge, and pressed down with one hand.

Immediately, the floor below him undulated like waves, and when he reached Flan, it was already twenty to thirty meters high.

Definitely, this is just the most common stone slab, it is impossible to block Levatin's attack.

But when the stone slab was destroyed, Qin Yun had disappeared in place.

This scene made Fran pouted angrily. After finally finding it, she ran away again.

In the distance, Paqiuli, who saw the whole process, was extremely shocked.

This person's attainments in space are so strong!

Manipulating space to affect matter at will, she thought she would never be able to do it.

no! Don't get too excited!

Suddenly feeling chest tightness, she quickly slowed down her breathing.

Because I have asthma, I can't be too emotional on weekdays.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause an asthma attack.

The undulation of the ground seems to have caused a chain reaction, and the already chaotic space became even worse.

The floor was split, objects were disintegrated and reorganized, and the library, which was originally empty, seemed to have no boundaries.

Seeing this situation, Qin Yun, who was secretly manipulating, smiled wryly and scratched his face with his fingers.

"Mom, the movement is too big, it really is out of control."

Once out of control, with his current control over the space, there is basically no possibility of recovery.

Like dominoes, this chaos will only get worse.

In the current situation, we can only withdraw first.

He directly opened the portal leading to Marisa's location, and opened the door back to reality under the surprised eyes of the two.

"You go in first."

He then yelled at Fran, who was still looking for him, to lure her over.

Zheng worried that he couldn't find where the big brother was, but this time he showed up on his own initiative.

Flan dragged a tens of meters long fire sword, and rushed over with a wild laugh.

"Big brother! Come play! Play with Fran! Hahahahaha!"

This is really cutting you with a forty-meter sword!

All objects along the way were destroyed by Levatin.

Qin Yun just glanced at her indifferently, then walked into the portal and returned to the real world.

Afterwards, Fran also rushed out.

Just about to continue the attack, a deafening sound came from above, accompanied by strong vibrations.

This sudden violent movement made everyone at the scene stop.

"elder sister?"

Fran seemed to sense something, her expression changed, and she hurriedly flew towards the opening made by the magic cannon.

The underground library has a large number of guardian magic arranged by Paqiuli, so it can resist a certain degree of attack.

After all, her life's collection is here, if it is destroyed, she will probably die of anger on the spot.

. . . . . .

on the ground.

At the moment, the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, which was originally like a castle, has been moved to the ground.

Only the rubble and the shrinking giant Yin-Yang Jade remained.

The owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Remilia fell into the ruins with ragged clothes, the gun of Gungnir falling beside her.

She lay on her back and stared at the sky, showing a wry smile.

Sure enough, the strongest shrine maiden is the strongest shrine maiden, even if he used all his strength, he still lost.

"I lost."

A head suddenly appeared in sight, it was the man from before.

"Have you found Fran?"

Qin Yun: "She came out by herself and played like crazy."


Hearing the news, Remy didn't react in particular.

The main reason is that she is exhausted now, and she can't do anything even if she wants to.

In the sky, Fran also found Reimu, and the two fought.

Not long after, another super-giant Yin-Yang jade fell down, and the remaining half of the Scarlet Devil Mansion suffered another disaster.

Sakuya, who was taking care of Remy, turned blue when she saw this scene.

Qin Yun left for a while, and when he came back, he was holding a little guy in the same ragged clothes.

"Okay, the mutation is resolved, you guys remember to hold a banquet to apologize to everyone."

After solving the mutation and leaving a word behind, Reimu couldn't wait to go back.

Marisa also left with her, carrying a big bulging bag on her shoulder, with a satisfied expression on her face.

This guy is really proficient at 'borrowing things'.

Qin Yun put Fulan down, took out the hour hand pistol, and gave each of them a round of four bullets.

Originally, Sakuya wanted to stop him, but Remy called out.


After recovering from her injuries, Remy got up from the ground.

Qin Yun used all the remaining time points and fired a round of four rounds.

The target he was aiming at was the ruins of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and he wanted to try to see if the Fourth Bullet could also work on inanimate objects.

As if the image returned to the room, the scattered debris and debris were automatically transferred and reassembled.

In the end, not all of them were recovered, but most of them were recovered.

"Next, it's our deal."

In the lobby on the first floor of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, there were three people sitting around a table.

Sister Remy, Qin Yun, and Sakuya are maids, so they stand by and serve.

"What do you want? Magic? Weapons? Or magic items?"

Qin Yun: "It's all right, as long as it's valuable, I'll take it. Specifically, we'll talk about it after you prepare the things."

"In order to prove that this is not lying to you, you can try something first."

The magic eye killer was placed on the table, and Sakuya stepped forward to pick up the glasses, and put them on Fran gently.

"Huh? No more, those lines are all gone."

At the moment of putting on the magic eye killer, all the lines and dots disappeared from Fran's vision.

"The effect has been shown. You can come to the Hakurei Shrine. My shop is there. Remember, that kind of artwork is useless and worthless."

Seeing the other party disappear, Remy immediately jumped off the chair to pick out the right things.

This prop must be obtained!

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