Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 51: Changes In Secondary Stores

Back at the store, Qin Yun put the magic eye back on the shelf.

It was just a trial just now, and after he left, the products naturally came back.

After waiting in the store for a long time, Remilia came to the door.

Also bring a few items, two weapons, cloak, crystal staff, magic book.

One of the two weapons is the cross silver sword, which seems to be the nemesis of Blood Clan, right?

"Cross silver sword, 600 points, cursed short blade, 700 points, shadow cloak, 1200 points, staff 1000 points, magic book 1000 points."

"A total of 4,500 world coins."

This is the most valuable batch of goods I have received since the store opened.

After getting the world coins, Remy immediately bought the magic eye killer.

"Are you interested in other products?"

How can it be enough to just sell the magic eye killer?

Qin Yun immediately introduced other products to them.

Remy is not interested in these products, but Sakuya is different.

Her eyes have been lingering on the golden rule and duplication.

Outsiders think that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is not short of money, but that's just what outsiders think.

Moreover, the place in the restaurant is very large, and she and the elf maid alone can't clean it all.

Especially those goblin maids, the work is always half done.

If it wasn't really impossible, she didn't want to use elf maids, these little elves were too playful.

Qin Yun noticed her eyes keenly, followed her gaze, and immediately understood.

"It seems that Ms. Sakuya likes these two things very much. Are you interested in buying them?"

Remi looked at it, turned around and asked, "Sakuya, do you need it?"

"Well, if I had those two things, I'd be a lot easier."

Facing Miss File size's questioning, she did not shirk, but told the truth.

"Then buy it."

The smile on Qin Yun's face suddenly became brighter, and he picked up two items and threw them at Sakuya.

At this time, 2750 world coins were sold.

According to the commission, he can get 825 world coins.

"Congratulations to the store manager for selling 8 items, please upgrade the store as soon as possible"


System prompt?

Hearing the prompt in his head, Qin Yun was also very surprised.

Except that the system had a prompt at the beginning, it seemed to disappear later, and no prompt was given again.

And this reminder, I still urge myself to upgrade the store quickly.

Will there be any important changes in the upgrade store?

After shopping, Remy hurriedly took Sakuya away.

She wants to quickly deliver the Demon Eye Killer to her younger sister, so that she can come out with confidence.

Qin Yun was still standing in front of the shelves. He wanted to know what would happen if the store was upgraded to level 2.

I currently have 1111 world coins on hand, which is enough to buy the T virus and the head of my senior.

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come."

With a mutter, he bought these two items.

"The owner has sold ten items, and the store has been upgraded to level two"

"The store area has been tripled and the second floor has been opened"

"Obtain a commercial plaza, the auction house opens"

"The store owner's private store is open"

"The portal to the connected world is open"

"Second form of life is solidified and released"

A series of reminders sounded, making Qin Yun feel a little dizzy.

The space in the store expanded in vain, leaving a large area of ​​vacant space.

A wide staircase appears on the right inside the shop, leading directly to the second floor.

The decoration in the store has also become more gorgeous.

Shi Xiang came out from the counter, holding Qin Yun's arm, watching the changes around her uneasily.

Qin Yun was also surprised, but he had expected that the upgrade might bring about a lot of changes.

There seems to be a square, right?

He stepped out of the store door and saw that the dark alley had disappeared.

What unfolded in front of us was an empty and beautiful large square, the main color was white, with some golden decorations, and some benches were placed in certain positions of the square.

The flower beds are full of colorful flowers. There is a gorgeous fountain in the center of the square, and an unknown goddess stands in the center of the pool.

White pillars are erected on the border of the square, and outside is a strange space that looks like a dream.

You can see countless bubbles of different file sizes and colors floating.

From the information sent by the system, Qin Yun knew the real name of this space.

The sea of ​​void can also be called the universe sea.

Those strange bubbles are universes.

And on the edge of the square, there are several slowly rotating light doors.

That is the portal to each world.

"This is a bit like a plane store. The previous ones were too unstyled."

If he had known that this kind of change would happen when he was promoted to a higher level, Qin Yun would definitely sell his goods desperately.

He looked at everything around him, feeling a little unreal.

When I got back to the store, that feeling disappeared.

The main thing is that I'm not used to it, just wait and see it a few more times.

The layout of the second floor is not much different from the first floor. There are shelves, but they are all empty.

Next to the shop is the auction house.

The style is an ancient attic. It doesn't look very big on the outside, but the interior space is huge.

These are all secondary, the most important point is that the solidification of the life form has been lifted.

It is the last point prompted by the system.

Solidification means that his original life form is locked.

After all organisms have evolved to a certain level, their evolution will stagnate.

To use a metaphor, as a human being, his lifespan is one hundred years old. If he does not release the solidification, no matter how many abilities he acquires, he can only live to one hundred years old.

The release of solidification means that his life form has gone a step further, and the original limit has been broken.

The most obvious is that the life span is longer.

These are all the information sent to him by the system, as if his own life form is fixed by the system and cannot be changed by any external force.

Even if Remilia gave him a first hug, he couldn't become a Blood Clan.

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