The city walls of the imperial capital are not so easy to break through.

Moreover, they didn't want to be beaten passively.

It seems that the imperial capital is besieged from three sides, but in fact, once Budd and Esdes join the battle, the revolutionary army may not need to be sent out, and the revolutionary army will have to retreat.

With the strength of these two great generals, unless the number of people really reached a very high number, they would just be exhausted.

"General Esdes, besides the west gate and the south gate, Tegu envoys have already gone to support them. Only this side has the largest number of rebels, and members of the night attack were found among them."

"Night attack, it's just a group of rats, but I didn't expect this guy to become the leader of the rebel army."

On the city wall, Estes looked at the army in the distance. She knew the leader and was very familiar with him.

Najie Xitan, his former lieutenant general, later betrayed the empire and was cut off by himself, and also destroyed an eye.

Since then, he has disappeared, and he did not expect to meet again as the leader of the rebel army, but for Estes, he is just a small character who has nothing to worry about.

This is the confidence brought by strength. Facing the hundreds of thousands of rebels, they didn't take it seriously at all.

If it wasn't for the dispatch order from the imperial capital, she would definitely kill the rebels first.

"Minister, please wipe out the rebels as soon as possible. In order to gather these rebels, even the towns on the way of the opponent's march have given up."

The minister is not afraid of these rebels, he is just afraid that destroying all the rebels will scare the others away.

So simply voluntarily abandon the town, creating an illusion of a weak empire.

But the real strength of the empire is not the soldiers, but Tegushi.

Especially Esdes and Bude, although he can't mobilize Bude, if the rebels attack the imperial capital, the general will not sit idly by.

Now the three rebels are being dealt with by Estes, Bud, and his son Sheila respectively.

In addition, the biggest hole card, Supreme Teigu, is still in use, so he is not worried at all.

Everything the rebel army did seemed like a joke to them, and there was no possibility of overthrowing the empire at all.

After watching for a long time, Estes stood on the city wall and directly made a shocking action.

She jumped directly from the city wall that was sixty to seventy meters high.

At this height, not to mention humans, even dangerous species may fall to the brink of death.

The nearby soldiers poked their heads out quickly, only to see Esdeth stepping on the icicles emerging from the city wall to land safely and walking towards the rebels.

Najie Xitan looked serious, and didn't relax just because Esdesh came alone.

Because she knows that the number of people has almost no effect in front of the other party.

Even if the alien races in the north were wiped out by Esdesi alone, a total of 300,000 people could not resist her.

The soldiers in the front row raised their weapons and put on a posture of guard.

Although it's just one person, the other party's reputation is like thunder.

Estes walked to a position about ten meters away, raised his head slightly, raised his hand and adjusted his hat: "What do you think of this land as your cemetery?"

These words made Najie Xitan's heart tremble, but she didn't feel the murderous aura from Esdeth.

This only means one thing.....

The other party didn't put himself and others in their eyes at all, just like someone trampled an ant to death, and didn't care at all, so how could there be murderous intent.

"Esdes, since we've reached this point, there's no need to talk so much nonsense."

"The empire is completely rotten! It must be overthrown! You don't deserve it for the empire!"

Estes adjusted his hat, put down his hands, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "There is one thing you must be clear about. I am not destroying you for the sake of the empire."


"Just because there is no empire, I will lose the joy of life. Only the strong are worthy of survival, and the weak only need to die quietly."

"Empire is a tool for my purpose, I don't agree to let you destroy this tool, understand?"

"Besides, I originally planned to destroy you..." Suddenly, she changed the subject and turned to look at a certain bush: "How long are you going to hide? Well, if you can beat me, I can Choose to let them go."


Seeing that there was no response, Estes turned cold, raised his hand, and a few icicles flew into the grass.

"Ouch! Look! Air!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Estes reacted quickly, and a layer of Ice condensed to wrap itself, turning into an all-round defensive ice puck.

Seeing the ice puck in front of him, Qin Yun had a funny smile on his face: "It's time to show real skills! Look at my golden right foot!"

Speaking of the golden right foot, he raised his staff and swung it vigorously, and the ice puck, which was two meters high, was instantly sent flying.

Then he drew a circle in the air with his right hand, and a portal opened in the arc of the ice puck falling.

The ice puck fell into the portal accurately, and the portal closed in the next second, leaving only sparks on the ground.

"Mmm~ a hole in one, well done!"


In the forest a hundred kilometers away, a hockey puck suddenly fell from a height of more than ten meters and hit the ground.

Then the puck shattered, leaving Tian Estes' body.

At the moment, she looked at the lush forest in front of her with a dull expression, and then turned into a black question mark face.

This... what kind of beggar?

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