What should I do if the guy in trouble doesn't want to fight?

It's very simple, either go by yourself or send the other party away.

For Qin Yun who can teleport, it is naturally the most suitable to send the other party away.

There is a song that sings well, I will send you away thousands of miles away~ Let's see what you do~

Those who know the space ability can also send it back, and those who can fly can also fly back.

If you don't know the above two, and you don't have a vehicle, you can only rely on the No. 11 bus.

Estes' reactions were all in his expectation, even if he was a fool, after being beaten a few times, he should have a conditioned reflex.

What's more, it's a smart person, but the other party only counted one step, but didn't count the next step.

Now people have teleported "257" away, and they won't be able to come back for a while.

Najie Xitan was dumbfounded, she didn't expect that there was such a way to deal with it, she thought there was going to be a vigorous battle.

Although very unexpected, this is simply the most perfect result.

Without a single soldier, a big trouble was solved.

The soldiers of the revolutionary army also saw it, and their morale immediately rose.

Nothing can improve the morale of an enemy general more than being defeated. Although it is not accurate to say that it is defeated, ordinary soldiers don't understand it.

They only know that the other party has lost.

Compared with the revolutionary army, the imperial army on the city wall lied.

Estes is almost equivalent to their confidence to win, but in the end, they were lost by the opponent in one round!

"That guy, trouble."

The black-haired girl held a snack in her hand, stopped eating, and said a few words with a blank face.

The hunter unit is now the most elite unit under Esdeth. As for the original three beast warriors, they were killed in battle during the night attack.

Brand is also the same as the original fate, with Teigu's toxin in his body, but the difference this time is that he has a relief force in him.

After Liwa, an old acquaintance and enemy, thought he succeeded, he directly drank the antidote to remove the poison from his body.

Although he was weak for a while because of this, he managed to save his life and recovered.

"Oh~ what a bad development, it's not fashionable at all." Dr. Fashion covered his face with one hand, sighing helplessly.

Porus: "Shall we do it? Or wait until the general returns?"

They have all seen the situation just now. That strange hole should be similar to Sheila's Teigu, and it can send people to another place.

Sheela had come to Esdeth before to talk about some cooperation matters, and the members of the hunter knew that there was such a type of Teigu.

"It's better not to go out for the time being. I don't know how many times that guy's Tegu can be used. If we are also sent away, it will be troublesome."

Lan carefully considered the various possibilities, and finally gave a safe proposal.

It's okay if the other party can only send it once for a period of time, but it's not good if it can be used continuously.

There is a big difference between an army with Tegushi and an army without Tegushi.

But they want to wait, the Revolutionary Army will not, Esdes is not here, such a good opportunity cannot be let go.

"Prepare to attack the city!"

Under the command of Najie Hitan, the siege began, but this time it was impossible to use explosives to blow open the city gate.

The gates of the imperial capital are made of metal, and they are opened by mechanisms. The explosives have no effect, and at most a trace will be left.

So, what follows is a brutal siege battle.

There is no need to continue looking at this side for the time being, Qin Yun will turn to other directions, and the battle on the other two sides will not be clear.

Then it was discovered that the city gate attacked by Anning Road was more harmonious, because neither side fought.

A tall figure stood on the city wall, the electric current flashed on the armor, and it was General Bude who was guarding the city gate.

Apparently, the leader on Anning Road also knows the identity of the opponent, so he dare not act rashly, and seems to be considering countermeasures...

On the other hand, on the side of the other revolutionary army, the battle has already begun, the two sides are constantly fighting, and there are corpses on the ground.

The blood dyed the ground red, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

The soldiers on both sides were already red-eyed, waving their weapons wildly, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Among them are some particularly strong guys, killing wantonly in the melee, and each attack will take away a life.

Qin Yun floated on a high place, overlooking the battlefield below.

To be honest, seeing this tragic scene, his heart did not fluctuate at all.

"It feels so boring, system, is there something wrong with my mind?"

System: 'This is a normal phenomenon, because your host's cognition is higher, and your views on life will also change.

'Just like a higher intelligent creature, seeing a lower intelligent creature, even if the other party is also an intelligent creature, is not equal after all.

It's like two groups of ants fighting. To ants, this is a very tragic war, but to humans, it's just an interesting show.

'In the final analysis, it is vision and strength. When you have the power to overturn the situation of the battle, then this war will seem boring.

After hearing the system's answer, Qin Yun had to admit that what it said made sense.

5.2 "Hearing what you said, indeed, if you look at it from another angle, it will be different."

On the city wall, a person who was watching the tragic battle on the battlefield with great interest found an abnormality in the sky.

"Is that? Flight's Teigu?"

Sheila pointed to the sky and said to the soldiers next to her, "Shoot that man down!"

In the sky, Qin Yun, who was observing the battlefield, suddenly felt a little bit, turned his head slightly, and saw the soldiers on the city wall aiming at him to attack.

"Huh? Can this be beaten?"

In order not to be noticed, he had deliberately distanced himself, but unexpectedly he was still being targeted. .

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