Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 527 You Go In First To Attract Firepower

Ding! Ding Ding!

Several bullets hit the ice wall, making several craters.

Others were missed, and this distance is really not easy to aim.

Qin Yun scattered the ice wall with a wave of his hand, then pointed to the sky with one hand, and chanted magic.

"St. Elmo's Pillar of Fire." "

An orange fiery sphere quickly formed above him. Under the infusion of magic power, the sphere reached a diameter of nearly ten meters, like a small sun.

If you give me a few bullets, I will return you a bomb, which is fair.

"Let's go!"

As he swung his arm downward, the fiery sphere fell towards the city wall.

Seeing the sphere approaching him and getting bigger and bigger, Sheila's eyelids twitched, feeling ominous.

He quickly used his Teigu Dimensional Formation "Shangri-La", and a light formation with gossip patterns appeared on the ground under his feet, and disappeared without a trace with the flash of purple light.

The other soldiers on the city wall didn't have this kind of ability. When they saw an object falling nearly ten meters away, they hurriedly avoided it.


The sphere fell 16 on the city wall, and the magic power inside became extremely violent in an instant, releasing all the magic power at once, triggering a terrifying explosion.

With the falling point as the center, it explodes in all directions.

The explosion wave spread towards the surroundings, the solid wall was shattered, and a huge amount of gap was abruptly blasted out.

The aftermath knocked out all the nearby soldiers who hadn't run far, and two unlucky ones even fell from the city wall.

"ran away."

Seeing that strange light array, Qin Yun already knew who it was.

When Teigu is used, it will have its own unique phenomenon. He recognized that this formation with the Eight Diagrams pattern is exactly the space-type Teigu called "Shangri-La".

In that case, those ferocious guys in the battlefield below should belong to which unit is called the Hound.

Neither Sheila nor these guys are good things.

"Let the guys here go in first to attract firepower." The magic power around Qin Yun fluctuated violently, and he chanted in a low voice, and a stone ball above his head quickly formed.

In this situation, it is estimated that the stalemate will last for a long time, and I don't have much patience, so it is no problem to provide some help to the revolutionary army.

What's more, whichever way to go first now will definitely be targeted.

Let the ones here go in and consume it first, and it would be good to attract the attention of the empire.

The stone ball grew rapidly, and it didn't take a moment for it to grow to a diameter of tens of meters. There were fine fiery red cracks on the surface, emitting scorching heat.

He felt that the magic power in his body was about to bottom out, so he stopped the magic power transmission.

The fire-earth attribute combination magic "Flint of the Starry Sky" creates a huge sphere like a meteorite, which falls from the sky and can cause terrible damage in a large area.

He found this from the magic book in Patchouli's collection. Because of the excessive destructive power, she was afraid of being borrowed by Marisa, so she hid it in her treasure chest.

And if this magic is not used properly, it will hurt yourself.

Later, it was turned out by Qin Yun, because if this move is used as a spell card, it is still a bit inappropriate.

The chant is a bit long, except for attacking objects that cannot move, the actual combat effect is really not very good.

In the spell card battle, the opponent will not just stay in place and be beaten.

The most important point is that everyone can fly, what is the use of this plowing magic?

Besides, a certain youkai idler who destroyed Gensokyo on a large scale is about to come to his door.

Considering all aspects, this magic is not suitable for use in Gensokyo, so I went to eat ashes.

Huge amounts of'Meteorite' fell from the sky with terrifying power, attracting everyone's attention on the battlefield.

A little far away from the city gate, Sheila gritted her teeth and looked at the falling meteorite, shocked in her heart: "This guy! Is it a biological Teigu!?"

As we all know, a Teigu envoy cannot control two Teigu, the opponent has already demonstrated the Ability of Flight, and At the moment uses two completely different attack moves.

Apart from the biological Teigu, he really couldn't think of any other explanation.

The 'Meteorite' fell from a high altitude, bringing huge amounts of kinetic energy, and fell onto the city wall under the gaze of everyone.

The city wall made of stone bricks was completely unable to resist this kind of attack, and it was smashed down in an instant, and the city gate also collapsed, crushing many imperial soldiers to death.

After destroying this large city wall, the 'meteorite' exploded violently, and 777 scattered flying rocks fell onto the battlefield.

The stone was not positioned and tracked, causing indiscriminate damage to the soldiers on both sides.

Fortunately, there were not many scattered flying stones. After a short period of silence, the revolutionary army suddenly let out a loud cry.

Although they don't know what's going on, it is obvious that their own side has a huge advantage now.

"Rush! All charge! Enter the imperial capital!!!"

The leader of the revolutionary army roared and gave orders, and the soldiers were in high spirits and charged bravely.

On the other hand, the imperial army was frightened by this series of emergencies.

At the moment, when I first heard the enemy's charge shout, my heart suddenly rose.

And the commander had already died in the impact of the 'meteorite' just now, and no one came to take over the command.

In fact, Qin Yun deliberately let this guy look like a commander. An army without a commander is like a mess of loose sand.

The members of the wild hounds who were mixed with the soldiers also realized that the situation was not right, and retreated one after another, intending to retreat. .

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