Ordinary pictures definitely don't deserve Qin Yun's shock, but if the pictures above are evil gods, it's different.

The dark and haggard body, the weird sheep's head, and the pair of creepy empty eyes.

"Shepherd..." A familiar name was read out, and Qin Yun reached for the book and examined it carefully.

Make sure this is the shepherd, that's right, it's exactly the same portrait, it's impossible to mistake it.

The page on the left is an image, and the page on the right is a string of strange text, but the meaning can be understood.

After watching the whole thing, Qin Yun's expression became a little weird.

Because this is a prayer to call the shepherds, whether it is effective or not is not yet said, but it is outrageous enough.

Don't dare to summon these existences if you are tired of living!

In the words of Mengmai, he would rather die like this than fall into the hands of evil gods.

Although he wanted to talk to the shepherd, to be honest, he was still a little apprehensive.

Especially the other party's behavior of turning other creatures into black goats and swallowing them in one bite, I feel a little... scared about it.

Turning to the next page, it turned into another portrait and prayer.

Qin Yun didn't take a closer look, and quickly turned the page to watch, and finally confirmed.

This is a book used to summon evil gods!

There are many different evil gods recorded on it, these are taboo information, and it is unknown who made this book.

If it is opened by an ordinary person, there will definitely be serious reasons.

Because the summoning didn't even need sacrifices, and he also knew what the fleshy bone claw was.

This is the body of an evil god, sealed in a book.

At the same time, the ominous atmosphere on the books also comes from it.

In addition, the book also mentioned that the limbs of the evil god will infect the surrounding creatures.

"Infection? Will it make me grow a tail?" Duplication turned his head and looked behind him when he saw this paragraph.

"Don't be stupid, if you are infected by the evil god, you will probably have tails all over your body."

"Hey! Isn't that a tentacle monster?" Hearing this, the picture popped up in Duplication's mind, and he suddenly felt a chill, and then snatched the book: "Put this thing back first, I'm getting hairy after reading it."

Qin Yun didn't object either. To be honest, he also felt that it would be better to put it away first. After all, the limbs of evil gods are definitely not a good thing.

Maybe it will attract the body of the evil god.

Who will deal with it then?

Rely on this base? Pull it down, even the headquarters can't handle it, what can a base do.

Turn over the first page again, and the information about the seal is recorded on it.

While Qin Yun was amazed in his heart, he was also curious about which big boss actually sealed the limbs of the evil god.

Didn't he get killed by the evil god afterwards?

If he died, he could go to the grave, which is the feat of the other party.

The bloody vortex began to reverse, and the bone claws slowly sank into the vortex.

This thing is a tool for summoning evil gods, if it is gone, it will be very troublesome if you want to summon it.

Suddenly, a sheep blew, and Qin Yun and duplication shook their heads instantly.

The two quickly turned to look at the source of the sound, but the strange thing was that they didn't find the imaginary black goat.

"Did you hear that?"

"I'm not deaf, there seems to be something on the ground there." The branch ran over there first, picked up the thing on the ground, and held it up for the main body to see: "It's a dark brown horn!

Qin Yun came over, looked it over carefully, and came to a conclusion: "It's curved, like a ram's horn.

"It's probably true. The sheep just called. It must be the black goat."

After playing with it for a while, I made sure that the duplication of horns is not dangerous before handing it over to the main body.

But Qin Yun was curious, since he was here, why didn't he show up? What does it mean to leave only one horn?

'System, did you find anything just now?'

System: 'No, I didn't notice when this horn appeared. "

Rubbing his chin with one hand, duplication guessed: ". "Could it be that you want me to drink this hornet stew soup to nourish my body?"

Regarding his guess, Qin Yun asked back angrily: "Stew soup? I dare to stew it, but do you dare to drink it?"

"Why don't you dare, if something goes wrong, I'll blow myself up, is Explosion Magic learned for nothing?"

As Duplication said, he took the horn back, opened his mouth and took a bite, then silently let go, turned around, covered his mouth and jumped.


After the graceful cry, he turned back, threw the goat horn to Qin Yun, and disappeared voluntarily.

Qin Yun held the ram's horn, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Before the duplication disappeared, he clearly saw tears in the corner of the other's eyes.

Did you inherit all my willpower? You dare to chew on the horns of this girl! It’s fine if you don’t lose your teeth!

However, what is the purpose of leaving this horn?

Looking at the horns, Qin Yun fell into deep thought, unable to understand Ling.

This thing looks solid.

He touched the place where the duplication was bitten just now, and there was no bite mark left at all.

No matter, if there is any use, you should know in the future.

I don't know the function of the horn now, but since it is left, it must be useful.

Speaking of it, it feels like this evil god is vaguely helping me. What is its purpose?

After leaving the base and returning to the underground cave, after walking a few steps, Qin Yun suddenly stopped and looked around, as if he felt something was wrong.

"Strange, illusion?".

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