After observing for a while, he found that all the spirit bodies that had been swimming in the cave had disappeared.

Are you scared to hide?

It's not very strange, the spirit body is more sensitive to danger, and it's normal to be afraid to hide instinctively.

However, we need to be a little restrained. The employees of the cleaning company will come to work these two days, so don't scare them into delaying the progress.

Because the house is in a remote suburb, the cleaners left around five o'clock today, otherwise it would be dark when we returned to the city.

He didn't pay too much attention to the spirit body, it would be fine to fix it at night, and he couldn't run out anyway.

Back at the shop, just in time for dinner.

In the evening, a group of people huddled in the screening room, eating snacks and watching movies in groups.

This can be regarded as leisure and entertainment after dinner. After all, there are no guests at night, and we are free after dinner.

To be honest, there are many kinds of movies in the Marvel world, and they are more real and exciting.

After all, fantasy is not as real as real events.


One hand held something to his mouth, because it was rather dim, Qin Yun didn't see it clearly, so he opened his mouth subconsciously.

Two seconds after he bit it down, his face twisted suddenly, and he turned his head to the side to spit out what was in his mouth.

"Puff puff puff!" After vomiting, he closed his eyes tightly and pouted several times, trying to get rid of the sour taste in his mouth.


Erya, who managed to play a prank, lay on the sofa bed next to her and laughed straight. It was definitely a joy to be able to get Qin Yun.

Usually there is no chance at all, and only when you relax your vigilance can you succeed.

"How is it? Is the lemon delicious? Hahahaha!!!"

Regarding her prank, Qin Yun rolled his eyes angrily, raised his hand and slapped her upturned buttocks.


"Ah!" Erya, who was hit back, sat up quickly as if she had been electrocuted, and with her hands behind her back, she blushed and shouted in disbelief: "Personal attack is a foul! (bgfi)"

Qin Yun: "Really? Who saw it?"

The Seven Sins, who love to be lively, were the first to agree: "I didn't see it!"

"I didn't see it."

"Ah, what happened just now?"

The others were also definitely on Qin Yun's side, and Erya, who was "betrayed by all", could only puff her cheeks and helplessly admit her cowardice.

Ma Yin, who just arrived, is still not used to it, and she has been busy studying for the past two days.

Seeing this warm and slapstick scene, I felt as if I was the only one who was isolated.

"Don't be so cautious. We will live together in the future. Now you are not used to it when you first come here. It will be fine after a while."

The delicate Kuang San noticed the expression of Ma Yin next to her, and comforted her softly with a smile.

As for why she is still here, the explanation is that as a sister-in-law, is there a problem with coming to play?

At that time, Qin Yun directly used magic to create seven question marks of different colors on his head.

When did you become a big sister-in-law?

Anyway, in the end, she got a room.

Occasionally, I will come back with some magician-related items I got, and now I don’t need them, so I will exchange them for world coins and save them.

It's not that Ma Yin doesn't understand anything, and she also understands that it's normal for her to not be able to blend in for a while since she just came here.

So for Kuang San's kindness, he accepted it with a smile.


Beibei, who was thrown out because of lying on her head just now, flew back and landed on Qin Yun's chest.

Qin Yun looked at the clock on the wall, the fluorescent hour hand was pointing to the nine o'clock position, and it was about half past nine.

"I'm going out to do some errands, and I'll be back a little later."

It's getting late now, and there will be too much information to read in a while, so I can only read it bit by bit.

At night, those spirit bodies should be temporarily locked up, and the employees of the cleaning company will clean up the rest tomorrow.

I expect to work overtime until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and the spirit body is very active at night, so if I scare someone at that time, I will be in trouble.

He sat up from the massage chair and put Beibei on his shoulders.

In the mansion, after Qin Yun came in, he didn't see the spirit bodies that would be very active at night.

"Strange, are they all down there?"

Seeing this scene, he felt a little puzzled, because those spirits like to run out of the cave at night and roam around in the mansion.

But I can't see any of them tonight.

Could it be that after being frightened during the day, he still hasn't recovered?

He then came to the underground cave, but what was even more strange was that it was also empty.

"What the hell, where did you hide?"

Apart from these two places, there is nowhere else to go.

It's really strange, could it be that they are all huddled in the rock wall?

But I didn't sense the existence of any spirit body either.

The strange disappearance of the spirit body gave Qin Yun a bad premonition that there must be a reason for any abnormal event.

He raised his hand and shook it, the hour hand short gun appeared, and Emperor Keke came behind him.

He shot himself five times in a row, and five duplications appeared all at once.

"Go around and check around, those spirit bodies shouldn't disappear for no reason.

The duplications also understood that now was not the time to joke, and immediately dispersed, some inspected the caves, some went to the mansion to investigate, and some went to the vicinity of the mansion.

Qin Yun floated above the mansion, looking down at the dark forest below.

The disappearance of the spirit body is probably because of that book, could it be because of...

He thought of something, and then shook his head, thinking it was impossible. .

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