Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 92 Hong Meiling Lost Her Dream

"My lord, would you like a cup of morning tea?"

Reimu stuffed the banknotes into her maiden clothes, turned around and rubbed her hands, with a flattering smile on her face.

"Or have breakfast at my place? Breakfast only costs 10,000 yen~ I can also provide feeding services~"

Qin Yun: "...What about your integrity? Also, do you put gold in your breakfast, it's so expensive.

"Ah~ You can just throw those useless things on the ground, because I made them myself, so the price is very reasonable."

What the hell! That's enough for how many breakfasts I've had!

But forget it, let's eat lighter today.

"That troubles you."

He took out a banknote with a face value of 10,000 yen again and put it in the offering box.

Anyway, the money was given by Yakumo Zi, and the currency of Gensokyo is basically not used by him.

To keep is to keep, it is better to use it.

Immediately, the smile on Lingmeng's face became brighter, and he quickly took the money out of the donation box and put it away.

"Master 15, please take a rest first, I'll prepare breakfast right now!"

She ran into the shrine in a flash, not knowing whether to make breakfast or to find a place to laugh.

Qin Yun ignored her and continued to enjoy the scenery of Gensokyo.

A dead leaf was suddenly blown onto him by the wind, and he gently pinched it with his fingers and placed it in front of his eyes.

Through the sunlight, you can see some blurred leaf lines.

"Summer is almost over."

As the breeze blew, he let go of his hand and let the dead leaves float away with the wind.


The apse of the shrine.

Qin Yun sat cross-legged on the tatami, looking down at the breakfast in front of him.

He felt that he really overestimated Reimu's breakfast.

A small plate of pickles, a bowl of porridge with more water than rice, he can even see his own reflection in it.

Other than that, no more.

Is this stuff really filling?

"Reimu, do you... eat this every day?"

Reimu: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

She held a bowl of porridge and "sucked and sucked", and then put some pickles into her mouth.

"It's nothing, I'm just surprised. It's not easy for you to survive until now." After sighing, Qin Yun also picked up the bowl and ate breakfast slowly.

This is really a clear soup with little water, and it's the same as if you haven't eaten it after eating it.

Putting down the empty bowl, Qin Yun casually wiped his mouth with his arm, complaining, "This is the most expensive bowl of porridge I've ever eaten."

According to the exchange rate, the 10,000 yen in Gensokyo is equivalent to five or six hundred yuan on my side.

"Hi! Welcome to come again next time."

Lingmeng was in a good mood, he only used a bowl of gruel to exchange for 10,000 yen, what a bloody profit.

"Whenever I want to lose weight, I will come to your place to eat every day."

When Qin Yun returned to the shrine, he saw many things growing on the open space.

Tables, chairs, benches, lanterns, and large boxes.

Just when he was wondering, a magic circle spread out on the ground, and another bunch of things appeared.

Also appeared at the same time was Izaya Sakuya.

"Mr. Qin, Kui An."

Seeing the person standing at the entrance of the main hall of the shrine, Sakuya was stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward to greet him politely.

"Is it the banquet tonight?"

"Yes, because there is not enough manpower, so you have to prepare in advance."

There were a lot of guests attending this banquet, so Sakuya didn't plan to ask the fairy maid to help.

Otherwise, I will definitely help more and more and increase my workload.

"Is there not enough manpower, I can help."

Sakuya declined with a smile: "No, I can do this by myself."

"No, I don't mean to help you, but to find help for you."

Qin Yun held the hour hand short gun, and Angel "Ke Ke Di" appeared behind him: "Eight bullets."

"I'll help you summon the duplication from the past, so you can have enough helpers."

"So that's what it is, Mr. Trouble."

Having seen the other party's ability to manipulate time, Sakuya knows that the other party can also control time, and in a different way from herself.

When the bullet hit her body, she didn't feel any pain, and there was one more person beside her.

The same Izayoi Sakuya, the same chic.

After this Sakuya appeared, he looked around, then nodded to the main body: "Hello, I am you from the day before.

How should I put it, it feels a little weird.

There was a strange feeling in Sakuya's heart for no reason.

Then, there were three rounds and eight rounds, and there were five Sakuyas on the scene.

The magic circle reappears, besides the items, there is also a person 497.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the five Sakuya at the same time, and in the next second, five flying darts flashed and all hit their heads.

Hong Meiling woke up instantly, and seeing the five Sakuyas in front of her, she broke out in a cold sweat.

"Five! Five!?"

She rubbed her eyes vigorously, and looked again, still five unchanged.

"I must be dreaming, yes, I am definitely dreaming, and I will definitely be able to wake up from the nightmare after I sleep again." Unable to believe what she saw, Hong Meiling closed her eyes and continued to sleep, even I don't care about the flying darts on my head.

call out!

There are five more flying darts on the head again, this time it is definitely not a dream.

Hong Meiling opened her eyes and silently pulled out the flying darts, showing a desperate expression of losing her dream.

Five Sakuya! Five!!!

Is life still possible! What kind of human suffering is this!

Why on earth are there so many Sakuyas!?

Qin Yuncan smiled and retreated to the side, thinking to himself: "Beating is kissing, scolding is love. How wonderful it is to have four more relatives at once."

Hong Meiling: I really thank you for the whole family!!!.

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