There are five Misaki working at the same time, and the efficiency is much higher than that of one person.

In the gap where time paused, five figures were walking back and forth.

Although five people are already busy, this is a banquet, and the workload can be imagined.

At the entrance of the main hall of the shrine, Qin Yun sat on the steps, watching Sakuya who shuttled back and forth.

As a time controller, he will not be affected by time suspension.

Emperor Keke protects himself all the time.

"I said Sakuya, why don't you learn some magic with Mu Q, isn't that easier.

A passing Sakuya stopped and replied: "Because learning magic is time-consuming, I am very busy every day, and my ability is not good."

"You can't even get your day job done if you stop when you don't use it."

You must know that the trivial chores of the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion are on her, cleaning, cooking, taking care of File size sister, managing elf maids, shopping, and dealing with monsters that appear around the mansion.

With so many things, even if five of them do it at the same time, it is still difficult.

However, after learning shadow duplication, although it is easier, the memory of duplication reflux and high consumption will also make her feel quite uncomfortable.

So if she can do it alone, she tries not to use duplication.

If you use all your strength once, you will feel tired, and you can only recover by resting.

Now she usually only summons two duplications to help, which is just within the range she can bear.

By noon, the venue for the banquet had been set up.

Next came the dishes, and at the same time two guys came over.

The two sisters of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Since wearing the magic eye killer, Fran can no longer destroy it at will, and the danger is greatly reduced.

It has been moved up from the basement.

It is this character that seems to have not changed.

"Big brother! Come play with Fran 々[!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched as he looked at the forty-meter-long flaming sword.

Girl~ have you ever seen someone take out a 40-meter long sword to play games!

Because of Levatin's flames, even the surrounding air became hot.

Almost lit the newly decorated lantern, but fortunately was stopped by Sakuya.


Fran lowered her head with a depressed expression, knowing that she had done something wrong again.

Although she is nearly five hundred years old, her mind is still only eight or nine years old, because she is basically locked in the basement.

After spitting out the lollipop in her mouth, Qin Yun stepped forward and said to Remi: "Why don't I take her to Gensokyo for a stroll, I just happen to be free right now."

"Otherwise she won't be able to stay here."

This made sense, after being imprisoned for so long, Fran was curious about everything.

On weekdays, I would not be honest with Ben, and would often drag Hong Meiling and ask her to take me around.

As a result, Hong Meiling feels that her sleep quality has seriously declined recently, and she can't be lazy.

Regarding this proposal, Remi thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Then trouble you, if Fran is mischievous, please send her back, I will watch her personally."

Because the younger sister is a child at heart, she is not at ease.

Compared to Fran, she, the head of the Scarlet family, is a little bit more mature.

"It's okay, Fran, let's go."


Fran ran to Qin Yun's side with a full face of joy, because vampires cannot be exposed to the sun, otherwise they will be injured.

So Qin Yun was holding a parasol in his hand, and Huang Lan was standing in the shadow of the parasol.

The two walked down the stairs slowly and disappeared down the path.

"Big brother, where do we go now?"

"Go to the world, it is a gathering place for human beings, and I want to eat something, I am hungry.

It took ten hours to digest the porridge in the morning.

I don't plan to have lunch at the shrine at noon.

Not really trying to lose weight.

Suddenly, he remembered something, lowered his head and asked, "Fran, can you eat human food?"

"Yes." Fran nodded obediently, she definitely can eat human food.

After listening to the explanation, Qin Yun realized that he had some kind of misunderstanding about vampires.

Blood is important to vampires, but it's not the only food.

In layman's terms, it is like the importance of various vitamins to the human body.

Vampires can not suck blood for a period of time, but will gradually fall into a weak state.

However, the purer the Blood Clan, the lower the need for blood.

The Scarlet family belonged to the high-level Blood Clan with relatively pure blood, and it would be fine even if they didn't drink blood for a month or two.

On weekdays, their food is no different from that of humans.

However, in black tea, blood will be added, and if conditions permit, blood must be definitely drunk.

"." Then go to the world, hoping to have the food I like. "

As a gathering place for human beings, the Land of the World is actually quite prosperous.

I didn't take a closer look last time I came here, but this time I can appreciate it carefully. He refers to restaurants and the like.

The people here are mainly dressed in ancient times, but there are also people wearing modern clothes, but they are very rare.

Those are people who have come in from the outside world.

(Good Zhao) Qin Yun took Fulan and stopped in front of a restaurant, looked at it, and walked in.

For Fran, who came to the world for the first time, everything around her was very new.

Sitting by the window, she kept looking outside.

Although the dishes here are okay, there is definitely a gap compared to those made by Sakuya.

Fran just took a few sips out of curiosity before losing interest.

After lunch, he took Fran to continue wandering around the world, and inadvertently walked to a flower shop.

The strange thing is that there are not many people passing by here, and there are people coming and going tens of meters away.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier separating this place from the other side.

Staring at the words on the signboard of the flower shop, Qin Yun seemed to understand the reason.

Because here it is, Sun Florist. .

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