Plane Universe

Chapter 1442: Unimaginable

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Such a blow is heavy.

If you can't cultivate your state of mind, you are likely to die.

The realm of law can be fast or slow, which is understandable.

What made him unbearable the most was that he, who possessed the precious black stone, had lost so badly in the application of the law.

That gap is no longer a little bit, but the gap is quite large, just like the comparison between a fool and a genius, that is to say, in the application of the law, Cheng Buyun has surpassed it twice!

These gaps are huge, no wonder lei is gray and suspicious of life!

But ... can the power of law be so powerful?

This is almost hundreds of times.

Cheng Buyun flew over and saw lei, who was silent, and said calmly, "What's wrong, lei."

Lei raised his head, his face was a bit lonely, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yun, I ..."

"You, so downcast, lose your confidence?" Cheng Buyun laughed.

Lin Lei's eyes moved, still did not cheer up and said: "Do you say I am really stupid, with your guidance, the application of the law skills is so poor!"


Cheng Buyun almost couldn't get up in a single breath, and directly laughed and scolded: "Are you poor at applying the law skills?"

"Isn't it?" LIN Lei's voice was low and helpless. Compared with Brother Yun, it was too much worse.

He was not jealous of Cheng Buyun's achievements and perception, but he just felt too stupid.

"It's kind of a joke." Cheng Buyun laughed and scolded: "I can increase the power of law skills by more than 30 times. I can count it in the whole hell. It is already the top group. Just now you can resist your punch attack. In fact, like you, it uses the treasure of the law of amplitude. "


Lin Lei was amazed, his eyes glowed with radiance, and he asked with expectation: "Brother Yun, did you also use the law of amplification?"

"Yes, although there are very few such things, the Hell Supreme God is so vast, there are still some." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Of course, many of the treasures of the power of the amplitude law, the effect naturally cannot be owned by you and me. The treasure is quite. "

In this respect, he believes that there are various planes of the gods, the effect is good or bad, and even stronger than the amethyst soul stone is unknown.

However, this is just speculation. After all, treasures that can activate the soul are estimated to be a scorpion rake.

"You have a similar treasure to me?" Lei was a little dazed. How did Yun Yun know that I own the treasure, guessing from my shot? At this moment, his head was dazed, a little thoughtful, that is, what other people said was frequency hopping, "Brother Yun, how do you know that I have that thing?"

He thought Cheng Buyun knew he had black stones, and even knew the power of the thing.

"Okay, let's go ahead and talk." Cheng Buyun gestured with his eyes. There was a large group of people all around, as if watching the monkey show, his face was thick and he couldn't bear it.

Lin Lei glanced around, and then looked at the ground again. On the ground this day, black pressure pressed a large number of human heads. He felt a little scalp tingling, his face reddened, and immediately fell without greeting.

When the two people came down to the ground, Delia sprayed, "You two fools, fighting like crazy, do you know that we are worried?"

"I'm wrong, and it won't be in the future." Lei quickly acknowledged the mistake.

The surface of the confrontation between the two just looked terrible, but in fact there was no danger at all.

The two sides are very restrained when they meet, as long as they don't attack the Divine Concussion Soul, the body will be seriously injured when it cracks at most.

"Delia, you don't want to scold Lin Lei. The gods are not so easy to die. We seem crazy on the surface. In fact, all the attacks are only physical attacks, and they didn't bombard the gods and souls." Cheng Buyun explained.

"Yeah, don't blame me anymore. The body of the **** domain is broken, and the divine personality will not die if it is okay." Lin Lei also said with a smile.

Delia glared at him fiercely, and it was hard to say anything. There were so many people here, so he still had to give some face.

On the grass in front of the castle where lei is located, everyone sat on the floor eating dim sum drinks brought by the maid, happy to talk!

"Lin Lei, I don't think you are so strong now. I am afraid that the power of an empty-handed attack is so great. Once you are equipped with a weapon, you don't know who will get you a punch in the future." Set it! "

"Yes." Lei nodded with a smile.

Although his body is arrogant, his power is still a lot weaker when he is empty-handed. After all, the upper-level material defense artifact is not an offensive equipment, and it cannot be compared with the equivalent attack artifact.

"Big Brother Yun, you are so powerful that you are even better than the elder in terms of body, which is really difficult for me to understand." Babe looked at Cheng Bu Yunhu and asked: "You are just a normal human, how can the body be arrogant To what extent? "

Elder Garvey and Delia could not help turning their heads.

"Babe." When he heard this question from Beibei, lei hurriedly stopped. This is Brother Yun's secret. How can he ask in person?

Looking at Beibei's aggrieved expression, Cheng Buyun couldn't help but smiled and said, "This is nothing to ask. I just had a good chance. I was valued by the Lord God and was given a share of essential blood, so my body is like this Be arrogant and be able to compare with lei. "


The main spirit blood?


Everyone could not help but take a breath, especially Elder Garvey, his body was shaking.

Sure enough, this guy's background is terrifying.

His eyes had a eager light directly, his mouth just wanted to say something, but he was suppressed in his heart and he didn't dare to act lightly.

This matter must be reported to the patriarch and wait for his conclusion!

"The Lord's essence and blood?" Babe exclaimed, and quickly asked curiously: "Big Brother Yun, you are so lucky, is it true!"

At this time, Lei Ba didn't stop the doubtful words, he was all ignorant.

It seems that Brother Yun really valued the main **** behind him, even such precious blood was given.

"Babe, are you here again? When did I lie to you?" Cheng Buyun shook his head and smiled, turning his hand, and the surface of the size of a thumb was lying in the palm of the bright red water droplets.

This drop of bright red waterdrops with purple light is crystal clear, exuding a fascinating light at the same time. A burst of pressure was also released from it to the surroundings, and even the wind flow, the ash layer in the air was still.

This kind of coercion is not the coercion like the power of the main god, but the coercion on the level of life.

Several people looked at the bright red water droplets shimmering in the purple light, feeling that the whole soul was shocked, and the beating and flow rate of the heart and blood were suppressed by this drop of blood ... all slowed down.

This is definitely a higher level of life genes than the God Realm.


It feels bigger and more important than the power of the Lord God.

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