Plane Universe

Chapter 1443: Identity background confirmation

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Indeed, the power of the main **** is only the condensed power of the main god, and the essence and blood of the main **** are obtained from the body of the main god, and the things that need to pay a part of the cost.

Which one is more important, the fool can understand.

After taking it out for a moment, Cheng Buyun quickly put away this drop of blood, otherwise it would take too long, I am afraid that someone might be crushed to death.

The servants in the castle and the surrounding grass were just crushed to the ground just now. They couldn't do it even with a single flick. They even suffocated their faces flushed and their entire body squeaked and almost broke up.

"It's really the blood of the Lord God." Elder Garvey swallowed.

His expression was shocked.

"It is sperm blood, not ordinary blood." Cheng Buyun corrected.

The gap between the two is as great as the Holy Realm and the God Realm.

Beibei's eyes changed, his mouth slightly raised and he wanted to ask for help. Fortunately, lei found it early, and quickly stopped with his eyes and soul transmission.

The main god's essence and blood are expensive, and the value is much higher than the main artifact. This can't be opened indiscriminately.

So that everyone will not be able to survive.

Once he speaks, will Yunge give it or not?

Give it, I ’m not sure about it, do n’t give it, I ca n’t make it on my face, is that embarrassing?

Delia came back to her face and said in amazement: "I am the first time I saw this thing, the blood of the Lord God. I could not imagine that the pressure is so great, it is much greater than the strength of the Lord God."

"I haven't seen it, and I feel the same as you." Elder Garvey sighed and said: "I heard that the essence and blood of the Lord God can improve the physical strength of people. I used to think it was a legend, but it was true."

Although he is the bloodline of the Blue Dragon ancestor, compared with the patriarch and the elders, the purity is much worse, and the bloodline has been diluted too much.

Take him and lei, for example, the latter transformed, and their strength can immediately increase by a large amount, doubling their strength.

But he himself, the ability to improve when transformed is very limited, which is that the purity of the bloodline is not enough.

"Big Brother Yun, don't you say that the Lord God has given you a copy, why do you still have one?" Beibei's face was eager.

"Bebe, don't talk nonsense." Lei said quickly. He was afraid that bebe would pass by in a moment, and he said something he wanted, then it would be troublesome.

"I just said to give a copy, but I didn't say it was a few drops." Cheng Buyun smiled, glanced at Beibei and then continued: "Don't think about it, this thing is not very useful for you, your own blood line strength It ’s enough, even if it ’s for you, the improvement is limited. ”


Babe lowered his head and finally muttered, "How do you know if you don't need it?"

This kid, Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly. In fact, Beibei's bloodline strength is much higher than that of the amethyst family. It is a top-level bloodline, but the level is not as good as the main god.

"Don't miss it, your blood is high. If it is used for you, it will definitely cause a conflict between the two. At that time, your original talents may not be able to be used. Master Beirut will have the heart to kill me." Cheng Buyun Speaking of which, looking at Babe and saying, "Do you want this?"

Babe is not a fool, he understands what Cheng Buyun said.

Lin Lei also understood that there was still a bad effect in this layer, and he had no idea about the essence and blood of the main god.

"Big Brother Yun, is this the blood of the Lord God?" Babe rubbed his hands, curiously, and he quickly jumped up and down, asking: "Can you tell me something? What is your current identity?"

Everyone looked over and looked very curious.

Especially Elder Garvey, his heart was beating, looking forward.

Although he has been certain that he took out the blood of the main **** from Cheng Buyun, he knows a little bit more, not bad, especially the name of the main god!


At this step, Cheng Buyun didn't hide, and said with a smile: "In fact, you have been to the place where the Lord God lives."

Where have we been?

Lin Lei was shocked, and a very special place-Amethyst Mountains flashed through his mind!

The three glanced at each other, and Babe and Delia were still thinking about where it was.

Tear Island?

Not like!

Suddenly, a name jumped out, and the two thought of it at the same time, shouting, "Amethyst Mountains!"

"Right, Brother Yun." Babe shouted excitedly: "Is it the Amethyst Mountain Range, if it is the place we have been to, where is the most likely place to live the Lord God."

"You ask lei if it is." Cheng Buyun smiled, which is actually too good to guess.

After all, it is not possible to go where the Lord God lives.

You can't come back when you go.

"Yes, Amethyst Mountains." Lei nodded.

After being affirmed, Babe and Delia were shocked, "We have been to the place where the Lord God lives, which is incredible and too wonderful!"

Elder Garvey could not sit still at this meeting. Cheng Buyun talked about it at this point, and it would really be a problem if there was a fake.

There are some words and things that can be said without just casually opening up.

Especially such a pretense, once you are known by the Lord God, you have to die if you escape to the end of the world.

"I'm sorry, I have something to say, say goodbye." Elder Garvey stood up and said a little respectfully towards Cheng Buyun: "Master Messenger, I'm negligent!"

"Please!" Cheng Buyun replied softly.

This shows that he recognized his title.

Lord messenger?

Under the sullen expressions of lei and babe and delia, elder gavi said to them again: "lei, I still have something to do and I will come here to see you later."

"Well, good." Lei nodded, he also knows that today's things are a little big, and it's justifiable that Elder Garvey couldn't sit still!

Elder Garvey hurriedly ran, and Babe looked confused, "What is he doing?"

As for the things about the Four Divine Beasts family, in fact, Babe and Delia do n’t know much, let alone the current difficult situation of the Four Divine Beasts family.

"Go back and report, why do you go!" Cheng Buyun said funny.

"Report?" Babe didn't understand.

Lin Lei thought more. Cheng Buyun hadn't spoken to him before, but suddenly it was revealed today, and it was in the face of Elder Garvey. The meaning is worth considering!

"Don't think too much. In fact, what they did was just worrying about you. The problem is not big." Cheng Buyun patted lei's shoulder, and didn't care about the behavior of the Qinglong family.

In this way, with lei's cleverness, it is not clear what is going on.

"You are my big brother and good brother. This is what I have been saying before. The whole Qinglong family is a bit of an identity. Who can't know?" Lin Lei was a little unhappy and said angrily: "They suspect you like this, Where is my face? "

"Who made you a genius, and vaguely have a relationship with the Bauhinia Lord God, is the hope of the rise of the Four Divine Beast family. Be careful, they are all for your safety, don't care." Cheng Buyun persuaded in turn: "Otherwise I would have been angry."

"What are you talking about?" Beibei was puzzled by the sound of his face.

Delia is also confused, can't understand.

Only two parties know this.

In fact, at this level, Lin Lei did not know that he was summoned by the four patriarchs before, and learned from the other party's questioning that they had no choice but to have a relationship with the **** Bauhinia.

But did not know that he became the hope of the rise of the Four Divine Beast family!

He really didn't think about it. No wonder he was allowed to leave in the Blood War Valley for less than a thousand years. That's why he didn't want to have an accident.

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