Plane Universe

Chapter 1818: Chaos City Lord's Pampering

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As a reminder of time and space, Cheng Buyun suddenly woke up.

Yeah, Alice is still a real master, not an immortal god. There are still tenacious shackles in her body that prevent her from strengthening her heritage.

The universe is fair.

The rules of operation are such that the stronger the foundation, the more stubborn the shackles in the body.

This is true of any ordinary life.

Unless it is a special life born, there is no shackles in the body, only need to realize the law, once it is completed, it can be broken through.

"However, Alice is not unable to increase the content, but you have to be prepared in your heart, once you do this." Space and Time reminded: "Alice's cultivation time will be very long, and it may take millions of years to break through."

"I know."

Cheng Buyun nodded, the universe is the fairest, what he has to lose.

This is true for any life.

In fact, there is no need to continue to enhance these powerful backgrounds at Alice or the main level. Alice is now strong enough. Who raised the Silver Wing King without raising his thumb and said it was awesome?

The single person only shadows, hunts aliens, and breaks into a big reputation.

At that time, when Cheng Buyun was taken to the outer battlefield by the Lord of Dragons, Alice's golden horn beast was still on the other side of Yan Ji mainland.

Cheng Buyun himself does not have this level of concern. Originally, his cultivation line is different from that of a cultivator. No matter how strong the foundation is, after all the laws are combined and applied, any shackles are not difficult.

"So, how much do I need to pay to copy the secret recipe of gluttonous material defense talent?" Cheng Buyun asked.

"Probably the power of one crystal." Space-time replied: "One hundred million yuan is a unit of one yuan, one hundred million yuan is a unit of crystal, and one hundred million unit of crystal is a source unit."


Cheng Buyun took a breath of breath, one hundred billion yuan worth of yuan, about 1300 points to treasure, equivalent to countless universe crystals.

A standard cosmic crystal is one thousand cosmic coins, and a mixed yuan converted into cosmic coins equals one trillion!


too crazy.

Is it so expensive?

Cheng Buyun was already ignorant.

The cost of copying a talent is equivalent to a top attack treasure, earned or lost?

It depends on where you are. The top-level universe master, the armor treasure that is possessed is generally at the peak level, and paying more than a thousand treasure points can double your defense. Anyone should not give up. Want.

But at the moment, Cheng Buyun has only Crystal Emperor's Armor, the gap is a bit big, and naturally feels outweighed.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later." Cheng Buyun shook his head and asked, "What about the shield soldier? How much does it cost to copy this?"

"It turns out to be cheap, and it only costs 1 million yuan, which is equivalent to 13 treasure points." Time and Space said cheerfully.

"It's so cheap? An ultimate secret method, it only needs a good treasure price?" Cheng Buyun just felt miserable just now. It would be so cheap that he could not react.

"It's cheap because you can practice slowly." Space-Time said with a chuckle: "In the end, the mystery is not equal to supernatural powers, you only need to copy the hidden core secret pattern, so you will feel cheap."

"After all, the supernatural powers are copied, and I need to inculcate and transform your body and make the mysterious patterns, and the gluttonous supernatural powers have something to do, so the cost is high." Space and Time explained: "And this shield shield, It ’s too simple, I just need to copy it out and pass it directly to your soul. As for how you can use it in the future, it ’s your business. ”

Cheng Buyun's explanation of time and space immediately became clear.

This is equivalent to copying to him a copy of the secret law given to the gluttonous cosmos by the rules of the universe.

The mystery is not unique in the universe, but the magic power (talent) is unique, unique, and more precious.

Especially the gluttonous talent ability, even the rules of the universe must be restricted, and its abnormality can be seen.

"Well, I will wait until I have the money." Cheng Buyun nodded his head, the ultimate secret method of the Royal Shield Divine Soldier, copied, it can be used by almost anyone without adding shackles, which is equivalent to a heritage, 13 treasure points The price is not expensive!

But before copying, he still has something to do.

He didn't have money to copy, but now he's in despair.

The wealth lying in the account is not converted into cosmic crystals, just looking cool.

Log in to the virtual universe.

At the palace on the top of Thunder Island.

Cheng Buyun's figure suddenly appeared in front of the Chaos Palace. The two immortal warrior soldiers looked at it, and their eyes lit up, and immediately bowed their faces respectfully and said, "Your Highness."

Nodded his head and said hard, Cheng Buyun also bowed inward and said, "Teacher, disciple has something to see."

"Come in."

The chaotic city master heard Cheng Buyun come to see him again after a year, and he was a little surprised in his heart, but he still allowed it gently.

The Chaotic City Lord wearing a golden robe on the throne, looking at Cheng Buyun, who respectfully saluted below, formed a small seat next to the throne with a wave of his hand, and then said with a gentle smile: "Come and sit down and talk."

"Teacher Xie." Cheng Buyun smiled and walked up slowly, sitting in the little seat.

Being able to have a seat in front of Chaos City Lord shows that Chaos City Lord attaches importance to Cheng Buyun.

"It's only a little more than a year since you came to see me again. What is the so-called thing?" The chaos city lord said this, and felt a little inappropriate in his heart. He quickly explained with a smile: "Cultivation all the way, you can't rely on the teacher to direct , You need to understand and learn by yourself. The teacher can only turn over at critical moments to make your foundation stronger. The teacher does not mean that you are bothering trouble. The teacher is not afraid of trouble. As long as you have patience, always come to trouble. Teacher, the teacher will be happier, understand? "

"Thank you teacher for making something, the disciple understands." Cheng Buyun said instructively, although he did not come to ask for advice, what the teacher Chaos said was truth, this should be admitted.


The Lord of Chaos felt that it was very easy to teach Cheng Buyun. As many reasons as he said, he would understand clearly, without spending too much tongue, and the quiet eyes like the starry sky showed a spoiled color, and his face said gently: "Since all have come, Just talk if you have any doubts. "

"Thanks to the teacher first. The disciples came here today not to ask the teacher questions, but to trouble the teacher for help." Cheng Buyun quickly said his intention.


In the heart of the Master of Chaos City, Cheng Buyun had never asked for anything since he joined him. What he needed was relying on his own ability, but today he is troubled by him. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, he immediately said: "What Trouble, no matter what, the teacher will solve it for you, let's talk! "

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