Plane Universe

Chapter 1819: Bring a friend (for the love of book lovers and rewards)

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Chaos City Lord's emphasis on Cheng Buyun can be seen from some words and actions.

These emphasises cannot be seen on any disciples in the past.

The one-time honored one who has served the left and right for a long time can't get any kind of spoiling from the Lord of Chaos, but because he is the second brother, he has to set an example and become more severe.

"Teacher, this incident is not really troublesome, but only the teacher can help me solve it." Cheng Buyun looked up at the chaotic teacher and said his purpose, "The disciples need huge cosmic crystals."

"Huge cosmic crystals?"

The Lord of Chaos was a little bit crying and laughing, so would he bother him? Can't help but say with a smile: "What is the huge amount? Isn't the large amount of cosmic crystals in my human stock enough for you to exchange?"

The number of cosmic crystals stored inside mankind is naturally very large. After all, the wealth of the entire human being is concentrated in the hands of the five major forces.

Especially for the two major banks, the universe of stored cosmic crystals is massive.

But there are many uses.

If Cheng Buyun directly exchanged the cosmic crystals for thousands of treasures, it is easy to cause turmoil in humans.

Because the number is really huge.

"I don't think it's enough." Cheng Buyun typically said: "The disciples intend to exchange most of the wealth they own into cosmic crystals. The number of cosmic crystals that exceed 1,000 points to treasure points is a bit large."


Hearing Cheng Buyun wanting to change such a huge number of cosmic crystals, the expression of the chaotic city lord was also dull, and he could n’t help reminding: “It ’s easy to convert Chongbao points into cosmic crystals. Restrictions, each person is only a little per 100 years, you have to think about it. "

"Teacher, the disciple thinks very clearly, because I need the universe crystal to do things." Cheng Buyun said decisively.

"Don't you ever change a lot of cosmic crystals before?" The main character of Chaos City looks strange, and I don't quite understand. What Cheng Buyun wants to do with so many cosmic crystals, the materials are in the human treasure, ordinary and cherished. There are even treasure materials, and the use of cosmic crystals to simulate and derivate precious materials is actually the most detrimental.

He really didn't understand.

Is it ...

Could it be that his inner world has not expanded to the limit, and he still needs the universe crystal to expand the huge world in his body?

He doesn't know how perfect the life gene is, how big the world inside the body is, because this is something that has never happened before.

Looking at Cheng Buyun seriously, he finally nodded heavily and said, "Well, the teacher will come forward to solve it for you and wait for my news. However, because the amount you need is a bit huge, it is estimated that it will take a little time."

"Don't worry, the disciples can afford it." Cheng Buyun stood up respectfully and bowed, "Trouble the teacher."

After leaving Chaos Palace, Cheng Buyun went back to his palace.

The peak sales period of the Crystal Emperor Armor has passed. Now the Space-Time Palace is very quiet, and there may not be a cosmic Venerable in ten days and a half.

Wherever the space-time shops are, it is very lively. There are many guests who come and go every day. The golden armor is almost suitable for most people, from the lord to the king.

Business has always been good.

Cheng Buyun looked at it for a while and left.

"Brother Buyun, we have arrived at your palace, why haven't you seen you?"

Looking at the message mail sent by the Lord of the Witching Kingdom, Cheng Buyun smiled and directly moved back.

"Haha, younger brother, call the three of us to come, what's the matter? Wouldn't it be to reminisce the old one?" The witch lord shouted hilariously: "You are a busy person, not as laid back as I am."

"Go, you are an idle person, neither of us is busy." Venerable Lan Yu said shortly.

When several people meet, they always make fun of each other, but the relationship is very good.

"Sit all, call a few of you today, it is good for you all." Cheng Buyun greeted with a smile.


As soon as the Lord of the Matriarch heard the benefits, he immediately became energetic. He was so poor that he could not uncover the pan. The good things, of course, ran faster than anyone else.

"I don't know what is the benefit?" Venerable Nine Swordsmen are also very excited. Cheng Buyun is different in the past, and the wealth he possesses is massive. He said that it is a good thing. It must not be small.

After everyone was seated, Cheng Buyun smiled and said, "That's it. I need a large number of cosmic crystals. You also know that I'm busy, but I don't have time to whisper with those of the universe, so I thought of you a few After all, Chongbao points can be converted into cosmic crystals, which still has a lot of benefits. "

"What, do you need cosmic crystals?" Lan Yuzun was amazed. The management of her virtual universe company, Cheng Buyun had already exchanged it in the company before. She and the management members were both insiders.

Unexpectedly, I still want this thing.

Although the universe crystal is a universal currency, it is not so easy to use because of the cost.

It is only necessary for the strong to store the cosmic crystals.

"Is the wealth in your account not enough for you to exchange, but still needs us to come forward?" Venerable Nine Swords was a little embarrassed.

The Lord of the Witching Kingdom asked silly: "How much cosmic crystals are needed, but we also need to come forward and take the treasure points to wrestle with other cosmic Venerables!"

"very many."

Cheng Buyun smiled, hey he said straightly: "I almost half of my wealth will be used for exchange, what benefits you can get in it, it depends on your own skills."


The three of them jumped up in shock. The whole person almost fell to the ground. The stone chair underneath was overturned due to excessive movements. The stone table in front of him was also shaken.

But they could no longer take care of them, all staring at Cheng Buyun with round eyes, a look of fright.

There is no way to come back.

Although they do not know the exact amount of wealth that Cheng Buyun has, they can still estimate it, at least thousands of treasure points, and 4 million treasure points of huge wealth.

If such a large amount of wealth is replaced by cosmic crystals, what is the amount?

It is estimated that it can fill the whole Thunder Island!


"But you need to wait for a long time. Due to the huge number, I have asked my teacher Chaos City Lord to come forward and get cosmic crystals from other places to supply them." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

"Naturally, such a huge amount of exchange requires a preparation process, otherwise it will be troublesome to start up." Venerable Nine Swords also nodded.

The financial system of mankind is based on the universe crystal. If there is a problem with the reserves of the universe crystal, the lower level human beings will be absolutely turbulent.

Fortunately, the upper-level members say that, for example, immortal gods, they rarely use cosmic crystals and generally use Hundred Yuan, because most of the value of purchased things is settled in Hundred Yuan.

For ordinary human beings at the grassroots level, the impact is a bit greater.

Most of their people use cosmic crystals, or for cultivation, or for making world rings, which are extremely useful.

PS: I can only add one more chapter tonight, and the one chapter I owe tomorrow, thank you for your support!

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