Plane Universe

Chapter 2481: The helplessness of the Lord of Virtual Gold

And now that there is a tyrannical existence like the Lord of Time and Space in the alliance, who can resurrect so many targets at once, it seems that it will continue.

Does it mean that in the future... immortal kings, etc., if they fall, they will be resurrected in time and space for free?

Or is it resurrected first, and the resurrected owes the contribution of the ethnic group?

Even if it is not for free resurrection, or lowering a large part of the wealth requirements for resurrection, immortal kings of them dare to go desperately.

To start the fiercest competition with foreign races.

For the fifth time to use the Backtracking Time and Space Ability, the number of immortal kings level powerhouses marked on the list is already running low.

There are only more than 2,000, and these more than 3,000 immortal king-robots, their fall time can be traced back to nearly ten billion years.

Since the endless years, there have been many immortal kings and powerhouses that the Human Alliance has fallen.

Moreover, the virtual universe company is considered good, at least when the Chaos City Lord has spare capacity, from time to time, some immortal kings will be resurrected.

But the giant axe fighting arena is a miserable one.

According to the list obtained by Cheng Buyun, there are more than 30,000 immortal kings who have never been resurrected.

Because there is no such great existence as the Lord of Chaos that sits in the headquarters almost permanently, naturally it is much worse than the virtual universe company in reversing time and space.

You can only resurrect and reverse dozens of people in your usual free time. In this way, you don't need to consume too much, so you can retain enough strength to deal with unexpected events, and the consumption is low and recovery is faster.


Under the control of the world tree clone, the long river of time and space ran forward wantonly, and a large number of phantom pictures appeared in the void.

From a distance, it looks like a ribbon of stars, and it looks like the most beautiful grand picture scroll.

This scene is so shocking to see all human hearts!

This is a brilliance that no strong man has ever seen since the endless years.

In this picture scroll, there are more than 60,000 small areas that appear, that is to say, more than 60,000 immortal powerhouses are waiting to be resurrected in time and space.

Is this something human can do?

Although, among the more than sixty thousand strong rules, there are only more than three thousand immortal kings level powerhouses, and the others are at the captain level, a small amount of immortal army master level, and a few ordinary immortal gods.

But the number is too much.

When the number of small areas of still light and shadow reached more than 68,000, a large number of lights and shadows in the void actually trembled.

Even some light and shadow began to distort.

Time and space seem to have begun to be unstable.

"No, I can't maintain the stability of controlling time and space."

Seeing this situation, the Lord of Longxing was immediately shocked, almost couldn't help but want to remind Cheng Buyun not to go back, otherwise he would have to crash.

Fortunately, the Chaos City Lord next to him seemed to have foreseen it, and even stopped his mouth and said: "Don't transmit sound, don't disturb."

The Lord of Longxing naturally shut his mouth tightly, he knew the seriousness of the matter very well.

If time and space collapse, even with Cheng Buyun's strength, the backlash will probably suffer serious injuries.

"My strength is still a lot worse, and the soul strength of the cosmos overlord's limit level is still a little bit worse." Cheng Buyun felt the instability of time and space, and felt helpless.

I also want to have a scene where one hundred thousand immortal gods are resurrected at once.

But his own strength is not allowed.

The plan was overwhelmed.

Fortunately, I didn't boast before, just say it for the purpose, otherwise there will be a joke.

"Well, I can barely get close to 70,000 people, and it's considered a card face." Cheng Bu Yun showed a smile on his face, laughing wanton, shaking the entire original secret realm, "The time and space back is over."

"Time and space return to the beginning!"


The endless pressure spreads and covers, but compared with the power of the resurrection of Herodo, the king of stone, this time the reversal of the starvation of the nearly seven million strong people is still a little bit meaningful.

Most of the 70,000 resurrected people were at the immortal princely level, and based on the total amount of divine power, it was only equivalent to the middle-level cosmic venerable.

That is enough, the power increase appears to be close.

To resurrect the Universe Venerable, Cheng Buyun is considered to be resurrected at a higher level, which is more difficult.

I am afraid that the power of the resurrection of a low-level Universe Venerable will exceed this time.

Previously, the resurrection of Herod the Jinshi Venerable, Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone paid a high price, and the consumption of about 10% of the divine body is equivalent to the sum of the power of tens of thousands of cosmic lord gods.

And he is also the master of the universe with a height of 10,000 kilometers.

Even if the strongest in the universe resurrected a top cosmic overlord, it didn't cost such a big consumption.

Reversing the time and space and resurrecting the pressure of nearly 70,000 immortal gods who are strong, if it is placed on any existence of the Lord of the universe, it will be considerable pressure, even the weaker of the universe, dare not to be so presumptuous. .

Resurrect tens of thousands of strong men at once.

This is true even for immortal gods.

In general, the Lord of the universe reversal of time and space resurrection is done slowly and gradually, so as not to carelessly hurt his divine body.

Cheng Buyun would be better, relying on the huge body of his own World Tree clone, unreasonable chaos.

But in such a mess, it succeeded.

Depending on the situation, the consumption is not too great.

Nearly 70,000 immortal gods were resurrected from time and space at one time, and the shock they brought was really great.

The powerhouses of the entire human race have also been paying attention to this incident.

Suddenly, the frying pan is up!

And when everyone was talking about it, another piece of news came up on the scene, even if the Lord of the universe exists, at this moment, he looks dazed.

It reversed a peak-level Universe Venerable at one time, more than 14,000 immortal crowned king levels, more than 60,000 immortal crowned levels, and a small number of immortal military masters and immortal gods.

Even continue?

Even if I knew the degree of Cheng Buyun's metamorphosis a long time ago, listening to the ears at this moment, a group of great beings still feel very shocked.

"I don't know how much it can resist such a huge divine body."

The Lord of Virtual Gold shook his head secretly, thinking about the future strength of the virtual universe company, and could not help but sighed slowly.

Since the Virtual Universe Company released a step cloud, the giant axe battlefield has been suppressed, and the equipment is finally unified, and it has the power to catch up.

But now...


It used to be quality transcendence, now it is quantity transcendence.

My Nima!

There seemed to be countless indescribable animals rushing past in the heart of the Lord of Xujin, but it seemed so helpless.

Equipment can be said to be fair, but how can the number of strong players be fair?

The two forces have almost the same genius cultivation mechanism, and no one has more opportunities than either.

The virtual universe company has a genius battle, and the giant axe battlefield has a strong battle.

The opportunities for both parties to openly recruit geniuses are usually the same.

The two sides are equal in number of the strong.

But now this equality has been broken.

Cheng Buyun, the bastard, the clone of that huge world tree, with ten million years as the limit, you don't know where his limit is to reverse time and space.

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