Plane Universe

Chapter 2482: Bright trend

If things go on like this, there is almost no possibility of competition.

But if he bowed his head to the virtual universe company, the master of virtual gold was really unwilling.

For a long time, because of certain obsessions, he wanted to overwhelm the virtual universe company and make the Giant Axe Fighting Arena the largest force in the human race.

But now... he is already a little disheartened.

I don't want to fight anymore.

He knows very well that after the virtual universe company has Chengbuyun, even if the latter will not be able to save in the future, it will only maintain its immediate strength.

But at the level of Cheng Buyun's enchanting, how could he only have this little strength in front of him.

At least he is also a master of the universe.

There is no possibility of transcendence in the giant axe battlefield.

Unless you become the third strongest person in the universe of the human race.

But at that point, what's the point of overwhelming the virtual universe company.

Because the identity is no longer equal.

Really, sometimes a strong person can change a race.

Just like this moment Cheng Buyun, he already has this kind of power.

The virtual universe company has become the largest power organization in the human race with the current trend, and it is completely unstoppable.

If a large number of immortal princes are reversed in time and space and return, they will use the foundation to open up and trespass.

What to fight for!

Do you want to fight?

It's a table of cups!

No solution!

And it is not only the lower level that will be affected, but the strongest ones at the top.

With Cheng Buyun, the master of the universe of the Virtual Universe Company, and the Venerable Universe under his command, will fall, and there is no need to spend as much as before.

Just need Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone to take the initiative, the Lord of Dragon Walk, Lord of Frozen, Lord of Youhou, etc., and there is no need to bear the responsibility of reversing time and space within the influence.

Just break out with more effort.

And how about the giant axe fighting field?

Still need to work hard as before.

Such a comparison is really big.

"I am so special!"

The more the virtual gold master thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he stood up and kicked the stone table in front of him.



After venting for a while, the Lord of Xujin slowly recovered his calm.

Now that this is the end of the matter, thinking about it will not help much, so it is better to accept the result happily.

The masters of the universe in the giant axe battlefield are just like the master of the virtual gold, and after hearing this news, they are in a bad mood.

Envy and jealousy needless to say.

He even sighed again and again, why didn't Cheng Buyun participated in the strong fight back then?

Or maybe it was not absorbed by the giant axe fighting arena to become one of them.

"A bunch of pigs!"

"Useless guy."

"Wasting so many resources, even Cheng Buyun didn't discover it back then. The four brothers of the earth only got one Hong and one Thor?"

"Hong and Lei Shen have good aptitude and understanding, but how can Cheng Buyun be dazzling?"

"Can you be a genius like Luo Feng?"

"A bunch of **** guys, I really want to kill you guys!"

The more they thought about it, the more annoyed a group of great beings, they actually wanted to attack a group of managers in the giant axe fighting field branch of the Ganwu universe.

I didn't think about it anymore, and I have done it.

An order was issued, and a large number of managers of the Great Axe Fighting Field Branch of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom were punished no matter what position or strength they were in now.

It's a disaster.

A large number of punished great axe fighters in the battlefield did not even know what they had committed.

Still want to argue.

The Supervisory Department of the Giant Axe Fighting Field directly charged the crimes of embezzling and receiving benefits.

I go!

The charge was hit with one blow.

Powerful players who play outside only need a little bit of power, and there are few clean butts.

Even Cheng Buyun served in the Qianwu Universe Nation back then, and the Vanguard Army gained a lot of benefits from this relationship.

It is naturally impossible to receive the benefits that others gave to Chengbuyun.

But when the vanguard is competing for some resources, the other party opens up the convenience and smashes the benefits on you. Can you still take it?

Will take more or less.

As long as it is taken, even if it is not subjective, it is taken.


Seeing the action of the giant axe fighting field, the virtual universe company is about to laugh.

However, the immediate concern was mainly about the big movements in the original secret realm, but no one would make fun of the strong man in the giant axe battlefield.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Cheng Buyun, the new master of the universe, to see his limits.

Venerable cosmos who generally have a little background, probably know the limit of a universe master.

According to the understanding of strength, the existence of the two most apex of the cosmos lord, Chaos City Lord and Peng Gong’s lord, can at most resurrect ordinary level cosmic overlords, but they will be seriously injured.

Therefore, they will not resurrect the overlord of the universe, but only resurrect the high-level cosmic sages and the power below.

The resurrection of the higher cosmic sages is estimated to be three at most.

The top level of the master of the universe, such as the lord of the dragon walk and the lord of the virtual gold, can at most resurrect the universe venerable at the peak level. Once it exceeds this level, there is a danger of falling.

Just like the two great beings at the pinnacle, they will only resurrect the strong below the High Universe Venerable, and at most three.

But it consumes more and needs to lose at least 60% of the divine body.

The existence of a lower level of the Lord of the Universe, such as the Lord of the Frozen, will inevitably be severely injured by at most two higher cosmic lords.

The Lord of the universe who is weaker, such as the Lord of the Scorching Sun and the Lord of Desolate Jian, is probably a high-ranking cosmic sage, and then he has to be close to severe damage.

The master of the universe at the level of the Lord of Youhou doesn't even have the qualifications to resurrect a high-level universe.

That kind of powerful backlash force can make them fall.

The sixth kingdom of God teleportation point in the original secret realm.

Reversal time and space began again and again.

It has now reached the eighth time, and since the fifth time, nearly 70,000 immortal gods have been resurrected every time the space-time is reversed.

The levels are all immortal Fenghou level.

And is a very high-end immortal Fenghou strongman.

No one is below the higher level.


The scene is crazy, and the corners of the eyes of a lot of strong people twitch.

And in the void around the hall of the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, there were nearly 300,000 powerful men who had returned from the Northern Resurrection on their knees, thanking the Lord of Time and Space for his gift.

Reverse time and space time and time again, resurrect the strong.

It also made more and more powerful people kneel down and thank you with their heads.

Immortal Fenghou levels, many times, if they fall without a background, they die if they die, and there is almost no possibility of being resurrected.

Therefore, these immortal masters are very grateful to Buyun's resurrection gift.

"Haha, come back!"

In the vigorous laughter, another nearly 70,000 immortal Fenghou returned to the Virtual Universe Company.

A large number of powerful people from virtual universe companies gathered around also uttered the most magnificent cheers.

The huge cheers stirred the situation, causing a new group of strong men who had returned from the resurrection to tremble, not knowing where they were.

Crazy shots one after another, to reverse time and space, the shock of the scene, as long as you have never seen the strong, you will never think about how crazy and shocking it is.

Cheng Buyun's deeds today spread throughout mankind at an extremely fast speed, and his reputation once again soared to an extremely exaggerated degree.

Vaguely, he even had the ability to compete with Chaos City Lord.

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