Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 104 Super military division! Destroy Chen Mo in two days! (1 more)

In the newcomer area, facing questions from the Great Wilderness Clan.

Someone can't wait.

Many people involved, for no apparent reason, feel that something is not right!

There is a vague feeling of being fooled.

So some top 100 newcomers exposed themselves: "I paid 3 million, so that the follow-up people are not allowed to buy miners."

"Damn it! Me too, but I paid 3.5 million.

"Gan! My ranking is higher, and for stability, I paid a full 10 million!"

for a time,

As one of the top 100 newcomers exposed themselves.

The truth emerges.

Everyone was stunned.

At the beginning, the top 100 newcomers felt that it was quite worthwhile.

To be able to make a private deal with Chen Mo, cow!

But at this moment, when everyone is doing this in order to suppress their opponents.

It seems... the collective IQ is in arrears.

"What about not licking Chen Mo?"

"Good guy, it turns out that apart from me, one of you counts as one, and they're all dogs!

"Everyone is silent!"

The Great Wilderness Clan almost died of laughter.

for a long time,

He is the only winner among the top 100 newcomers!

"Haha!! I cut 550 million with Chen Mo!"

He said very proudly.

As for the 50 million yuan that Wang Yifeng gave him, there is no need to buy prospecting equipment and workers.

He used this money to cultivate the race, and his strength can go further!


"The Great Wilderness Clan is awesome, someone is lying down and giving money!"

"Hey.. you managed to escape the pressure of Chen Mo. I'll accept your strength for the time being."

"Wait, doesn't that mean that Wang Yifeng's behavior of throwing coins is stupid again?"

"Yeah, in fact, whether he spends money or not, he can keep the ranking of the Great Wilderness Clan.

"Look, I just said it's best not to do anything, now I'm taking the title of the number one idiot again.

"As long as you throw coins at Chen Mo, you will definitely become a fool in seconds." 620

Wang Yifeng reluctantly looked at the military advisor.

He said so in a calm tone.

Not not angry.

But get used to it!

The military advisor was also slightly dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Is everyone so afraid of Chen Mo?

Actually give money collectively!

"After serving these rookies, let's work together to explode Chen Mo in minutes!"

"People are fishing for sustainability! Think of you as a mobile cash machine!"

"Thick families can't help but do wool like this!"

The current situation has caused the young master to actually throw money out, looking like a fool!

He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed!

"But you don't have to worry, young master, we don't expect these people anyway."

The soldier smiled.

The tone gradually calmed down.

He has seen the stargate shatter and burn, and a whole planet is annihilated under the Requiem.

The current scene, to be honest, is not even a scene.

Somewhat boring.

What's more, it's still on the line across the screen.

It feels like a child playing at home.

Pattern, not open.

And he has long thought that the Chen Mo observation post, which unites the majority of the young master, is a joke.

Now that people are scattered, that's fine!

Just pick a few powerful ones and unite together.

Much better than this loose union.

Besides, is Chen Mo really invincible?

For newcomers, maybe.

But by means of his means, it is only a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Give me 2 days, I am sure to reduce most of Chen Mo's strength."

"Even knocked him out of number one.

"Of course, he's a superb genius. We can't eliminate him even if we have a chance. Even if we have a chance, we can't kill him." "It's best to use it for yourself."

In the face of the confident speech of the military advisor,

Wang Yifeng couldn't help but be moved.

As expected of my father's assigned military advisor.

This kind of remark alone is definitely not something that ordinary people can say!

Not stupid, but smart!

"Master, please tell me in detail!"

He couldn't help but be excited and look forward to it.

In the newcomer area, because of Chen Mo's operation, everyone could not calm down for a long time.

Whore hundreds of millions!

"Hey, I kind of understand why Chen Mo doesn't sell high-purity magic crystals, because his money can be blown by the wind.

"Cough cough.. Chen Mo, this is pure prostitution, even the miners don't have to sell it.

"Hey. The king who prostitutes is so terrifying...

"After one lap, everyone has less money in their pockets, but the ranking has not changed at all...

"So, what about my mother?"

For a time, the comment area was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

The top 100 newcomers who were originally the weather vane were ridiculed to the point that they dared not speak.

They themselves were fooled by this outrageous way of swimming wool.

Of course, speaking, speaking, driving and scolding.

Out of 100 people, although it is not the hardest hit area of ​​competition, there are still many people who buy miners!

In this part, because there are not many federal rewards, they can't spend too much money to compete, so Chen Mo is too lazy to talk about them one by one.

Sell ​​directly.

A million one!

Volunteers take the bait!

Two methods of harvesting go hand in hand.

There was a ding ding in the background.

In a short while, Chen Mo combined to earn more than 700 million funds.

This is much faster than when he started selling food and mineral resources.

Still no deal!

Of course, it is unsustainable precisely because it is baseless.

This kind of money is not often available.

Just as a windfall.

Moreover, this kind of behavior that is not a resource transaction is not considered a contribution value.

The focus of income generation should still be placed on the development of the planet itself.

Chen Mo carefully planned:

Soon, his four planets will enter the stable development period.

At that time, using the knowledge of planetary transformation, he will transform these planets into agricultural planets.

As the name suggests, it is farming all over the planet.

Mainly focus on planting, fishery and animal husbandry economy.

This is a very stable, long-running business.

The more planets in hand, the more income, the longer the development, the higher the output, and the more stable the planetary environment.

At present, 4 planets are in the resource opening (cjce) mining period.

Before the resources are exhausted, the four planets can allow him to have a stable daily income of about 200 million.

This resource acquisition speed is about 10-20 times that of other players.

"After mining all the magic crystals on 4 planets, I can get 40-50 billion in funds."

"With the subsequent addition of planetary resources, it is not a problem to build a permanent portal."

"At that time, the mothership and Terra will be linked together, and the mobile fortress that can be infinitely violent will initially take shape!"

Chen Mo is not in a hurry for the further construction of the Bastion mothership.

Upgrade as much as possible while ensuring sufficient resources to deal with evolutionary opportunities.

Once successful, in the area where Planet 14 is located, he is semi-invincible.

"Another knowledge that can transmit the Fortress will be perfect."

Chen Mo thought expectantly.

If that's the case, to see who is upset, he teleports directly to the planet and rides his face, thinking about it is exciting!

"Unfortunately, this kind of knowledge that can transmit an entire planet is at least advanced knowledge.

"However, the gravitational gene continues to improve, and similar space folding technology can be developed.

Thinking so, there is some expectation.

But these are all follow-up plans!

What Chen Mo needs now is to choose the most suitable evolutionary route under the evolutionary system!

Steady and steady!

The first step of god-level civilization, genetic evolution!

With a thought, he opened the attribute panel.

at this time,

The resources in his hand have been able to select a gene for evolution.

Growth, Devouring, Hallucinogenic, Toxin, Parasitic, Nervous, Metal, Electricity, High Energy, Gravity, Perception

A total of 11 abilities.

Arranged in the order in which they were obtained.

The latter 9 can be deduced and evolved!

After the accumulation of evolution reaches a certain level, it can lead to qualitative change and leap evolution!

"My parasite arm is getting bigger and bigger, and the next stage is to attack the planet in actual combat. I need to be able to match the attack power of the battleship."

"The J-star main gun is definitely still far behind, but the power of cutting meteorites and mining is almost there.

"At this stage, the main ones that can threaten me are the children of the world. High-energy weapons are also very efficient and fast to deal with them."

"Prepare to evolve high-energy genes."

Chen Mo made a decision.

This becomes stronger, which can further enhance the output energy per unit time.

To put it simply, it was the power that the Prism Mushroom could only launch a small nuclear bomb.

Now it can reach the million-ton level.

One-time, through the light energy in the blink of an eye, outputting such terrifying energy, hitting any object, will cause a terrible disaster.

Chen Mo didn't dare to evolve this step before.

Because high-energy cells also need energy sources.

Now there is "Magic Heart, a powerful energy source that just works together.

"As long as this evolution is successful, with the gravitational core, it can harden any child of the Gang World head-on, without any traps to assist.

"For newcomers, it's even more of an instant kill.

Chen Mo is looking forward to it.

You have to hurry up and evolve, and try to use this ability to collect more children of the world before the end of the second stage!

Each of them represents a possible evolutionary opportunity.

Collected, as long as there are enough surplus resources, you can put resources into trying to devour genes.

The specific results will not be known until the phagocytosis is successful.

This is the same as opening blind boxes and jars, exciting!

He naturally knew about Wang Yifeng's small act of subsidizing the rest of the newcomers.

There is a high probability that an alliance will be formed again.

But he didn't care.

Chen Mo is busy evolving his super weapon, he really doesn't know,

A conspiracy constructed by a "strategist" who came down from the frontline battlefield is brewing.

Specifically for him!

Luxurious and modern base.

Wang Yifeng leaned back against the sofa comfortably and pulled a small group with his watch.

Participating people are:

The Great Wilderness Clan, Liu Fan, Li Long, and several talented players who are not very famous.

"This time, I will eliminate Chen Mo."

"I want 90% of all his resources.

The specific cooperation plan has not yet started.

Wang Yifeng first laid out the conditions.

Agreed to this condition, he continued to speak.

At this moment, after the military division on-demand, he is full of confidence.

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