Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 105 The God of War! The rich do whatever they want! The conspiracy unfolds! (2 more)

"Who are you? You are definitely not Wang Yifeng!"

Liu Fan's expression changed.

"Young Master Feng, blink your eyes if you are kidnapped!"

Li Long was also stunned, and hurriedly said.

"Fuck off! Laozi is Wang Yifeng-!

Wang Yifeng was instantly furious. He didn't expect that in the eyes of others, he was already a fake Chen Mo!

"I really have a plan. Don't underestimate me. I just kept a low profile because I couldn't handle Chen Mo. This time, I came forward again because I was sure of winning."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't pull the Dahuang brothers."

Wang Yifeng said angrily.

But after speaking, he was already laughing.

This time, he must be proud.

However, he didn't want to reveal the existence of the strategist. In that case, he would just sit back and realize that he was a foolish thing.

Talking about Young Master Feng, he couldn't handle others, he was forced to ask for a military advisor from his family, and he was also deprived of his specific command!

He just thinks about this and gets angry!

Everything is caused by Chen Mo!

"Just beat him! Everything can go back to the way it was."

"I'll be number one, and you, too, will go back to where you deserve.

"Of course, you can also challenge like me, if you think you can beat it."

"Okay, okay! Don't force it, just because of your madness, we believe that you are the real Wang Yifeng. Come on, what is your plan?"

Liu Fan said impatiently.



The two of Li Long Dahuang's family also spoke.

At this time, the attack of the natives was still very fierce, but they were guarded by magic cannons, so they had a lot of time.

Used to think, how to replace a better ranking!

We, "in themselves, are definitely not many Chen Mo's, and Chen Mo himself has been able to compete with the children of the world.

"We can deal with at least 3 children of the world, we must first know this major premise."

"So my solution is to gather 10 children of the world and fight against Chen Mo!"

Li Long: "Are you kidding me, do you know how sensitive the child of the world is? It's already a matter of luck to fool one, you have to fool ten in a row, and ask them to listen to you? Dream!"

Li Long was the first to object.

He has faced the child of the world directly, and knows that the other party is not easy to fool.

"Don't worry, just listen to me. Don't you admit that, apart from the difficulty of the process, if there are really ten children of the world, will it be possible to succeed?

Wang Yifeng smiled lightly and continued:

"How Chen Mo obtained the trust of the Child of the World, I have now roughly understood that it must be some kind of means that can make the Child of the World absolutely trust, similar to the control of flesh and blood, some mysterious ritual of sacrificing the heart."

"I don't have this method, but I can really open up my consciousness and let the children of the world join in. This kind of acceptance on the planet's will is definitely the greatest trust, and even treatment is far better than following Chen Mo!

"Great idea, great trick!"

Liu Fan clapped his hands.

He probably already understood Wang Yifeng's method.

This is too ferocious, if it doesn't work, it will kill people!

And it must destroy people.

"These two brothers are the geniuses I found and are willing to accept the children of the world!"

"Their strength itself is not weak, but their future is likely to stop at the general star soul master. I will give them the strength to join my royal consortium, and let them make some sacrifices and join our plan."

For the rest of "all resources, I will also compensate in place."

Wang Yifeng said.

to here,

Several people are already aware of specific plans.

As top geniuses and local tyrants, they will naturally not destroy their future.

However, what they don't want to do, someone is willing to do it!

Anyway, all of them are the Lord of Star Souls.

With the assurance of a few of them, those two ordinary people can have the opportunity to become the masters of star souls, and they can immediately obtain a large amount of resources!

Of course, risks are not without them.

In turn there is a danger of being eroded by the influence of the Children of the World.

There is no chance in this life to advance to Star God.

Even among the masters of star souls, they are at the bottom of the list.

But this is acceptable to the average newcomer.

What's more, as long as they pay attention to the first item, the subsequent risks are not called risks to them.

On the contrary, take the job.

Almost 100% of them can "walk" all the way to the realm of the Lord of Star Souls with the help of the Wang family.

How many people have tried their best to beg for nothing!

"Well, it's nice to have money, and it's really good to have money to do whatever you want."

The Great Wilderness Clan listened to this plan,

Can not help but startled.

But at this moment, he admires Wang Yifeng's courage,

Seize the opportunity and strike decisively!

The layout is also very big!

A shot, it is such a big deal.

The plan is crazy, brutal, and expensive.

Just bribing a few newcomers who are willing to sacrifice themselves and truly accept the Son of the World will cost a huge amount of 1 billion (too rubbish newcomers, the Son of the World does not look down on them, and their strength must be decent, so the price is high).

This money, for any newcomer, is absolutely unaffordable.

It can be said that without the support of the family behind it, this plan would not work in the first place.

But imagine carefully, once it is really implemented.

The probability of success is extremely high!

Especially after a few people were dragged out by Li Long, they knew that among the indigenous people, it was after rumors that they could surrender.

Even more confidence!

Since they want to surrender, they can provide the basis of absolute trust in each other.

Then it can be done!

In particular, once this thing is successful, the benefits are not a little bit.

The fact that Chen Mo's 4 planets are in his pocket is an incomparably huge benefit!

Relatively speaking, the income of one billion yuan is not worth mentioning.

Liu Fan: "I agree with this plan, and I found out that the matter of holding back the child of the world is handed over to me."

Li Long: "The plan to contact the children of the world can be handed over to me. I have experience."

The Great Wilderness Clan: "I'm good at sneaking in and observing, then I'll make a count, which ones are about to give birth to the children of the world, and monitor Chen Mo's movements by the way!"

Soon, after Wang Yifeng described the detailed plan, several people were moved.

Of course, the specific implementation details are all operated by Wang Yifeng!

Several people are mainly cooperative.

The kind of "knowledge" that can make the world truly believe, accept each other, and quickly integrate into the planet's will is also done by Wang Yifeng!

this step,

is the key.

"Ah... When the time comes, Feng Shao, you can start your plan in advance, you don't have to wait for 10 children of the world to get together. When there are 8 and 9, act immediately."

After the strategist and the others finished wrangling the distribution of interests, and the matter was settled, he said again.

Winning smile~

"Well, when the time comes, we will launch it in advance, and take the lead to get rid of Terra, who was painstakingly managed by Chen Mo! Go straight to Huanglong!

"Don't give Liu Fan and others a chance to take advantage."

Wang Yifeng smiled coldly.

This time, he wanted Chen Mo to look good.

If you don't call me Dad, this thing will never go away!

Of course, the other party is extremely talented, and he will definitely not kill.

Here are the underlying rules of the game.

"No, let's start with Planet 14.

The soldier shook his head and said.

In his heart, he couldn't help but look down on his young master.

Not analyzing the situation at all.

There is no wisdom like him, who sees the essence through phenomena.

Of course, as long as he does this well, the Wang family will not treat him badly, and he can be regarded as using his wisdom to get the reward he deserves.

Seeing Wang Yifeng's doubts,

The sergeant smiled and explained:

"Master, think about it carefully, Terra Planet is just a barren planet, how could Chen Mo take that as the focus of his business?"

"Don't look at him sending a lot of supplies there, it's just for sale!"

"The living conditions and development potential of barren planets are far inferior to planets with energy levels. If nothing else, just for the sake of comfortable living conditions, an energy-level planet should also be developed.

However, upgrading and transforming a barren planet requires a unique intermediate knowledge, which is difficult to obtain. "

"The real nest of the other party is definitely Planet 14 with the second most supplies!"

"And aren't the 8 million newcomers on that planet? We just took the opportunity to eliminate them all, make Chen Mo's reputation completely stinky, and offend a large number of people at that time."

"Well said! Knock them all out!"

Wang Yifeng was excited.

These goods are the ones who mock him most fiercely.

Also named him the number one idiot in the newcomer area!

In normal times, how dare you?

It's not a dog fight.

Now, Wang Yifeng, the first one, let these people get out together.

Even better, this notoriety is all with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo swore to keep them safe.

"Hehe... 10,000 tickets?"

Chen Mo "Ah Chen Mo, you will eventually pay the price for cutting leeks!"

The thought of himself being cut so badly made him impatient.

I hope that the child of the world will be born soon, and the plan will be implemented!

At that time, kill 8 million newcomers first and shock the entire newcomer area!

Backhand immediately occupied the 14th planet.

"With Planet 14, the young master can choose to sell it directly, or continue to capture the rest of the planets.

"If a planet is sold directly, the price must be very low, and it will lose at least tens of billions."

"But this money is originally from Chen Mo, so it doesn't hurt to sell it, and this tens of billions of income can make you quickly surpass Chen Mo."

"First place in one fell swoop!"

"By the way, we also have to spread the news, so that the natives know that this method can surrender, so that they will work hard to find a way to give birth to the child of the world.

"The more children of the world, the higher the probability of our success! But we must let the spies of the Great Wilderness family work harder. We must contact the children of the world as soon as possible, and we can't let Chen Mo cut off his beard!"

"At the same time, we can mobilize the rest of our allies to buy the new version of the miners!

"After defeating Chen Mo, use his miners to mine his planet."

"And even if Chen Mo defends Terra and loses the rest of the planet, he will not be able to transform the Hulk." Le, when the time comes to default on a large scale, he will be nice!"

The soldier said confidently.

This is the right way to do business!

Take the initiative to create a crisis and let the other side go bankrupt!

Of course, he could not guarantee complete success.

After all, so many children of the world have been gathered in a short period of time, and all of them have to be drawn.

In his opinion, in addition to strength, it still needs some luck!

But the prospect that this depicts has already made Wang Yifeng ecstatic.

at this time,

Chen Mo was completely unaware that a hugely expensive and frantic plan against him had been launched.

His attention was on planet 14, the Fortress.

On the back of the planet, the second giant tentacle has begun to grow!

A steady stream of resources allows it to grow very quickly.

Genetic evolution has also come to an end.

[Ding! After systematic deduction, using the "star soul" to cooperate, you have successfully evolved high-energy genes! Your high-energy cells have a higher energy level, and the unit energy output has increased by 10 times! The organs and parasites based on this, the performance has been improved Great improvement!)

*10 times the power!

With a thought, Chen Mo waved his huge tentacles.

The hollow tentacles immediately emitted a scarlet light.

The next moment, a red light flashed, and in the dark universe, a meteorite with a diameter of 10 kilometers was directly divided into two.

The iron ore inside is exposed, which is very conducive to mining.

"The next step is to find more children of the world!

This power made Chen Mo extremely satisfied.

Of course, this power is overdone.

He must shrink the manufacturing to move out of Planet 14 and capture the Son of the World.

"I can try to spread the surrender message and get them to come and surrender."

"Because the indigenous civilizations present at the time may have concealed the survival method of blocking for their own interests.

"If you are a miner, you should buy almost what you should buy... It's a pity that I will continue to subdue the children of the world. The pressure on the rest of the newcomers will be lower and lower, and this business will not be profitable."

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully. At

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