Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 146 Give up treatment? Son of the world with numb scalp! 1 more)

("Chen Mo, your ocean planet is about to be attacked, be careful!" The other party is very powerful! "Don't let the other party in!" Luo Bing saw the movement in the newcomer area and immediately contacted Chen Mo. Try the video. "No The response seems to be in action. "But this time, the loss is doomed." "Alas.. Luobing couldn't help sighing. It's a pity. Ocean Planet has the blessing of mermaids, which is definitely the most valuable in the entire competition area. A planet. In terms of short-term benefits, there are Tiberium ore. In terms of long-term benefits, there are high-quality fishery resources. But if Tiberium ore is detonated on a large scale because of the battle. Then the entire planet, for a long time, even, It may be permanently polluted. The value is directly reset to zero! She also sent an angel to watch the battle at the entrance of the planet. Seeing that the entire mountain range was washed away, it looked like the nozzle of a huge torch, her eyes widened. "Okay, so big..." It's crazy. Luo Bing couldn't help muttering to himself. Not only Chen Mo, but his opponent, the child of the strange world, was also crazy. He didn't even have the slightest temptation, he was wearing a terrifying energy beam. Charge in. You know, this can kill the child of the world! "Unless the other party is very confident." "Confident enough to think that he will never encounter a power that can hurt himself... Legendary "Peak 29? But the natives do not Possibly with this kind of strength, it would be very difficult for a veteran of the world to reach this realm, this is almost a demigod!" The more she thought about it, Luo Bing felt that the matter became more solemn. It was very strange! Suddenly, her watch vibrated slightly Luo Bing has very few friends, except for a few national honeys, there is only Chen Mo. And this point, the only person who will be contacted should be... Luo Bing opened it immediately. A line of information came into view: "Sorry, I have a little Things have to be dealt with, video later." Seeing Chen Mo's message, Luo Bing couldn't help but stay for a while. "He still has time to reply. "Get back to me later... Can the battle end so quickly?" "Or say , gave up the treatment?" "But for him, losing some Tiberium ore doesn't seem to be unacceptable." Damn it, I'm a poor ghost, why do I still worry about the number one genius? Luo Bing couldn't help but be speechless. But when she heard Chen Mo admit that "there's something wrong", Luo Bing was still quite proud. "Humph! You are so short, you know when you can't do it?" She couldn't help but smile. Alice. Anyway, this is the first time she sees Chen Mo suffering from cancer. It's a bit dark and exciting~~

Thinking of this, she replied:

"It's nothing, I just want to comfort someone~~"

"By the way, if there is a heartbroken mermaid, I will also take it in."

After returning,

Luo Bing happily switched to the newcomer area.

Keep eating melons.

Chen Mo said it was a while, she guessed, it was just to save face.

At that time, the inside of the planet is messy, and he will clean it up, and it won't take a day or a half.

ocean planet,

The cosmic channel turned into a planetary engine.

The energy splashes freely!

Inside the passage, the child of the world, who was enduring all this, sneered.

at this time,

He has reached the passageway.

In a few steps, he was able to leap into the planet.

At that time, the sky will be vast, and this weapon will not threaten him at all!

"That's it?"

"No more tricks?"

He smiled coldly.

"If there is no more means, then I will take the things and leave!"

A ferocious look flashed in his eyes.

I secretly estimated the time in my heart.

Can not help but some regrets.

In this passage, after wasting time, I can only let the slave owner who is making trouble behind his back.

After taking the things and detonating the Tiberium ore, you have to leave immediately.

The planet cannot be completely destroyed.

But the next moment,

As we approached the entrance, the viewing angle became wider, and the child of the world couldn't help laughing.

No way?

He was so lucky!

The other party, that foolish slave owner, is he scared and foolish?

He went to the doctor in a panic and was forcibly using Tiberium ore!

At first glance, the child of the world was startled,

Thought the portal was about to open.

But when the strength reaches this level, the response is extremely fast!

General fear can't govern his behavior.

He has a will of steel and is professionally trained!

So I figured out the situation immediately,

In this case, it is almost impossible to activate the portal!

And now he's out of luck.

Impossible to be so unlucky.

"Are you kidding?"

"What should I do if I break the magic device?"


Not only is he not afraid, the child of the world is also worried.

Shout out loud!

whoever sees this,

will look like that.

After all, the equipment that is randomly pulled all over the place,

Some are already on fire.

Some are smoking black.

From time to time, there are also creeps that explode directly because they can't stand the radiation and powerful energy.

Blast out a hole.

There is something wrong with this proper facility, and it is a sign of a complete collapse!

Even the queen panicked when she saw this situation.

I was so anxious that my forehead was sweating!

Although she believed in her heart, what the master said was right.

But reason does not allow her to think so.

the current situation,

It's really bad.

But she can't do anything!

Can only look anxious.

Heart is very painful, anxious.


The skill frost is focused and enthusiastic, commanding loudly!

There is a force field that expands and spreads rapidly between all the green skins.

Greenskins ignore all kinds of problems visible to the naked eye.

Keep opening the portal!

"Portal Resonance!"

"Locate the coordinates!

"Ready to turn on!!"

next moment,

Thorn pull!

A loud bang.

The queen closed her eyes.

Her delicate skin had already sensed the swept electromagnetic pulse in advance.

She was ready for the terrible shock wave to come.

But the next moment,

It sounded, but it was cheers.

The queen opened her eyes blankly,

What caught my eye was a huge crack!

The fissure expanded rapidly, forming a circular channel!

Then stabilize.

The sight on that end made her heart tremble.

This is the master's... so big....

She was speechless for a long time.

At the entrance of the passage, the child of the world who had just entered the planet had a frozen expression on his face.

Eyeballs almost popped out.

No, how can this be activated??

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The teleporters are obviously not installed yet!

The equipment in many places, at first glance, is also a temporary patchwork!

The most outrageous is that the directly exposed Tiberium features 737 stones.


Is this ore honest, how can it be made without exploding?

The probability of this is less than one in a million, okay?

However, he didn't have time to think about it.

Because of the sight on the other end of the portal, his heart stopped beating instantly.

What the hell is this!

A giant monster floating in the universe!

The other end of the portal is actually connected to a planetary warship!

The huge tentacles floated in the starry sky, like a silent threat.

Of course,

It's not the most frightening yet.

What surprised him even more was:

that end,

The elite of the infiltration team with him, a legendary orc powerhouse, just rushed out from the ground.

He blasted out a big hole and was chasing down a pair of mermaids!

And behind him, at the bottom of the big pit, there is a crack that is slowly closing!

His point of view, just to see!

I saw my commander holding back his strength and trying to open the crack.

He is fighting against some invisible force!

at this time,

The commander also saw the situation here.


- Distraction.

Then couldn't hold back at all.

In the distorted expression of despair, the crack quickly closed.

Like a giant beast closing its mouth.


Under the space cut, 8 fingers fell to the ground.

Seeing this silent and desperate scene,

The son of the world's scalp was numb.

But at this moment, the legend of the orc race rushed up, but still shouted: "Brother, it's just right, help me!"

this moment,

The child of the world exploded in an instant, and the fear could not be restrained!



He only had one thought.

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