Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 147 Under the watchful eyes of the master, sublime! (2 more)

"Fuck! Really rushed in!"

"Brilliant~~ worthy of being the son of the strongest world at present, as soon as he entered, the light-prism mushrooms stopped attacking!"

"It is estimated that a full blow was launched! Instant kill!"

"Chen Mo really didn't hold back!"

The next moment, the attack dissipated.

The new people who were watching outside noticed it for the first time.

They have made reasonable judgments.

"Isn't this the opening of the ocean planet door?"

"Go in and have a blast!

"Hurry up, follow the child of the world, and let's do it together!"

"Be careful, brothers, don't go there yourself, be careful of the Tiberium ore explosion!"

"Come on! Let's go together!"

"Afraid, send someone in!

It's not for the mermaid~ It's just to go in and watch the battle.

I also want to help Chen Mo, after all, they are all human beings! It's not for the ore~ I'm absolutely righteous, that is, I'm just curious, definitely not to take the opportunity to make some money~

Many newcomers were moved and sent their subordinates one after another!

Even Luo Bing was also moved.

But she was just curious!

"Go in and see what's inside.

"Want to see a real battle scene!"

"Chen Mo has been sending so many equipment to the ocean planet, what is he doing?"

Luo Bing also decided to send an angel.

However, it is not yet waiting for the real action.


The son of the world, who rushed in, rushed out again.

but posture,

Make people dumbfounded.


"let me go!

I saw him yelling, and then his body was also sideways, and his entire foot was stretched.


There seems to be an invisible monster pulling him!

that's all,

The child of the world who stood in, crawled out, lay on the ground again, and was pulled back.

He grabbed the passage with both hands,

Crazy to catch dazzling Mars.

but to no avail,

He could only watch himself helplessly as he was pulled into the passage.

This scene made the boiling new people pour a pot of cold water from head to toe.

The newcomer, who had already rushed to the entrance, shivered all over.

Quietly backed away.

At this time, the planet passage has no one to guard it.

But no one ever mentions it again!

"Let me go, I am willing to surrender!"

The children of the world struggled madly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately struck back.

Want to destroy Tiberium in order to close the portal!


People will hesitate, but ruthless computing machines will not.

The biological brain is not disturbed by his words.

Tricks, useless!

Early on, Chen Mo had already predicted the opponent's actions!


Because the fighting time is getting longer and longer.

The accuracy of the simulation prediction has already risen to more than 95%.

That is,

There are almost no surprises.

Unless the children of the world can use force to break the trick.


Facing the gravitational pull of an entire Fortress,

He still has enough power to attack, which is already very powerful!

If you want to use strength to break tricks, you are a demigod, and you have strength.

"Dare to invade the master's territory!

"Feel the judgment of truth!"


The queen is unpredictable, and she strikes hard.

With the pull of the gravitational core, the attack instantly fell on the child of the world.

So the child of the world tilted his head, his brain was buzzing, and his attack was interrupted abruptly.

Then it was accelerated and pulled towards the portal.

It's not over yet,

When the child of the world was pulled into the portal more than halfway.

The queen struck a calm backhand.

Actively cut off the transmission!



On the other end, in the eyes of the son of the Orc World, you can see:

His companion came over in ecstasy.

His companion's face changed greatly and ran away.

his mate was dead-pulled over,

But not quite there!

Space Guillotine!

Queen's side,

It is another scene.

The head of the Son of the World lost its gravitational pull, and finally became free, accelerated rapidly, and rushed towards the planetary passage.

Chen Mo was stunned for this scene.

I sigh in my heart, as expected of a powerhouse close to a demigod!

There's only one head left, and you can still run!

However, the son of the world at this time, the strength is rapidly declining, and he can't run!

"No, I'm not dead"~!"

"Who can help me!"

"The Temple of Heaven must be rewarded!"

"I can't die! I haven't avenged my revenge!"

The child of the world wailed, his head bounced on the ground twice, and he rolled out of the passage.


Seeing the child of the world come out again,

The crowd went directly from being scared to being scared to urinating.

Omg...what the hell is in there?

Such a powerful son of the world, in a blink of an eye, is in a state of embarrassment!

In a blink of an eye, only the head is left!

This is really a "head shot".

"Holy will, unstoppable!"

"Great master, grant me strength!"

The queen took a deep breath and slowly looked at the Tiberium ore!

Although the experience just now was only for a moment,

But facing the coercion of the legendary powerhouse,

It made her more firm in her heart, and she also had new insights.

Power is boiling!

Casually, she grabbed the half-used Tiberium ore.


Terrifying power splashed out in her hands.

Using the mysterious knowledge in the brain,

She started the promotion!

But the master's will must also be implemented!

"In the process of pleasing the master, sublime it!"

"Master, please look at me!"

The queen made up her mind.

The will in her heart became more and more condensed.

The hard Tiberium ore in my hand also began to melt,

But the amazing thing is that the ore didn't get out of control,

Instead, more and more power is condensed in the Queen's hands.

Like a miniature nuclear reactor, like a sun!

"For the divine will! Kill!

"Evil God Temple lackey, stop struggling!"

The queen's expression became more and more determined, she rushed out of the passage and caught up with the child of the world.

"Go away!!!"

"You are the lackey! I have been loyal to the Temple of Heaven for decades. This area is our territory, and the slave owners are the invaders!"

"You cosmic tumors, locusts!"

The child of the world roared wildly.

Escape at the same time!

Although his power is declining, it is not a mere ninth-order, which can be shaken!

Immediately rush to the space rift, maybe there is still a chance!

Under the watchful eyes of my lord, you still want to run!

The queen shook her hand suddenly,

The Tiberium ore in the hand is directly turned into energy,


The terrifying power caused a circle of electromagnetic storms to erupt directly around her,


instant pop,

There were many people watching the battle in the distance, and electric currents came out of their bodies, crackling.

There were even those with a lot of metal magic energy equipment, and they were shaken by the static electricity that came out.

Watching the battle in the sky was even more miserable. It was directly electrocuted and fell from the air.


"Under the brilliance of the divine will, the evil heretics must be burned to the ground!"


What the Queen holds in her hand is a nuclear bomb.

"This power, no!!"

"How could you!"

The children of the world are going crazy.

He just cut off the whole world, it seems that they are against him.

The impossible portal was opened just now, and at this moment, there was a native who he despised, and directly advanced in front of him!

This is truly legendary power!

The other party is not the child of the world!


Why are such stupid and ignorant natives so loyal to that slave owner!

"Feel the truth!

The queen gave a cold drink and directly smashed the "sun" in her hand into the mouth of the child of the world.

Waiting for "Well, you will be destroyed in the end!"

"The gods won't let you go...

Before the child of the world could finish speaking, it was melted by the blooming light.

Tianshen Temple infiltration team members, die!

Blooming with the light, there is also the Queen herself.

She released golden light all over her body.

This is the mark to advance to the legend!

Originally, she had already accepted the evolution potion and had reached the peak of the ninth order.


Use the knowledge in the brain, the powerful power of Tiberium ore, and the tempering of the legendary peak powerhouse.

The Queen has advanced!

Legendary Mermaid Queen!

The golden light here attracted the attention of everyone present.


"Congratulations, Mother!"

"Congratulations to the Queen!

"Wow, the queen became the first legend to advance naturally!"

Wait for the golden light to gradually converge.

for a time,

Many mermaids expressed their congratulations to the queen through the astral world.

The entire group of mermaids sang and danced, boiling.

very excited!

The queen is their pride!

"thank you all.

"It's all the master's credit."

The queen blushed.

Extremely excited!

But inside, there are some volunteers.

Under the emotional agitation just now, she seemed to say something shy to encourage herself.

And let the master look at him.

This is too... arrogant and rude.

Master, don't blame her?

"Mother, congratulations on stepping into the legend, you are more useful to the master."

"Congratulations to mother! We can act together in the future!"

The two sisters also came to congratulate.

Seeing the two sisters, the Queen suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an intruder on the Fortress too!

She quickly asked about the situation.

At the same time, he secretly blamed himself, there was still a fight over there, but he was complacent here.

"Don't worry, the master is invincible."

"That orc guy has been scared stupid!"

"We deliberately let him escape the passage in order to track it and see if we can find another space rift."

Two sisters, you talk to me (Zhao Hao Zhao), it's very easy.

On the other side, on Planet 68.

The son of the orc world fled wildly.

"Finally escaped!"

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed heavily.

not because of tiredness,

It was so scary.

Only in this way can the body's instinctual fear be relieved.

"Damn information, completely wrong!"

"Where is a planet, the whole is a huge monster at the level of a planet!

"No, it may be more suitable to say that it is a parasite?"

"Is it a place that breeds evil gods, or is it...

The Son of the Orc World clenched his fists hard, and at this moment, his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

That scene was really terrifying.

Companions stronger than him were pulled back by invisible forces, like dragging a dead dog.

That terrifying tentacle that covers the sky, inside it, is bred with incredible energy.

Even bigger than the starship he was on!

He was sure that as long as he connected it, no, if he was lightly rubbed, he would be absolutely dead!


He waits on this planet,

This is an emergency retreat point.

If it does not return within the specified time,

When the time comes, the portal will open Song!

"Second time... Damn it's slave owner!

"But I swear, there will never be a third time!"

"La~ is that right?"

"I think so."

A cold voice sounded behind him.

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