Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 154 100 Star God's Secret! The Queen's Care, Someone Stealing Chickens! (3 More) F

"Can you finally enter the big library?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but rejoice when he saw this certificate.

No knowledge is written.

This description can be filled out by yourself.

Self-select advanced knowledge!

At the same time, Chen Mo also immediately realized that this should be because the dust settled in the second stage.

Otherwise, the rewards issued would not be so loose.

Only auxiliary classes.

Now it is good luck, the time is just right, Chen Mo can choose freely.

This is even more precious than directly rewarding a high-level knowledge!

After all, one is active and the other is passive.

In the end, the actual use of the hands may be very different.

"It's just used to choose Requiem, or supporting abilities such as Dark Sky."

When entering the next stage, this means of being able to evolve an entire planet will be very useful to Chen Mo.

Unlike other newcomers who focus on individual strength,

What he is concerned about is the strength of a whole planet!

"At the same time, this also shows that there is a way to choose the knowledge of the big library.

"But who has the power to decide?

"Is there a rule to follow?

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking.

He had heard very little about blank credentials before in school and on the Internet.

It's all spread as rumours.

Chen Mo; "Is there a way to obtain this blank certificate from a specific channel?"

Open the terminal and ask the federal worker.

"Sorry, you are currently unable to know the relevant information."

The staff pondered for a while, then replied with a polite smile.

It is clear,

She didn't know if it would work or not, just when Chen Mo saw her pupils turning, she knew she was looking at relevant information.

Is it not enough permissions?

After all, the strength is still not strong, and many things are poorly understood.

"Then let me ask another question, can something like a blank voucher be traded?"

Chen Mo himself has obtained a blank certificate, so he is naturally qualified to ask this question.

This can be considered a disguise, letting the other party reveal whether there is a specific channel to obtain this thing.

"Yes, but every time a transaction is made, the certificate level will automatically drop by one level."

"Besides, the Commonwealth does not agree with a step-by-step approach to strength.

"I won't reveal more."

The girl smiled wryly.

I beg Chen Mo to stop embarrassing her.

"Okay, that's fine."

Chen Mo closes the terminal.

He already got the answer he wanted.

Clearly, there is access to specific, knowledgeable knowledge in any large library.

But this method, he can't reach this level.

Blank vouchers can be traded, but downgrades once per trade, which is too much of a loss.

The federation does not encourage trading at all.

Even, they are very opposed to people's planned exchange of knowledge from the big library.

"Promoting diversity? Like species diversity."

"This is interesting. The rest of the civilizations are eager to mass-produce strong people, but our training method is unique, and we try to avoid homogenization as much as possible."

"Or is there something hidden? Maybe it has something to do with 100 seats."

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking carefully.

Could it be because of the position above, there are already similar Star Gods, if they develop according to the same pattern, will there be any conflict?

As a result, the star god cannot be achieved in the end?

This question made Chen Mo think for a while,

But in the end there was no result.

His vision and strength are here.

It is too far away from the rule-makers of the Star Soul World.

The way of thinking of the two may not be in the same channel at all.

Not a good guess.

"But what the truth is, it doesn't matter to me."

"I'm definitely not going to crash with any of the Celebrities.

"Speaking of which, maybe this is another reason why I am favored?"

"In short, I am walking on this unique path, and one day, I will become a star god, and there will be me in those 100 seats!"

Defeat the Temple of Heaven first, lay a solid foundation, and accumulate information!

Maybe by then, Terra, like the star soul world, will stand in the void and cannot be seen directly!

It's not impossible!


Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo suppressed his reverie, put away the voucher, and looked at another item.

[Evolution Essence]: Contains Star Soul World Fragments and World Tree components.

By using this item, you can get extremely strong vitality, and make the will be temporarily concerned by the star soul world.

Forcibly raise a level of experience.

There are no side effects. After using it, you can quickly touch the threshold of demigods when your own talent is sufficient.

Should be "an advanced item of evolution potion."

"Cough cough... In simple terms, it is the Star Soul World that helps to open and practice."

The effect is outrageous.

It is equivalent to a beggar's version of directional blessing.

But for Chen Mo, it can only be regarded as a general reward.

The power of special individuals, in Chen Mo's case, is far less effective than the overall improvement brought by knowledge.

Putting away the potion, Chen Mo went out.

Outside, the Queen waited eagerly for quite some time.

Seeing that Chen Mo was finally done, he hurried up to meet him.

For a time, the beach also remembered a cheer.

Chen Mo was not used to it for a while.

look around,

There are white flowers everywhere.

He was surrounded by mermaids and waited beside the fire.

After a while of singing and dancing, the queen waited on Chen Mo.

while silently observing un

She couldn't help but flashed the "unique secret recipe for pleasing the master" that the little fox gave her before.

Of course, she wasn't so bold.

"Master... I may have to go back to the ocean planet tomorrow."

"One is to transform the planet's environment, and the other is to use Tiberium ore to see if it can be upgraded quickly. If the upgrade is successful, I can raise the planet's fishery output to a new level, and maybe I am collecting Tiberium ore. There can also be breakthroughs.”

The queen said softly.

The owner is very concerned about the income of the planet, and she naturally has to be careful in this regard.

"How long will the ocean planet be able to reach the level of the top agricultural planet?"

Chen Mo looked at the queen who was sitting aside and asked.

Queen: "It will take about a month, my ability is not enough, and this requires a lot of Tiberium ore.

"But please rest assured, master, during this time, I will still teach a few outstanding daughters, and with their help, the follow-up speed can be much faster.

"Especially Irene and Ellie, both of them are very talented. I believe that it won't take long for Holy Terra to start transforming at the same time."

Speaking of a few daughters, the queen is very pleased.

Their talents are not under their own.

"It will take at least half a month, right?"

"It's been too long.

Chen Mo couldn't help shaking his head.

"Drink this."

He took out the "Evolution Essence" he had obtained before.

Without any hesitation, the queen took the bottle to protect it, gulped it, and drank it all in one gulp.

next moment,

She only felt a heat in her abdomen, where the scales glowed slightly.

"This is the essence of evolution. It contains the special products of the peculiar race, the elves, and the aura of the star soul world. You can easily elevate it to another level.

Take advantage of opportunities.

Chen Mo said.

The queen moaned softly and immediately stood up.

"Thank you master!"

"I felt a warm current, and the effect of the medicine was about to spread."

"Master, I'll take my leave first, and let the two sisters Erin accompany you. I feel that this time may be able to go further!"

… ask for flowers…

The queen said excitedly.

The benefits given by the master are really too great!

She wanted to express her gratitude.

But for a while, he was very excited, and he had to suppress the power in the body, so the whole body could not help but tremble slightly.

It looked like he was standing unsteadily.

She needs to go home immediately.

It will take up to a minute for the essence to take effect.

"Go ahead and look forward to your new life.

Chen Mo said with a smile.

Living organisms evolve and become stronger.

It's not an exaggeration to say that you are a freshman!

"Mother are you?"

"What's the matter, mother, the Jihuo party is not over yet.

The two sisters were talking and laughing when they saw the queen suddenly stand up.

Are curious.

"I have obtained the essence bestowed by the master."

"You have to go back to the house and prepare well, maybe you will be able to advance to the pinnacle of legend!

"You sisters accompany the master, I'll go first.

The queen gave a brief explanation and left immediately.

leaving the two sisters stunned,

Master "Give, what?"

Erin muttered to herself.

Some can't believe it.

She has clearly been paying attention to her master, but just now, she was blocked by her mother for a while,

Was given a reward?

How fast is this?

She didn't notice at all.

Ellie's eyes widened and she instinctively looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo:

He naturally heard the Queen's words, and he couldn't help but have a black line on his face.

This rough explanation is perfect.

The fire party continues,

Hearing the melodious songs sung,

Chen Mo, who was leaning on the seat, moved with a thought.

A voice sounded in his head.

The biological mastermind reminded him that evolution was coming to an end.

Turning his eyes, Chen Mo came to the Fortress.

Here, in the darkness, there are strands of faint blue light that are gradually brightening.

This is the Roentgen radiation.

Also do fission radiation.

This can happen with heavy use of uranium ore or the more powerful Tiberium ore.

This blue light is a dangerous and fascinating light.


This light slowly penetrated from the huge insect eggs.

There are cracks in which mucus flows out.

There is also a strange blue light.

The creation this time has an extremely powerful energy level.

Because its noumenon is originally the life of the universe.

Legendary pinnacle!

"Come on, just consume one more piece of Tiberium ore."

Chen Mo carefully assessed.

He is ready to wait for the birth of this powerful being.

At that time, his parasitic body legion will also have a space arm in the true sense.

But at this moment,

The voice of the little fox sounded in Chen Mo's mind.

"Master, I analyzed many newcomers, monitored their actions, and discovered through the miners that Li Long's people were all dispatched, not only him, but also many top-ranked newcomers!"

"They must be doing something big tonight!"

Through the "magic eye tracking investigation, I found that they are all converging on Planet 90."

"I speculate: Someone made a breakthrough, and then united many new people to fully occupy a planet!"

"As long as you occupy a planet and sell it immediately, you can get tens of billions of contribution value.

"Although this deal is very loss-making, and such a big deal is difficult to achieve in a short period of time, if it is the son of a consortium, there is a great chance.

"They want to hide the master and steal the first place at the last moment.

After finishing speaking, the little fox sent a lot of photos.

A large number of magic crystal cannons and demons came out of their nests.

Especially a "sun" in the sky.

Incredibly dazzling. At,

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