Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 155 Li Long's Brilliant Plan! The Giant Leviathan! (1 more)

Planet 90, the entrance.

Although it was midnight at this time, it was very lively here.

A large number of magic weapons are being released from the space ring.

Install everywhere.

There are also various defensive weapons,

As well as giants equipped with powerful and heavy armor, and countless demons hovering in the sky.

However, it can be seen that these are defensive formations.

Most of the weapons they took were very powerful, but they were inconvenient to move.

Many are simply city defense weapons.

There are more powerful races that are swiftly maneuvering, rushing towards the interior of the planet.

Led by a legendary demon.

Like a broken bamboo!

When the natives faced the Son of the World with a power level, no matter how stubborn their resistance was, they would be ruthlessly torn apart like pieces of paper.

Wang Yifeng: "It's 12 o'clock in the evening, hehe, I believe that most of the newcomers have already slept, and many people think the overall situation is settled."

Li Long: "Yeah, after all, they don't have much hope, they might as well get a good night's sleep.

"Those who haven't slept are also bragging in the newcomer area.

"It's just right, let them watch my brilliant record."

"At the last moment, turn the tide!"

Li Long and Wang Yifeng met at the entrance of Planet 90.

The two of you speak, and I speak.

Let's go inside the planet together.

"Fuck, wait for me!"

"I was setting up sentries along the way, so I came a step late."

Suddenly, Liu Fan's voice came to mind.

In addition to him, there are more newcomers coming one after another on "Seven Five Seven".

Especially after receiving the pictures of the scene.

More and more people are joining!

Li Long gave them confidence!

"Fuck, Brother Fan, are you here too?"

"Look ahead, it's Brother Long and Young Master Feng!"

"This time the big battle is initiated by Brother Long!"

"What about the legendary demon under Brother Long? Has it entered yet?"

"Unfortunately, I came a step late and didn't see it!"

"What's the hurry, wait a moment to enter the interior of the planet, the devil must be like the sun in the sky, extremely dazzling, you can see enough if you want to see it!"

"Haha, it's a pity it's not a mermaid, otherwise I would have seen enough!"

"Don't worry, Brother Long said, as long as it goes well this time, the mermaid will be wrapped around him!"

Hope "Well, I have brought all the combat power."

"Must do it! Besides, this time we are not directly fighting Chen Mo!"

"Yeah, we just have our own plans, and he has no reason to stop us."

Not necessarily "Well, what if the other party also sells the planet?"

"Hehe.. You can try, 50 billion transactions, in the middle of the night, you can throw it up and see, does anyone buy it?"

"that is!"

"In my opinion, that's simply not possible."

This time, "Our opponents are only indigenous people. There is no reason to fail. Anyway, we will try our best. As for whether Brother Long can win the planet, that is his own business."

"Yes, those who can do more work! Let's divide the labor and cooperate, and just do our part.

"Anyway, in this wave, no matter who comes, I will fight to the death at the entrance!"

"Me too!"

add me!

"Let's unite and cooperate together! Strength can break gold!"

"Hahaha! Relax everyone, Chen Mo never imagined that we would do this at the last moment!"

"He thought the victory was in his hands, maybe he was having a good time with the mermaid, but we had to win!"

"Indeed, Brother Long held back for so long just to wait for this moment.

"Surprise win!"

"This time must be Chen Mo's most relaxed time."

"Agree! Our actions are very safe, and even the current preparations are actually superfluous."


"I'm afraid it wasn't that Chen Mo got up and saw the newcomer area rankings, and his eyes would pop out."

"Hahaha! Looking forward to that scene!"

"What if, I mean what if the other party finds out?"

"Then fight!"

"Who is afraid of whom!

"We also have a legend. Although there is only one, but it is at the entrance of the passage, can it not even support the time of the transaction?"

"Indeed, occupying one of the planets is our victory."

This time "It will be a success!

Li Long looked at the more and more newcomers gathered at the door and smiled brightly.

Many powerhouses were pulled over and joined his camp one by one.

At this moment, he is full of confidence!

"Good trick... Li Long, I really didn't expect you to secretly win over so many people.

On the side, Wang Yifeng looked complicated.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, it was Li Long who turned from defeat into victory.

He's always fantasized about being this character.

Now it seems that some of them are taken for granted.

At the same time, he also realized that he was indeed in a long-term plan, and he was not patient without Li Long.

Eyesight is also a little bit different than the contrast.

Fortunately, he is also powerful, and Li Long pulled him into this action.

Of course, don't think about eating meat, drink some soup at most.

Tonight, Li Long is destined to be dazzling, standing in the center of the stage.

And he and Chen Mo will both serve as foils.

The other party is about to be dubbed the "Rookie King".

That one-of-a-kind reputation, the attention of various forces, the rewards of the federation, etc... Wang Yifeng is heartbroken!

But on second thought, Chen Mo maintained his advantage for so long and became a clown overnight.

Wang Yifeng felt a little better.

"Ah... I didn't win over, I just found out who had real ambitions, refused to accept Chen Mo, and wanted to do something big.

"Genius is not genius, I think second.

"This kind of struggle mentality is very important, isn't it?"

Li Long smiled lightly.

Wang Yifeng's eyes made him very useful!

This time, it is indeed the right time and place!

Of course, first of all, he is very strong!

By consuming a lot of resources and giving it a try, I exchanged enough evolutionary potions from the federation to forcibly support the most talented demon to the legendary level!

With this power, he has the capital to win over many newcomers!

His high-end strength is sufficient, but it is almost impossible to conquer a planet in a short period of time.

But with the addition of these people, all of a sudden, he was able to pull up a high-end team of hundreds of thousands.

There are a lot of ninth orders in it!

At this time, it is entirely possible to wipe out the entire planet!

"The world's elite, all for my use!"

"The reward for the first place...

Thinking of this, Li Long couldn't help but feel hot inside.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth is also upturned.

Holy Terra.

"This little clever ghost Li Long, at the last moment, actually came here."

"Shameless attack?

Chen Mo couldn't help but be astonished.

This action of the other party was indeed beyond his expectation.

But obviously,

The other party does not know how he gathers intelligence here.

Not just by himself!

Relying on the magic eye, miners and biological masterminds, as well as the secretary little fox.

Here, Chen Mo maintains a very high degree of vigilance at all times.

It doesn't matter what state he was in at all!


Even if he was sound asleep,

You can still spot each other's little moves!

"Where exactly did they go?"

Chen Mo looked at the little fox and asked.

"At present, I have observed that there are about 100 newcomers participating in it. The number is not large, but most of them have good strength. More importantly, they are large in number, and they all carry weapons. They should be trying to quickly clear the aboriginals inside the planet. ."

"The elites headed by the legends have entered the interior of the planet.

"The most dangerous first settlement is expected at this time."

After "clearing and strengthening the enemy, we should start a comprehensive purification. This step is also the most time-consuming. Even if we do it, it will take at least half a day.

"It stands to reason that they can't finish it, but I guess they have a way to massacre, which should be at the cost of destroying the environment."

The little fox carefully analyzed it.

"Master, we set off immediately to prevent them from occupying the planet!"

On the side, the two sisters learned of the situation and asked to fight.

Although they don't know how their mothers succeeded, they also want to gain the gift of their masters!

Right now, it's an opportunity.

The other party has not yet established a defense, and while the legend is inside the planet, they pass by and kill randomly.

No one could stop it.

"It only takes 5 minutes, you can come back and continue to cook for the master."

Ellie waved her pink fist and said confidently.

"Not urgent."

Chen Mo smiled and waved his hand.

He motioned for Sister Flower to sit beside him.

"They got up in the middle of the night, so diligent, just give them a chance and let them pay the planet."

"When the purification is almost complete, it will not be too late for us to pass.

Now the strong block, of course, Chen Mo is vigilant and strong.

But this is an opportunity to make money for free!

Chen Mo has no reason to let it go.

After thinking about it, for safety's sake, he ordered again:

"Send the magic eye to observe from a distance, and at the same time prepare an army of flying dragons, just prepare it in the fortress, which is the closest."

"It's the master!"

said the little fox.

The two sisters sat down obediently.

"Okay, let's play music, then dance!"

Chen Mo laughed.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that he thought the second stage was over soon.

It's all right.

As a result, some people are not reconciled.

In the middle of the night, at the last moment, I have to come to boost his performance!

His achievements this time are destined to be unprecedented.

It is estimated that there will be no later comers.

After all, this is no longer what Chen Mo can achieve alone.

It is the result of the "cooperation" of local tyrant families and consortiums.

Li Long did have two strokes, but his desperate behavior was doomed to failure.

Chen Mo has too many cards in his hand.

Playing cards with him will make you cry!

"The other party is still too dependent on the resources behind him.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking.

If it develops steadily and steadily, is it not stronger than it is now?

Always thinking of relying on the consortium behind him to make small moves.

Now even the routine of directly acquiring planets has come.

This requires a lot of money.

"At this moment, he should feel that he is winning, right?"

Chen Mo stood on the other side's point of view and thought for a moment.

It is expected that the opponent will conquer the planet when the game is nearing the end.

Then declare sovereignty, trade planets, and one dragon.

At the last moment, sit on the throne of the first place.

But the plan is good.

The reality is that Chen Mo has seven or eight world 2.4 sons on hand.

There are even more legendary beasts that are about to be born!


This can cause meteorites to fall from the sky and directly trigger the existence of global earthquakes and tsunamis.

To say resist beatings, attack tough.

It doesn't get any better than this.

Let alone a child of the world blocking the door.

Even a row can't stop this behemoth charging up.

a thought move,

Chen Mo came to the Fortress,

The dazzling blue light has reached the sky.



A low roar made the whole ground shake slightly.

As if the whole earth had a heartbeat.

The behemoth has three huge magical hearts.

The surging power caused him to tremble just after waking up.

Thorn pull!

Eggs split!

I saw the giant insect eggs more than 20 kilometers high and began to shatter.

The broken part did not collapse with a bang.

Rather, it melts and hydrolyzes.

The whole egg begins to ablate from top to bottom.

turned into a viscous liquid.

There have been giant creatures, among them, submerged in liquid.

mucus is absorbed,

The monster showed its shape.

The first is the back of a hill.

Then there's the hideous head.

Blue eyes.

Metallic claws.

The monster took a sharp breath, and the surrounding wind blew wildly.

stand up gently,


With a light sound, the bacterial creep around the claws turned into powder.

The giant Leviathan has not yet adapted to its own terrible power.

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