Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 195 Too much Mu Yao shouts no! Idealist knowledge: trace the source! Sell equipment! (1 more

"A lot?"

Chen Mo looked at Mu Yao's expression.

Confirm carefully.

She doesn't seem to be lying.

It does seem to be a lot.


Chen Mo clapped his hands, and immediately a mermaid came over and opened another warehouse.

"There are a thousand green form Tiberium ore in it, so let's go there first.

"But my suggestion is that it's best to expand your factory and train more relevant personnel. Anyway, you also have the corresponding knowledge, so it shouldn't be difficult."

"Check it out.

Chen Mo said, and asked the mermaid to take out a blue-shaped ore and hand it to Mu Yao.

"Ah... no, no, I can't take it."

"This is real.

Mu Yao hurriedly waved her hand.

This ore is not fun, she still wants to keep her skin moisturised!

The radiation pollution of Tiberium ore is quite scary.

She doesn't want to try.

Just a little closer, her hair fluttered.

This is the manifestation of a strong electrostatic force field.

Obviously, this Tiberium is real.

At the same time, she realized that she had made the right bet.

This is just the beginning, just in-depth, within a few minutes of cooperation, Chen Mo will be able to tell her not to.

what happens next,

What else could Chen Mo do, she didn't dare to think.

All in all, absolutely exciting.

"Five Seven Three"

It seems that his plan to dominate Xiahai City's resource processing field is almost ready to begin.

"The talent of a mermaid is really useful.


Liu Ru on the side noticed another detail.

This mermaid took out the Tiberium ore without using any protective equipment to assist!

They seem to have a way to resist pollution a little by using only their own power.

It's amazing.

"It doesn't seem to be just beautiful... This Terra is really full of surprises."

She couldn't help feeling emotional.

At the same time, she also understood why Chen Mo had so many Tiberium ore in a short period of time.

As a star soul powerhouse, even she is envious.

This is a headache for many star soul powerhouses, but for Chen Mo, it is not worth mentioning.

Even Chen Mo didn't deliberately bring it up.

Will there be more of these magical hole cards?

Thinking of this, she immediately admired Mu Yao's decision just now.

Take a gamble and definitely win.

"How? If you can't eat it, then I can only sell it to others."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

He had given priority to Mu Yao.

The other party couldn't take it, so he couldn't be blamed.

It's just that if you find someone else's processing, then the price has to be discussed separately.

You also have to be careful not to be secretly caught by the other party.

Tiberium ore is processed into a stable energy block, which has a chance of being scrapped.

Skilled workers and corresponding civilizations are also needed.

In short, very troublesome.

After hearing Chen Mo's inquiry.

Mu Yao pondered for a while, then stretched out two fingers.

"Can you only eat 20%?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"No no, I mean, give me 2 days!"

Mu Yao quickly shook her head.

"I need to buy more equipment and expand production."

Her civilization is really good at processing these high-energy minerals.

The problem is that the equipment in this area is very expensive and depreciated.

She won't buy new equipment at will until she has enough orders, and she will have to lose money.

"Then trade in 2 days."

"You eat it all, is it alright?"

Chen Mo confirmed again.

He desperately needs cash.

If Mu Yao couldn't handle it, he would find someone else to do it.

The price of energy blocks is very high now.

Getting it out is a lot more profitable than selling Tiberium ore directly.


Mu Yao gritted her teeth and agreed.

I didn't expect Chen Mo's business here to be so big.

She had to endure it.

Just get used to it later.

In short, quickly expand production,

"By the way, I still have more than ten tons of magic crystals, I don't know...

"No, no, I really can't hold any more."

Before Chen Mo could finish speaking, Mu Yao quickly waved her hand.

The delicate face is already pale.

"Do you want mining equipment? They are all 90% new, enough for an entire planet..

"Brother~ Let's talk about this next time.

Mu Yao said quickly.

God, I finally made some money during this time, and I used it all to make a package for Chen Mo.

God, "If I keep doing it like this, I have a hunch that I'll have to make a match.

Mu Yao thought so, her legs could not help softening.

Kind of want to leave now.

This place is weird!

Can't stay long!

Last time, she just stayed for a while, and got in more than one billion yuan.

This time, I scolded me for a meal, and put in tens of billions.

All in line with Chen Mo's supporting business.

If Chen Mo suddenly doesn't work, or doesn't do it anymore.

Then she would have to go bankrupt on the spot.

"Does Boss Chen need some funds? Maybe I have a solution."

Seeing that Mu Yao was in a panic, Liu Ru hurried up to help "relieve the siege".

See Chen Mo over here,

She smiled and said, "Didn't you say you want to shoot that eggshell?"

"I really know a lot of big guys who are interested in collecting in this area."

"It's all at the Star God level.

"Your eggshell, if you're lucky, can sell for a very high price."

Speaking of this, Liu Ruyi changed his lazy tone and said seriously:

"But the price is high, and there are other reasons."

"This is an item produced from the god-level lizard dragon, and it is very closely related to it in terms of cause and effect. Some bosses buy this item, maybe not just for collection.

"There is a knowledge called 'origin' that traces the origin of the birth of things."

"However, the requirements for items are very high. If this eggshell is often remembered by the lizard dragon, it should meet the requirements.


Could it be so?

Chen Mo was suddenly stunned.

No wonder so many people like to acquire some ancient relics.

"The water in the collection world is very deep."

Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed, I estimate that your eggshell can be sold for about 2 billion yuan, but if the other party's methods are clever enough, they may find the female lizard dragon based on this, and then backhand will make more money.

"Of course, he also has to beat the opponent."

"In short, for Star God, this is also a high-risk, high-reward business."

"It's almost like gambling."

"You're just gambling relics. In fact, many people like to play. If you are interested, I can introduce you to people in this circle.

Liu Ru said with a smile.

"No, if that's the case, then I'd better keep the eggshell and see if I can get the corresponding knowledge."

Chen Mo said.

Knowing that there is a way, he will naturally not sell eggshells again.

Others feel that they can't reach the Star God level, and they can't help the lizard dragon.

But Chen Mo is different,

He felt that he could get the other party, so there was no need to give up tens of billions or even more benefits for these billions.

"That's okay, long-term plan."

"However, this knowledge is very difficult to obtain, and it is not allowed to learn this knowledge until level 2.0 civilization, the threshold is still quite high,

Liu Ru said.

Of course she is optimistic about Chen Mo's future, but it is still very difficult to specify which knowledge to acquire.

At least in a short time, Chen Mo will definitely not be able to reach the Star God.

At present, this eggshell can only be used as a collectible, with dust accumulation.

"Then what else?"

"If not, let's go first."

Mu Yao frantically gave Liu Ru a wink.

Why are you still chatting!

go now!

For a while longer, she was afraid that she would be left alone.

too cruel,

The wallet can't stand it.

Mu Yao pulled Liu Ru out of the parent star channel.

Watching Mu Yao and the two leave.

Chen Mo opened the trading platform.

The mining equipment that was not sold just now was hung on it.

If you can't sell it as a package,

Also had to trouble a little, one by one bought on the trading platform.

If the average person does this, there is no benefit.

Because mine equipment from all over the planet is collected, cleaned up, and sold.

This is a big project!

But the advantage of Chen Mo is that there are many people, and it does not consume much when used.

So this kind of thing that seems to others to make some hard money is not happy.

And the benefits are great!

"9.9% new, all mining equipment that has just been used for less than 2 days is now on sale at 10% off.

By the way, Chen Mo advertised again in the newcomer area.

for a time,

The whole novice area is boiling.

Many people in War Zone 33 vomited blood directly.

"Good guy, buy at 10% off, sell at 10% off.

Woo ". This is my device, Chen Mo, you pay me back my hard-earned money!"

"I don't rent out Chen Mo's miners anymore. The money I made from mining was taken away by Chen Mo before it was hot!"

"Cough, listening to these people upstairs, it seems that this is indeed 9.9% of the new equipment.

"Hahaha! I'm in War Zone 38, I bought these goods!"

Thanks to "the sacrifices of the brothers in the 33rd theater, let us buy a bargain."

"Yeah, although it's a bit unbearable to say that, but please Chen Mo to increase the strength of 3.3!"

"Be sure to step up!"

"I still need some siege weapons and a lot of long-range magic weapons. When will Mr. Chen Mo collect a second-hand item for sale? When that time comes, I will be the first to support it!"


We are "in great demand, brothers in theater 33 have to endure."

Chen Mo glanced at the newcomer area,

The demand is great, these few words made him not smile.

Just need it.

It shows that this business can be done.

Originally, he was worried that second-hand goods would not sell well.

Now it seems that I think too much, many of these newcomers have connections with each other.

Many people accused him.

Instead, it proved to him.

This batch of goods is indeed from a reliable source and the quality is guaranteed!

After confirming the market on the trading platform, Chen Mo made a thought and let the masters of the Fortress start to work.

Get ready to infect lizard dragon scales!

"Master, things have been done."

At this time, Irene also delivered the goods and came back.

Leviathan is here, it's very easy to transport this giant cargo!

"Master, this is a statistical list of manganese mining areas.

Erin said softly.

Delicate face, flushed red, very excited.

This is her first solo mission.

And the harvest... I believe it is enough to please the owner.

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