Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 196 Collecting Money from the Air! I cried! I was toyed with again! (2 more)

"In addition to manganese ore, I also found this in it."

Saying that, Irene opened her hand and released an image.

Image display:

In the depths of the mine, there is a detector hidden in the Temple of Heaven.

Such detectors are extremely difficult for ordinary people to find.

But for Chen Mo, it is very familiar.

On any planet suspected of being infested by the Temple of Heaven, it is already a habitual operation for the parasite legion to search for this kind of thing.

So it is not surprising that Irene found out.

The only weird thing is, why are they putting this deep in the mine?

"Do they want to teleport from the huge mine space below?

Chen Mo was curious.

Are all the mice that like to dig holes in the Temple of Heaven?

If so, that would be interesting.

This means that the other party inexplicably bumped into his muzzle.

The space gene just hasn't had time to test.

This time, it is a good opportunity for the space guillotine test.

If there is a commander of the Temple of Heaven, slap him and break the other's head,

Then you can pick up a ring for nothing.

Not to mention, the revenue is 2-5 billion.

Earn blood!

Of course, this is the most optimistic scenario.

Actually Chen Mo thinks it is unlikely.

After all, the Temple of Heaven is not a fool.

Failed 2 times in a row, and it was all with him.

29 They can definitely guess that they have any special way to detect the existence of the detector more or less.

Therefore, it is really silly to use this method of sneak attack.

Especially when Chen Mo made such a big noise.

everyone knows,

This is now Chen Mo's site.

There is no reason for the Temple of Heaven to engage in a sneak attack.

"Maybe it was arranged a long time ago, and the Temple of Heaven didn't expect me to occupy this place."

"Since it's already been arranged..."

Chen Mo opened the watch and contacted Luo Bing.

You have to remind them of this.

Luo Bing is already building a portal, and this will be the passage for Chen Mo to enter the "back garden" in the future.

If he followed the way of the Temple of Heaven, he would lose a lot.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Luo Bing looked at Chen Mo, a trace of tension flashed in his big eyes.

Mainly because it scared Chen Mo.

The only time, Chen Mo took the initiative to contact her and knocked her a lot of small money.

It made her so poor now.

The main reason is that Chen Mo is owed more than 30 billion yuan.

Facing the creditor, her eyes dodged and she felt guilty.

However, the conditions given by Chen Mo were very attractive.

She simply couldn't refuse.

So the current situation is that she is afraid that Chen Mo has something good and wants to tempt her.

Chen Mo looked at Luo Bing, who had been trained to change into a phobia by himself, forcibly restrained his smile, and said:

"Don't panic, this time I'm preparing for my responsibilities as a partner.

"Just a reminder.

What kind of bad thoughts could he have?

Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "Dear Mr. Chen Mo, please speak."

Chen Mo: "I have played against the Tianshen Temple several times before, and I know some of their methods. One of them is very special and extremely difficult to find. You need to pay special attention."

Luo Bing's expression froze, but before she could speak,

Chen Mo went on to say: "The Temple of Heaven will use what I call a detector" to perform spatial positioning and to spy on intelligence at the same time."

"This kind of detector has a non-metallic bionic shell, passive detection, and it is very difficult to detect when it is not working."

"And once activated, the Temple of Heaven can quickly tear out a space channel."

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Luo Bing's pupils shrank,

There is still such a thing!

She has absolutely no idea.

Fortunately, Chen Mo told her, otherwise she will suffer a big loss in the next battle!


At this moment, Luo Bing suddenly remembered something.

An angel reported to her before that a newcomer was attacked by the Temple of Heaven.

Her strategy at the time was:

Don't go to the rescue, but directly attack the stronghold of the Temple of Heaven!

Copy the house!

It is planned to drive the people from the Temple of Heaven to the planet first and establish a defense system!

Think about it now,

With the detectors in place, the plan is completely useless.

Moreover, this wave of sudden attacks on the Temple of Heaven might be a tactic.

The purpose is to steal.

Swapped homes belong to yes.

But the Temple of Heaven can afford it, but Luo Bing can't.

She has only one chance.

If defeated, it will be difficult to get up.

She quickly told Chen Mo about it.

"Obviously, the Temple of Heaven is dark, and you are bright."

"That new man sect must be saved, after all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!"

"But you go to the rescue together, be careful of the fire in the backyard."

Chen Mo carefully analyzed.

I have to say that because of him, the combat effectiveness of the 38th theater is too low.

I thought it was a good thing,

After all, the fewer the newcomers, the weaker they will be, and the less resources will be consumed. When he rushes past, how much is left will be his.

Pure earning.

But now it seems that

The disadvantages are also obvious.

That is to poop and pee while riding on the head of the Temple of Heaven.

In the rest of the war zone, the Temple of Heaven is basically still in the testing phase, and the defense is the main one.

But in the 38th theater, the Tianshen Temple at this time, has realized its advantages.

So soon, things started to happen.

Take the initiative.

The newcomers were weak and weak. Although they all united around Luo Bing and carried out a unified defense, they were still very passive.

Being led by the nose of the Temple of Heaven.

Chen Mo could probably guess that in this wave, the Temple of Heaven would definitely turn the newcomer into a stalemate, with a huge momentum.

At that time, more and more people will support and attract attention.

The rest of the places are the key points for the breakthrough of the Temple of Heaven.

There are many newcomers who are afraid that their homes will be raided.

"The best way is that you don't do anything, let alone attack the Temple of Heaven, but wait quietly for the opportunity."

"If the Tianshen Temple has the idea of ​​​​taking a house, it must be implemented recently. You can secretly contact the rest of the newcomers and prepare a big one."

This "intelligence" is used well, and you can also get a lot of benefits from the rest of the newcomers.

After listening to Chen Mo's analysis, Luo Bing couldn't help but nodded.

"Since this is the case, then I will stand still, and at the same time secretly contact a few powerful newcomers, and then turn around and ambush the first-hand Tianshen Temple!"

Luo Bing felt that this was an opportunity and was very excited.

As long as this plan is successful, it may be able to make a lot of money.

Don't expect to be as successful as Chen Mo.

But half, she is also content.

What's more, only Chen Mo has done such a feat so far, and it would be great if she becomes the second one!

With the prestige of victory, you will be able to speak the truth in the 38 theaters.

"How about this, isn't this plan perfect?"

When Chen Mo said this, he couldn't help but smile slightly and looked at Luo Bing.

“A great program!”

"As long as you are, why are you looking at me like that?"

Luo Bing looked at Chen Mo's smile, and suddenly, a feeling of deja vu came to his heart.

Wait! 630

It was the same last time he cared about asking for money!


Luo Bing had the urge to hang up the video.

It was almost like the first time she saw Chen Mo naked.

All in all, scalp tingling!


The next moment, Chen Mo chuckled lightly and made a demonic temptation sound:

"Then why are you still standing there, let's trade."

"I have prepared the magic eye for you. You can find the detector in advance with the cooperation of a few angels with keen perception."

"By the way, I also prepared a space shielding device for you."

"This is something I made based on my newly acquired knowledge.

"It can disturb the space channel, and at a critical moment, you can close the transmission channel. At that time, not only can you close the door and beat the dog, but you can actually grasp it well, and you can also obtain an undamaged magic device."

"I can borrow it for you.

"After it's done, I'll give you three."

At this moment, Luo Bing was completely addicted to it, until Chen Mo's last sentence.

Suddenly a shiver.

Wake up.

Immediately, he showed an expression of wanting to cry without tears.

Luo Bing was so angry,

But he couldn't refuse.

The other party ate her to death.

"'re playing with me!

woo woo woo..

A plan is a good plan.

Making money is also real.

But no matter how you look at it, it looks like he is being manipulated by Chen Mo and then works for him!


Chen Mo couldn't help but look weird.

It's not that it makes you a little more money.

As for the rise to such a serious level?

"You just say don't do it!"

Chen Mo has a hard airway.


Luo Bing agreed, tears welling up at the same time.

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