Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 201 Looking for capable talents! The gods are resurrected! A new storm has appeared! (1 more

Governor of the planet.

As the general mind of running a planet, not only need to be responsible to Chen Mo, but also earn enough profit every month.

There is also responsibility for the entire planet.

Manage things big and small on the planet.

While maintaining ecological balance, it is necessary to increase production as much as possible.

If you are ambitious, try to transform the planet to improve the planet's score.

Therefore, this position is a very important position.

Ordinary people can't be.

Must be a managerial talent.

Or the confidant of the Lord of Star Souls.

There are only three real planet masters appointed by Chen Mo at present.

Queen, and two sisters Erin.

The remaining 10 planets have not yet appointed personnel.

Chen Mo had considered letting a few children of the world take refuge in to manage.

They are strong enough and their abilities are not bad.

However, the Queen's breakthrough, and the knowledge she brought in her dreams, gave the murlocs a chance.

A person who can transform the waters of the planet to be the governor is more suitable.

inside the manor,

With the Queen's order.

A team of 20 mermaids entered the hall nervously.

This is their first time,

Seeing the Divine Will so closely.

All so excited!

Without any command fire ceremony, 20 mermaids spontaneously fell to the ground.

Look up to the greatest being in your heart. 29

"Get up.

Chen Mo said.

All of them were lying on their stomachs, and only their foreheads were exposed. How could he carefully observe the selection?

But just sense the breath, the strength of these mermaids is good.

Each is ninth order.

One of them has even reached the ninth-order peak.

As expected of knowledge from the source.

The effect is very significant!

But... since the effect is so good, it shows the power of the "source".

"If there is no Star Soul World invasion, the murlocs should usher in a wave of explosive growth after the queen grows into a legend."

"Then the whole civilization swelled up rapidly.

"The queen herself will also be known as a super genius who has accumulated a lot of money. In the past few decades, she has leaped from a legend to a demigod."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo instructed the queen to pay attention to the developmental trajectory of several geniuses in the clan.

Based on this data, he can speculate in detail the influence of the source "" on civilization.

Then estimate the opponent's resurrection time.

Of course, the source of things is too far away.

The reason why he did this was to apply this data template of "ordinary people wake up, become enlightened, become geniuses, and lead the rise of civilization" to other indigenous civilizations.

It is used to detect whether other indigenous peoples are also affected by the source.

This seems to be very likely now!

Especially when detected by his consciousness detectors.

The disturbance range of the "source" is surprisingly large.

It is only one level weaker than the 4 common background consciousness disturbances (4 evil gods).

The knowledge about consciousness and evil spirits was all learned from Lilia when Chen Mo was idle.

While the other party is still there,

Chen Mo prostitutes a lot of knowledge that is not "knowledge".

And this method of judging the return of the gods was also taught to him by Lilia.

As for the cost, it's just a good breakfast.

"If nothing else,

"Within a hundred years, the "source" will surely return. "

"Before that, there will be a genius who will lead the rise of his own civilization and give birth to this event of the return of the gods."

Although Chen Mo has not yet found a similar marine civilization.

But he can be sure,

At present, such civilizations must not be in the minority, and they are all developing rapidly.

If they know that there is a similar civilization, they will be very interested.

If you know the deep meaning of it, you will be immediately hostile.

Because there will only be another one who welcomes the return of the gods to civilization.

In theory, they are mortal enemies.

The area ruled by the Temple of Heaven is so huge, there must be more than one such civilization.

Perhaps the level of development is not low.

Now is the time when the Temple of Heaven needs to employ people.

Maybe it will let the opponent rise.

Even fuel the flames?

When Chen Mo was thinking, the mermaids had grown up.

Stand in a row, straighten your body, and raise your head.

Chen Mo looked at the past, the most dazzling, naturally smooth skin, breathtaking arc.

Then there are the frenzied eyes.

Chen Mo believes that as long as he nods his head, they can immediately rush over and kiss the instep frantically.

Of course,

Chen Mo has seen this kind of thing too much and is not interested.

"Great divine will, please let me serve you!"

A mermaid was excited and said boldly.

But from her trembling voice, it can be seen that she is very excited, and even talking, she can't help but want to get to Chen Mo's feet.

However, she quickly reacted and forcibly stopped her body's instinct.

Chen Mo looked at each other,

at the same time,

The queen also submitted the other party's resume.

[Mermaid Elite, Avril Lavigne]

[Strength]: Ninth-order peak

[Features]: Management, dancing, singing, fighting

Resume 【】: The Mermaid Princess of Ocean Planet. He has experience in managing large-scale cities with a level 1.0 civilization, with a population of more than 100 million people, participated in 3 foreign wars, and is responsible for the construction of some secret arsenals and foreign trade.

[Evaluation]: This is a genius with almost no shortcomings, especially in terms of force.

"not bad.

"The first batch of mermaids selected should be of the best quality, and this one is a typical representative.

Chen Mo looked at the mermaid with a sweet voice and a body in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

Except for this Avril, the other mermaids are not bad either,

Each has its own specialties.

However, it is rare to have the potential of a demigod.

After all, the gods are enough to support a civilization, and the demigods are the first person under the demigods.

Besides the Queen and Sister Erin, one such talent could be found.

Prove that the murlocs have good potential.

Of course, the one who ultimately benefits is still Chen Mo.

His luck is not bad!

"From now on, you are the Governor of Planet 14.

Chen Mo said calmly.

"Thanks for the approval of the Great Divine Will!"

"Do your best!

When Avril heard this, she couldn't bear it any longer, and instantly fell to the ground.

Shivering with excitement.

Before all the words of thanks were finished, her voice was completely out of shape, with a cry.

She was so excited.

Manage a planet!

Or appointed by the divine will!

From now on, she shoulders the mission of the great divine will!

This honor is very heavy, making her feel extremely uneasy, but at the same time, she is extremely excited. There are hundreds of millions of 703 spirits in the astral world, and only a dozen people can obtain this honor.

And she is one of them.

How can you not be excited?

At this time, Chen Mo was also a little stunned.

How can a mermaid be so excited?

Just more orgasm.

"Unconsciously, among the murlocs, has my prestige reached such a level?"

This time Chen Mo didn't call her up.

Let the other party be at his feet.

It's okay to vent.

Don't be troubled.

He didn't want his governor to have a mental problem because he was too emotional before he took office.

at this time,

The queen on the side suddenly changed her expression,

He leaned into Chen Mo's ear and whispered:

"Master, I noticed a strange sound in the dream created by the disturbance of the source consciousness."

"Looks like... someone else got in there too.

"According to the method that Mr. Lilia said, I identified that the other party is also from the outside world and is a certain intelligent creature."

Because the queen has been promoted to a demigod, she has been able to multitask.

So all the time, she is carrying out the transformation of this ocean planet, as well as the disturbance of consciousness connected with the source, trying to gain more knowledge from it.


Chen Mo was suddenly shocked.

Did it come so fast?

I was just thinking about the return of "Resurrection of the Source", but I didn't expect it to appear now!

This is definitely another marine civilization disturbed by the "source" consciousness!

And the strength of the other party has reached the legend.

After the disturbance of the source consciousness, it is about to develop rapidly.

Soon, a demigod may be born.

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