Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 202 Determine the enemy! The big gift package is on the scene! Full start! (2 more)

Star Soul World.

Has four major institutions.

They are the Parliament, the Federation, the Great Library, and the Tribunal.

Among them, the big library is responsible for reviewing knowledge and researching knowledge.

Lilia, as a scholar of the big library, is very proficient in this field.

Especially in the field of archaeology that I am good at.

The research on consciousness disturbance in this field is quite in-depth.

With this knowledge, Chen Mo quickly reconfirmed the queen's judgment.

There are indeed others who are also connected to the disturbances of consciousness of the Source.

But it is not yet certain whether it is an accident or a replicable behavior.

"I don't know why you asked such a question, but if it is your subordinate, or any person in the Star Soul World, this situation occurs."

"my suggestion is:

"Kill it directly, and try to erase the existence of the other party at the material level."

"Also, don't ask the court for help in this matter. Their handling method is the same as my suggestion."

Lilia helped the frame of the mirror, she was always calm, and at this moment, her voice was like a cold wind blowing through the ice.

Even Chen Mo couldn't help but feel some discomfort.

The queen on the side, not to mention, was directly pale.

"Thanks Miss Lilia, I will take care of it.

Chen Mo said with a smile.

There are some parts of him that he didn't say clearly, otherwise Lilia would have to change his words completely.

Maybe just stay here and refuse to leave?

After all, it's just a meteorite, and the other party will stay here for 2 days.

What if it was to create a tomb of a god?

Wasn't she ecstatic on the spot?

And then frantically swaying yourself to hurry up?

Not to mention, it's entirely possible!

Of course, Lilia stayed here, not for nothing.

Chen Mo got a lot of benefits.

But for the time being, he didn't leave Lilia's thoughts behind.

Academics are ticking time bombs.

In the star soul world, it may explode.

There is no room for this big man here.

If it gets out of control one day, things will be big.

"You...don't be such a rash person, do you have something new to discover?"

Let's exchange knowledge with each other, and you might gain something.

Lilia looked into Chen Mo's eyes, trying to find some clues.

However, Chen Mo's tone is very tight,

I don't want to get caught up in this research madness.

"Don't be distracted, dissect your meteorite carefully, the 3-day appointment is almost here, if you can't figure it out, I will move the meteorite.

Chen Mo changed the subject and said.

This meteorite's current research site has indeed hindered Chen Mo's construction.

This place was originally to be transformed into a warehouse.

Such a large space was left abruptly.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat your meal for a few days, and I'll be back, stingy~~

When Lilia was said that, she quickly put away her thoughtful expression.

Hurry up to ensure that there will be no delay.

"Tomorrow morning, I will give you a result!"

She patted her chest and said.

Immediately get back to work.

Chen Mo also walked slowly back to the manor.

Take a shower.

ready to sleep.

Looking forward to the results tomorrow.

As for the Queen's discovery, Chen Mo doesn't have a good solution at the moment.

After all, he hadn't cared about the "net cable"'s ability to cut people in the past.

It is not strong enough to infect the other party's consciousness only through dialogue.

So for now, Chen Mo can only let the queen pay attention to each other for a while.

If you have the opportunity, try to talk a little bit.

However, according to Lilia's conjecture,

One thing Chen Mo can already be 100% sure about.

The other party is from the Temple of Heaven,

And it should not be too far from the area where the ocean planet is located.

Maybe in the rear of the 33rd theater.

"We'll meet sooner or later.

"The other party is so talented, it should have been excavated by the Temple of Heaven and cultivated as a super genius."

"And because he is an aboriginal, he might also join the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven.

"When the time comes, the knowledge that the other party organizes and acquires will all be mine."

"I believe the other party thinks the same way and is eager to find me.

"However, the other party's knowledge of 'conscious disturbance' is not as rich as mine. "

Chen Mo could not help but analyze.

Both sides are naturally enemies.

Mutual hostility is inevitable.

Plus the identity of the Temple of Heaven.

mortal enemy!

Seriously speaking, the other party can also be regarded as the "source" person.

After all, the Star Soul World knows about this top secret, and there is a way to get rid of it.

The genius of the Heavenly Temple can't get rid of the attributes of being a tool person who has returned from the "source".

"Hehe, am I sabotaging that existence's plan again?"

"If she was conscious now, she would probably be so angry that she would cheat."

sun rise and moon set

In a soft mermaid song,

Chen Mo opened his eyes.

Another day has passed.

Before getting up, Chen Mo checked the trading platform as usual.

as I thought.

The mining equipment he hung up has been sold out.

These devices were all "acquired" at 10% off in the 33rd Theater.

Then sell it at a 10% discount at the ex-factory price.

Back and forth, the profits are considerable.

Hundreds of thousands of sets of equipment are almost all bought by newcomers.

At the same time, Chen Mo's mining equipment on other planets was also sold.

With the addition of the Devouring ability and Leviathan, some mining equipment, Chen Mo is no longer available.

Just sold together.

This is an extra income.

In addition to the ten tons of magic crystals he put on the shelves, this wave made a lot of money.

||| 1.5 billion, a lot. "

"It's equivalent to picking it up for nothing.

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

"Unfortunately, everyone knows that I am here, and the newcomers in the 33rd theater no longer buy new equipment to mine.

If you want to repeat this method of making a fortune, you have to wait until you go to War Zone 38. "

Check out the account:

Cash balance of 6 billion.

Tiberium Ore: 50 pieces.

Magic Crystal: 5 tons.

Manganese ore: 40 kg.

Tiberium "The ore can no longer be sold, it must be kept for myself."

"When the energy blocks from Muyao's place are shipped tomorrow, there will be a large amount of money in the account."

"Today, Li Long will also give the 55 billion yuan."

"Dark Sky is almost ready for full-scale construction, first add the required materials to the purchase list!"

Chen Mo can't wait to spend a sum immediately.

But he was in no hurry to place an order,

must retain funds for evolution,

After all, this is the first,

At present, it seems that the financial preparation is just enough.

But he still doesn't know, what level of wreckage will Lilia drive?

The level of Tiberium wreckage is too low, making (Zhao Dezhao) star core is very cheap.

If the level is high, it must be treated with caution.

In order to improve the success rate, Chen Mo naturally has to increase investment.

So in the end, can the dark sky start work immediately?

Depends on that oversized "goodie bag" of 20 open diameter.

"Master~~ Lilia, please come over.

Chen Mo got dressed and walked out of the bedroom,

The mermaid said respectfully.

"As expected of an overtime maniac, working all night!"

Chen Mo sighed.

Go to the meteorite laboratory immediately.

"If nothing else, it should be a surprise."

"A great day starts with a spree!"

Chen Mo forcibly controlled himself, the idea of ​​using the power of the master of the planet.

Prepare to go over and witness this surprise firsthand.

But the movement emanating from a distance has already foreshadowed some kind of omen.

There is light rising into the sky.

Not to mention Chen Mo, the two sisters, also wearing pajamas, were disturbed and ran out.

Chen Mo couldn't help but quicken his steps.

Looking forward to it! Idle,

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